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Posle prvog preslusavanja dolazim do zakljucka da je album govno kolosalnih razmera. Jedna dobra pesma ("Vodka"), jos 2-3 koje se mogu nazvati prosecnim za Korpiklaani i gomila sranja za koju ne shvatam zasto bi je iko slusao pored onakvih prethodnih albuma (narocito prva 3). Najgori Korpiklaani do sada, ubedljivo.


Ralje hiperprodukcije ih sve više i više jedu, em ne dozvoljavaju ljudima da ih se užele em ne stignu za kratko vreme ni da napišu valjan album, kapiram da neko dođe na probu sa rifom i svi su u fazonu "ma OK, daj samo da nakucamo što više pesama pa da izbacimo album i ove godine". Šta reći, sve gore i gore...


Jebote, u trenutku kada videh ovo last post za black/folk Korpiklaani, prođe mi kroz glavu neki fleš, kao imaginarna scena na koncertu Korpiklaanija (negde kod nas, recimo) kako se neki lik iz publike pijan k'o bulja dernja "aaaa, Kopilaniiii, aaaa, Kopilaniiii!!!!!!" :)


Elem, ja nikako da se nakanim ni stare albume da preslušam, tako da ovaj novi neće da dođe na dnevni red još neko vreme.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Finnish folk metallers Korpiklaani have issued the followingannouncement about appearing in the documentary "Promised Land of HeavyMetal:"


"Nowadays metal is one of the main export products of Finland. Finnishmetal is mainstream and valued all over the world. How come?


"The documentary ‘Promised Land of Heavy Metal’ deals with thisphenomena, and tells about the history and philosophy of Finnish HeavyMetal. This documentary contains many interviews with musicians, amongwhich also Korpiklaani features. The story of the success of Finnishmetal is regarded from different angles and illustrated by many musicalfragments.


"More about Promised Land of Heavy Metal you can find on their website, where the trailer can be viewed and this dvd can be ordered online."



  • 5 months later...

Pored silnih black i death bendova koje sam slusao, ovo je tako opustajuca stvar! Mogu da se veselim uz ovo i osecam se happy:)

Mislim da je to poenta Korpiklaania:pivopije:

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  On 3/11/2009 at 9:04 PM, :matija said:

Ma cini ti se, nema sanse ispod 500, to je minimum. Pa bre prvi put u zagrebu kad su bili 800 ljudi. Popularni su oni veoma.



Prvi puta 2007. u Zagrebu, solo nastup, oko 800 ljudi.

Drugi puta opet 2008. godine u Zagrebu, isti broj ljudi.



Sada dolaze po treći puta 14.10.2010., ali ovog puta u nešto manji klub Močvaru kapaciteta oko 600 ljudi.


To će biti vjerojatno rasprodano vrlo brzo, jer dolaze skupa sa Eluveitie.

  • 1 month later...

Spirit of the Forest i Voice of Wilderness su i dalje moji omiljeni albumi od njih, a With Trees najbolja pesma. Ovo je bend koji i ne zeli da bude ozbiljan ali itekako imaju ozbiljne stvari, kao sto je upravo spomenuta pesma. Noviji albumi nisu toliko dobri, na zalost..







  • 1 month later...

We have been pretty busy finishing our upcoming album Ukon Wacka. Ukon Wacka, or Ukon Vakat, is a pagan sacrificial feast from ancient times, on which a special made beer richly flowed. As can be expected from the title, this album has an ancient and very folky feel and is totally in Finnish. To make the lyrics understandable for non-Finnish people, we will add an English description/translation in the booklet as usual. The album consists of 10 songs, among which you will find a song name Tequila, which is especially written for (and inspired by) our South American fans, with whom we celebrated such hard times, and who welcomed us so warmly, when we were touring in South America. Another surprise is the title song, Ukon Wacka, in which a special guest features: the famous Finnish singer Tuomari Nurmio! Last but not least features a tribute song (Päät pois tai hirteen) to the Finnish rock band Peer Günt, a great and underestimated band. We hope and expect that this album will give you as much joy as we had making it; a big folky feast for all!


You only have to wait a bit, the release date is scheduled for February 4th 2011.

  • 3 weeks later...

Finnish folk metallers KORPIKLAANI will release their new album, "Ukon Wacka", in Europe on February 4, 2011 via Nuclear Blast Records.


01. Louhen Yhdeksäs Poika

02. Päät Pois Tai Hirteen

03. Tuoppi Oltta

04. Lonkkaluut

05. Tequila

06. Ukon Wacka

07. Korvesta Liha

08. Koivu Ja Tähti

09. Vaarinpolkka



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