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Ja sam skinuo album onog dana kad se pojavio i od tada pa sve do sad sam pokusavao da ubedim sebe da album nije golo govno, ali jednostavno ne mogu. Sve pesme su jebeno iste, nikakve razlike, nijednog pamtljivog dela, neki moderni melodaethcore rifovi... Sta je, bre, ovo?

Za mene je Evergrey The Masterplan, A Touch Of Blessing, I'm Sorry, Nosferatu... a ne ovo. Jbg.


Jbg. kako kome meni je album bash dobar ovaj novi i daleko bolji od MMA. Svidjaju mi se pesme poput Fail (ovo je najbolja pesma meni sa albuma), In Confidence i sve pesme od 7 pa do 11e. Pogotovo mi se svidja gitarski rad na albumu. ukusi.....



album jeste dobar. Da ga je izdao neki drugi bend za koji niste culi reagovali bi "u do jaja, ovo je bas dobro" i hvalili bi ga 3 nedelje...

Ali fora je sto EG iza sebe ima remek dela, a ovo je stvarno album koji ide na sigurno, bez eksperimentisanja i ubacivanja novih elemenata. Samim tim pravi progeri su ostali razocarani...

album jeste dobar. Da ga je izdao neki drugi bend za koji niste culi reagovali bi "u do jaja, ovo je bas dobro" i hvalili bi ga 3 nedelje...


Realno, da ne pishe Evergrey, na pola prvog slushanja bih ga batalio.



Broken Wings video premiere, supporting Whitesnake etc



Hey guys !! First of all, we just wanted to take the oppurtunity to thank all of you for your loyalty, especially everyone who pre-ordered the album through either our homepage or any recordstore in the world. You already, even before the releasedates, made the 20000 Ltd Ed copies go out of stock ! So thanks a million, from all of us!


In other news we are currently booking off shows for Europe , places where we usually dont pass on a european tour so be on the look out for that at our homepage.The premiere for the new video "Broken Wings" will be held at MTV and Headbangers Ball USA! We will let you know as soon as we know when.The video turned out awesome and we are extremely happy about it . We just hope that all of you will get to see the uncensored version. I mean of course you will in one way or another ; ).


We are also going to be opening for Whitesnake in our hometown at Scandinavium and at Hovet in Stockholm! Just playing these venues are something we have been growing up dreaming about, so for us it is a great feeling. Then to be opening for one of the greatest Hard Rock bands ever doesn't decrease that feeling. So for the ones who have the possibility, please come and take the chance to see us on a big stage.


We are adding new items to the webshop today so for those interested check that out. The release-party went great. We had all of our friends there and of course a good chunk of our Swedish fans were there as well.The new songs are coming together nicely and feel awesome to play live and people seemed to enjoy it as well.


We are currently promoting the hell out of this disc, making a million interviews and as you might have seen the reviews are fantastic pretty much everywhere so it seems we did something right!


What else… well just be sure to do your best at helping us promote evergrey all over the world and we hope to see you on tour soon


Thanks Tom, Henrik, Rikard, Jonas, and Jari







Evergrey has entered the Swedish charts at number 4!



Evergrey has entered the Swedish charts at number 4! This during an extremely competitive week with many new bigger releases. Adding to that, The charts are counted from Wednesday to Wednesday and Evergrey's TORN was released on Friday!


Great job and a massive thanks goes out to the Swedish fans, you rule !!!




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