KRANG Posted January 17, 2005 Report Posted January 17, 2005 (edited) ne videh temu nigde.. dakle, fenomenalni, veoma potcenjeni francuski bend.. Disciples Of The Ultimate Void Demo, 1999 Deathspell Omega / Moonblood Split, 2000 Infernal Battles Full-length, 2000 Clandestine Blaze / Deathspell Omega Split, 2001 Sob A Lua Do Bode / Demoniac Vengeance Split, 2001 Mütiilation / Deathspell Omega Split, 2002 Inquisitors Of Satan Full-length, 2002 Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice Full-length, 2004 svi albumi odlični... inteligentni satanistički textovi, odlično muzički, sveže, zadnji album jedan od boljih black albuma koje sam ikad čuo.. pokupio odlične recenzije svugde, a zaslužio još bolje.. komentari? Edited March 24, 2022 by Talvi Quote
Goxy Posted January 17, 2005 Report Posted January 17, 2005 (edited) Si monumentum... ne valja nista,al' zato su prva dva Nije dobro kad bend drasticno promeni zvuk.Dobar je i split sa Moonblood.Raping human dignity je BM. Edited January 17, 2005 by Goxy 1 Quote
KRANG Posted January 17, 2005 Author Report Posted January 17, 2005 ovo znači na lat: ako znak tražiš, pronjuškaj okolo meni njihov najbolji album.. najzreliji. inquisitors.. mi je takođe fenomenalan.. nemam taj split, pretpostavljam da je veoma loša produkcija? Quote
Goxy Posted January 17, 2005 Report Posted January 17, 2005 Jebes zrelost,meni je najbolji Infernal battles-primitivizam,minimalizam. Pesme sa splita su odlicne i da-zvuk je veoma los. Quote
Denethor Posted January 18, 2005 Report Posted January 18, 2005 Imam Si Monumentum ali jos uvek nisam stekao neki narocit utisak moracu jos da slusham. Quote
Frankenchrist Posted March 20, 2005 Report Posted March 20, 2005 Imam Inquiqitors Of Satan i split sa Clandestine Blaze, i sta znam, ocekivao sam vise od benda koji toliko hvale i pricaju da je potcenjen. Po mom misljenju sasvim prosecan bend, barem na ova dva izadanja. Quote
KRANG Posted March 20, 2005 Author Report Posted March 20, 2005 na ta 2 i jeste.. manje više.. nabavi zadnji. Quote
Frankenchrist Posted March 20, 2005 Report Posted March 20, 2005 Ime mu je toliko glupo da mi se stvarno ne nabavlja. 1 Quote
KRANG Posted May 23, 2005 Author Report Posted May 23, 2005 (edited) izašao je novi album.. Kénôse evo prvi review na koji sam naišao: Last year Deathspell Omega released one of the most powerful Black Metal albums of the last years. Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice was not only an amazing showcase of personal evolution, but also became an immediate landmark for Black Metal, a monolith of such dimensions and power no one could overlook it. Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice was the first part of a trilogy and when Deathspell Omega announced that a new album would be released in 2005 all the Black Metal community could only wait to hear what everyone expected to be another masterpiece. So one year later we receive the new Deathspell Omega opus, Kénôse and I must say it’s another immense album. It should be noted that Kénôse is not the second part of the trilogy that started with their previous album, but an appendix to it; I guess it could be said that this album is part 1-B. As the appendix this album is, the music could be described as an extension of Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice, which in essence follows the vein of Deathspell Omega’s previous effort while at the same time exploring new territories; perhaps this album could be a bridge between part one and two in musical terms. Consisting only of three songs although clocking over 30 minutes, Kénôse presents everything that we loved of the previous album: the bizarre riffing, the powerful percussive section and the religious atmosphere (although in less extent). The musicianship is perfect like in the last album and the song writing is amazing. What I found the most amazing feature in the album is how they have managed to create a very deep feeling of oddness. Let me explain; has it ever happen to you that you are doing something that you usually do, something of your routine but for some certain reason it just feels odd this time? It just feels uncomfortable and it makes you feel terribly bad? It’s like knowing something is not right, but not knowing exactly what's wrong. Well Deathspell Omega manage to create that feeling in their music, that feeling that makes it uncomfortable and that forces your senses to try to figure out what is disturbing them so much, and it’s something so powerful it will grab you and amaze you listen after listen. I simply can’t understand how a band can manage to create such deep emotions through their music, it’s simply amazing. Add to that awkward feeling some of the most sick sounding riffing I’ve ever heard and you have one of the most sense-raping albums I’ve heard in a long long time. Expect everything from the classic Black Metal elements to some very original passages that mix arpeggios and dissonant notes among many other features. In general a very disturbing and powerful experience. Present also in this album, there are some amazing Doom-like moments that help build the ambience and that simply work perfectly giving it an even more dynamic feeling. Once again Mikko Aspa of Clandestine Blaze is present in the album, and I think his performance here is more powerful than in the previous album and probably the best in his entire career. In the previous album he was present in the form of a “narrator”, but this time he delivers a more passionate execution of vocals. The production in this album is the same of the last album, very clear and most importantly very organic, thing that enhances the listening experience even more and which works perfectly with the many facets of the album. The Black Metal madness, the Doomesque decay and the disturbing “tranquil” passages all shine under the excellent and fitting production. Deathspell Omega are without a doubt one of the most powerful forces in Black Metal. Not only they master the art, but also challenge it by pushing the envelope further with every release. Black Metal can’t get any better than this. Killing Songs : All. 95 / 100 album ima samo 3 pesme, 30 minuta... deathspell potvrđuju dominaciju današnjom bm scenom Edited May 23, 2005 by KRANG Quote
Baja Car Posted May 23, 2005 Report Posted May 23, 2005 Dobio original digi sa knjizicom od cetrdeset strana!!! O utiscima kasnije, treba da se slegne!!! Quote
Goxy Posted May 24, 2005 Report Posted May 24, 2005 je li to album ili ep? na budjavom metal archivu pise ep Quote
KRANG Posted May 28, 2005 Author Report Posted May 28, 2005 (edited) pa, pazi, oni su ga nazvali appendix-om prvog albuma (prvog u predviđenoj trilogiji..) znači nije ceo album, ali nije ni ep. 36 minuta dela čistog genija. 3 nove velike pesme koje dopunjuju "si monumentum.." Edited May 28, 2005 by KRANG Quote
solicitor Posted June 14, 2005 Report Posted June 14, 2005 Veoma dobro izdanje. Ljubitelji ovog benda bi trebalo da ga imaju. Ima zestine i sirovine, ali ipak je produkcijski veoma dobro uradjen, ima screema, growla, atmosfericnih momenata, znaci sve sto treba da poseduje jedan dobar album ..... za svaku pohvalu Quote
kasapin Posted July 4, 2005 Report Posted July 4, 2005 novi nisam stigao da preslusam, demo snimak iz 1999, je odlican kao i naredna dva albuma Quote
Grobodan Posted July 5, 2005 Report Posted July 5, 2005 Izasao jos jedan jebeni crvuljak tj. appendix,split sa Malicious Secrets.DO imaju samo jednu pesmu Mass Grave Aesthetics. Inace,ja se ne oglasih ovde!Si Momentum je sjajan album,zanimljiv nacin novog prilaza dobro poznatoj materiji.Ne znam sta vam je lose na ovom albumu? Prva 2 albuma nabavljam ovih dana. 1 Quote
Grobodan Posted July 8, 2005 Report Posted July 8, 2005 I...dani za nabavljanje prva 2 albuma su dosli. Sta da kazem..IB je solidan,a IoS je fantazija,super OSBM,ali ipak mi ostaje najbolji poslednji album.Ovakvih albuma ima na sceni, a Si samo jedan (sad ce Goxy da me opljuje ) Quote
KRANG Posted July 8, 2005 Author Report Posted July 8, 2005 upravo tako. si monumentum.. mi je najbolji bm koji sam čuo godinama /(ako u to ne računam enslaved) Quote
Grobodan Posted July 8, 2005 Report Posted July 8, 2005 A Enslaved naravno necemo racunati jer nije BM (time ne zelim da kazem da je losh). Jesi slusao Antaeus?Francuzi isto,malo lice na DO.Nabavi,imaju dva albuma. 1 Quote
kasapin Posted September 4, 2005 Report Posted September 4, 2005 split sas Moonblood-om jebe keve... samo je lose sto se slabo cuju bubnjevi, mada su rifovi na gitari odlicni Quote
Goxy Posted September 4, 2005 Report Posted September 4, 2005 samo jedan (sad ce Goxy da me opljuje Znam da sam rekao da nevalja poslednji album,ali to sam napisao vec posle jednog slusanja u to vreme kad sam ga nabavio.Posle toga slusao sam ga jos jedanput,ali ipak vise volim dobre black metal albume odradjene na tradicional nacin.Jebiga,sta cu kad sam staromodan. Quote
kasapin Posted October 3, 2005 Report Posted October 3, 2005 Si Monomentum je ODLICAN! jedino sto ja vise volim piskaviju produkciju, mada se sve ok cuje ali ipak, previse basova za mene... od pesama - Odium Nostrum - jebe keve kako dobra melodija! a inace od starijih radova, u zadnje vreme stalno mi je u glavi pesma Desecration Master sa Inquisitors-a Inace, nabavio sam i nova 2 splita na kojima se pojavljuje DSO From Entrails To Dirt i Crushing Holy Trinity neki drugi put cu o pesmama sa njih... Quote
Frankenchrist Posted October 4, 2005 Report Posted October 4, 2005 mene Si Monumentum... poprilicno smara. Quote
kasapin Posted October 4, 2005 Report Posted October 4, 2005 Franji, jel ti visis na Grind][stuff][Music hubu na DC++u? posto sam ti juce video tamo nick Quote
Frankenchrist Posted October 4, 2005 Report Posted October 4, 2005 Franji, jel ti visis na Grind][stuff][Music hubu na DC++u? posto sam ti juce video tamo nick Tamo sam 24/7. Quote
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