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Najbolja DSO izdanja?  

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Slushah ovaj Fas, numerous times, i nekako mi mishljenje skache iz slushanje u slushanje iz dobrog u loshe i vice versa, ali ostaje da mi je prethodni album daleko boljshi(koji inache skoro slushah sas textovima, koji su definitivno exxtra, nisam se udubljivao previse, ali definitivno daju dodatnu dimenziju muzici), a i Kenose. U principu, nekako logichan, josh haotichniji skok su napravili sa Kenoseta na ovaj, ali u pojedinim trenucima, kao da muzika ne ide nikuda, pravo u prazninu, izgubim se uz kurac. Sa druge strane ima nekih stvarno extra delova, kao na "Bread Of Bitterness" i zadnjoj "A Chore For The Lost, sa posebno efikasnom zavrshnicom.

Chak probah i da gi slusham po Grejvovom receput, darkness+headphones, i definitivno je efikasno u onim 'horror' momentima, na "Obombration" i "Shrine", ali ipak ne popravljaju neshto posebno utisak, koji je 'djene-djene'.


Sola fide!

  • 4 months later...

Fas, godinu dana posle, a?


Neko rece - pretenciozan album... Moj odgovor je - moze im se.

Da se razumemo, ne slusam ih ja na dnevnoj bazi, album je uzasno tezak i zahteva stopostotno posvecenje ali to ne umanjuje moj respect.


Dakle - sviranje kurcu ili bozanstveno, pitanje je sad.


Ono sto mene zanima, jel FAS zvanicno treci album iz te najavljene triologije? Prvo, Kenose je izdat 2005-e kao ep, apendix SMRC(2004). Isto tako, u onom njihovom zadnjem intervjuu sredinom 2004-e, izjavili su da ce trebati par godina da drugi dio triologije dobije zavrsni oblik, a da je treci tek u magli.

Stoga, FAS dodje kao 2/3, sto znaci da nas do 2010-e ceka i zavrsni dio toga. Bas me zanima kako li ce to da zamaste, fora bi bila da se vrate nekom primitivnom zvuku i poseru se na gomliu ovih novih trendi 'wanna be avantgard' fanova.


A inace, dobra dilema - sviranje kurcu il bozanstvo :) Sto se slusanja tice, ja bar jednom mjesecno, kad obaveze i drustveni zivot dozvole, preslusam iz cuga sve od SMRC pa naovamo. A nocas cu taman da se podsjetim ovih starijih albuma, uzeljeh se sataninih inkvizitora & tog DT worship zvuka. Jebote, al sam se ja raspisao o njima kao mutav u poslednje vrijeme, ispada da je Pit bio u pravu kad me je okarakterisao kao die hard fana :)


Btw. da ne otvaram novu temu - sto mislis o zadnjem albumu Mortuus-De Contemplanda Morte. Obzirom da to da ocekujem nove albume Ondskapt i Ofermod(evo se 3 godine guze), obozavam da slusam ovo remek dijelo koje su uradili upravo clanovi ova 2 benda. Razlog, sto im je dosadilo da cekaju da se njihovi maticni bendovi naguze i odrade nesto novo(posebno Ofermod). Ako te zanima, imas i na Ajna offensive zanimljiv intervju sa njima, veoma kvalitetan filozofsko/teisticki pristup. U klasicnom stilu NED bendova, sto vise reci..


Mortuus (zanimljivo, postojao je devedesetih u nas grind bend istog imena), hm... komentarisao sam ih, mislim, na Ofermod temi, taj album je bas zajeban, slow & serpentine, ima bas neku sakralnu atmosferu.


Sto se tice DsO pravca slazem se sa tobom, nedavno videh u nekom fanzinu recenziju nekog benda (ne secam se vise ni kako se zove), naziv albuma naravno na latinskom a omot isti Casus Luciferi! Ista boja, koncept, uz minimalne promene! Sad se svi bacaju na taj religious BM fazon, podseca situacija na DT worshippere. Zato sam odlucio da uopste ne nabavljam te horde bendova, za valjane stvari ce se vec cuti i same ce se nametnuti. Secam se, kad je krenula MP3 manija, koliko sam nabavljao Darkthrone rip off bendova, naravno - 95 % nije ni za kurac i uhvatio sam sebe da ne mogu vise da uzivam u DT kao nekad! Bas pre neki dan slusam T.Hunger i razmisljam "e, ovaj deo su maznuli ovi, ovaj oni..." :) Necu da mi se to desi sa DsO i Watain.


Tako da - i ja potajno prizeljkujem regresiju zvuka, ali posle Fas nemam pojma sta da ocekujem.

Mortuus (zanimljivo, postojao je devedesetih u nas grind bend istog imena), hm... komentarisao sam ih, mislim, na Ofermod temi, taj album je bas zajeban, slow & serpentine, ima bas neku sakralnu atmosferu.


Sto se tice DsO pravca slazem se sa tobom, nedavno videh u nekom fanzinu recenziju nekog benda (ne secam se vise ni kako se zove), naziv albuma naravno na latinskom a omot isti Casus Luciferi! Ista boja, koncept, uz minimalne promene! Sad se svi bacaju na taj religious BM fazon, podseca situacija na DT worshippere. Zato sam odlucio da uopste ne nabavljam te horde bendova, za valjane stvari ce se vec cuti i same ce se nametnuti. Secam se, kad je krenula MP3 manija, koliko sam nabavljao Darkthrone rip off bendova, naravno - 95 % nije ni za kurac i uhvatio sam sebe da ne mogu vise da uzivam u DT kao nekad! Bas pre neki dan slusam T.Hunger i razmisljam "e, ovaj deo su maznuli ovi, ovaj oni..." :) Necu da mi se to desi sa DsO i Watain.


Tako da - i ja potajno prizeljkujem regresiju zvuka, ali posle Fas nemam pojma sta da ocekujem.


Aha, religiozni BM je sad trend, kao neki blekeri hoce da se prave pametni i avantgardni :) Mada meni odgovara taj zvuk, atmosfera, tekstovi, i licno mislim da na tom polju ima jos mjesta za napredovanje. Eto, ostaje da cujemo nove albume Ondskapt i Ofermod, mada mi se cini da je ove godine izaslo(il treba da izadje) jos par interesantnih izdanja tog tipa. Muka mi sad da trazim, ko zna dje sam vidjeo neki spisak.. Inace, ove godine je izaslo duplo izdanje DSO - Manifestations, cini mi se da su tu pjesme sa raznih splitova i cega li vec ne. Tek treba da nabavim, nisam siguran ima li nekih novih/neobjavljenih stvari.


A za nastavak - pa posle FAS tacno ne znas sto da ocekujes. Mozda vise istripovanih momenata.. nego Grobodane, sto ti mislis o onom uporedjenju sa Immortal o cemu je Pit pricao na KOK temi. Interesantno zapazanje, mada meni i dalje ostaje najveci uticaj svedske skole.


Poredjenje sa Immortal? Sta znam, ne nalazim bas neke preterane slicnosti... Imortal vise polaze na akordizirane melodije, a DsO je svedska skola totalno, tu se slazem. Mozda je slicnost u hladnoci, ali Immortal je hladan kao fjord a DsO kao nabod Sataninog roga, ako me razumes hehe


Ma daleko je to od plagijata :) Nije lose to poredjenje sa kolima, ugrubo.


Poredjenje sa Immortal? Sta znam, ne nalazim bas neke preterane slicnosti... Imortal vise polaze na akordizirane melodije, a DsO je svedska skola totalno, tu se slazem. Mozda je slicnost u hladnoci, ali Immortal je hladan kao fjord a DsO kao nabod Sataninog roga, ako me razumes hehe


Immortal se na prvim albumima razlikuje od onoga sto je radio kasnije. Sve to zvuci haoticno, posebno gitarski rad, i mozda odatle polaze ta poredjenja. Ovo za hladnocu je bas stilski prezentovano :) Ipak, volim da cujem misljenje bm fanova koji znaju sto slusaju i o cemu pricaju..


vot about Manifestations, jesi nabavljao to?



Hm,mozda u nekim momentima se oseca duh starog Immortala bas zbog te haoticnosti kao sto je bio battles.Tu mi je nekako najblize.Ali nista preterano zbog cega bi trebao da se opljuje bend kao sto je opljuvan borgir maznjavanjem sorgens kammer-a :)


Hm, Grobodane, tvoj opis Fas-a me je inspirisao da ga ponovo preslusam i da uvidim da li mi je taj album jos uvek izuzetno dosadan i naporan za slusanje. Ostatak price sledi kada ga preslusam.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Evo nesto za morbid goda i mene.


Manifestations pt 1


1-2 - 10" Split with Mütiilation, recorded early 2001

3-5 - 12'' Split with Moonblood, recorded early 2000

6 - from Black Metal Blitzkrieg V/A LP (recorded during the same session as



Manifestations pt 2 deo I


Manifestations pt 2 deo II


Session written and recorded shortly after "Inquisitors of Satan". Initially

intended to appear on a split LP with Cantus Bestiae and on the "Crushing the

Holy Trinity" V/A.


Ove pesme sa prvog deal imam sve sem zadnje, ali drugi...uh!


Posted (edited)

Nabavio sam ja to jos prije, ali svejedno hvala :pivopije: U to vrijeme sam bio banovan na duze, pa poslije zaboravih da prokomentarisem. Pt.1 sam vec slusao kroz te splitove i kompilaciju, dok je pt.2 fin vremeplov u vrijeme Before.smrC. Ovo je bas dobra muzika, cudi me da nisu to objavili ranije. Zanimljivo da nema sanse da uporedno slusam staru i novu DsO fazu, totalno drugi fazon. Pazi, evo nesto i za tebe - intervju sa Shauxul-om poslije odlaska iz benda.


HexenHammer: Greetings Shaxul. I want to get down to business and ask a question that’s been on the minds of many North American black Metallers: Why did you leave Deathspell Omega?


Shaxul: The reasons of me leaving DSO are the following (I thought it was something well known now): they jumped on the "religious Black Metal" trend, which I shit on even more than you do on the "War Metal" trend. In 2002 they suddenly changed their mind totally. I could go on for ages with anecdotes about this, like them releasing CD versions without my agreement in UNLIMITED pressings (fucking money worshippers) and blurring my lyrics because they are ANTI-religious. People who still support this band and the whole "Religious/Orthodox BM" movement have shit in their ears and eyes for sure.


HH: What exactly is your problem with “religious/orthodox” Black Metal?


S: My problem with religious/orthodox BM? Easy one but I could go for hours. First there is something personal, as I have been betrayed by the other members of DSO when they suddenly joined this fucking sect. Because indeed, it is a sect. You should read their lyrics and their interviews. When they say they believe in the Devil (in "Him"), it is at first degree. They REALLY believe that Satan exists and dominates the world. They think they are slaves to "Him" (how great to be proud to be a slave, right?!)...Their aim is to sell a lot of records(they don't even hide this fact) because they want to "evangelize" the scene (their words). When FUNERAL MIST titled their album "Salvation", do you think it is a metaphor? No! They REALLY think that "He" saved their soul!!! Come on, that's ridiculous, and there's only in Europe and USA that people think it's so great and extreme. When I just tell the words "religious BM" to an Asian or South American friend, he just dies laughing!!! But here many retarded kids think it's the real thing!!! Once again it proves that Europe is the cradle of trends.


HH: Seems like it goes hand in hand with the current Polish Christian “Un-Black” metal scene


S: You're right, it's not so far from the Christian Black Metal movement; Except that the "religious BM" fucks claim to be the only REAL BM movement.


I’m going to name four topics and I want your views on them:



Suicidal Black Metal


NSBM (life loving bullshit!!-ed)


S: Suicide...I respect it a lot. In the western culture it is often seen as something done by cowards, but I disagree. I think that life is a piece of shit, it's up to everyone to make it better, and by the way extremely few humans succeed in this task. When you think that living has became too senseless, and then it is very natural to me to commit suicide. I have 2 friends who did it. I respect their choice fully. Also I like the Japanese way of seeing suicide. On the contrary of the western way of seeing it, it is a question of honor. The easiest description is to quote Japan's SIGH: "No one can take my life; I can use my own knife". Better killing yourself instead of being killed by someone else, but it also can be done in a metaphoric way. You can kill yourself instead of letting time taking your life little by little.


Suicidal Black Metal? To me it is childish, nothing more, nothing less. If they are so unhappy with life then why not committing suicide NOW instead of recording shitty boring fake Black Metal! Many bands wrote very great lyrics about suicide, but these "suicidal" bands are here just to play the "I'm more extreme than you"-game. I doubt that in their everyday life these guys are depressed to the point of committing suicide.

Oh something I forgot about suicide: I hate the ones TRYING to commit suicide but failing each time. These people just want to get some attention from their friends, family etc... This is ridiculous. If you REALLY want to kill yourself, then you can't miss!!!


Now about the idea of Satan. It's funny, I was thinking about it today. I've heard an interview with NACHTMYSTIUM, I don't listen to this crap at all but I was curious to know what they have to say and they guy stated that to be satanic means that you worship Satan, and that Satan has been created by the Jews, in the Bible. This proves the huge lack of knowledge of people in the scene. The concept and word "Satan" exist for thousand years BEFORE Jesus Cunt!!! The Jews didn't invent Satan but just STOLE it to pagan tribes from Mesopotamia!!! Knowing that it existed in other parts of the world as well (but under other names). I see myself as a Satanist and I won't change this just because some idiots think that Satan has been created while the Christian Bible has been written! To me, Satan is death. Death is above all, and I worship it. I follow my own path, I am not a sheep like all religious people, and it includes religious Satanists of course. I like to quote THY ANTICHRIST from Colombia: "I am possessed by my own Satan". You have to forge your own Satan, without following blindly rules coming from someone else. It is also a way to be above the normal humans infesting this planet.


NSBM is a non-sense. Any band mixing religion and politics with Black Metal must be boycotted. I agree with you, these people worship life, as they do care for the future of humanity and want to protect their children, etc... Such things are just the opposite of what Black Metal is all about! NS guys can't be misanthropic at all as they are afraid of the future of the so-called "white race", while a Black Metaller like me believes in one race which is the "human race" and I would like to see it DEAD!!! NSBM is just a trend, it's not as strong as in the past though, depending on the country but in France I think there are less and less bands like these. I remember during the HIRILORN days, we have been threatened by teenagers. They sent a letter with a Nazi flag and the words "We are here", so what?! Moreover, when it comes to the musical side, all these bands can't play Black Metal... I'm not talking about musicianship, I don't care about that, but they are unable to create an atmosphere, emotions that would deserve to be labeled as "Black Metal"


A da odgovorimi Hrymu - taj riff je namjarno uzet od strane DsO, kao svojevrsni tribute(ili ko zna kakav djavo, dogovor or something else) bendu Malign. Sto se naravno da zakljuciti i iz imena te pjesme, Malign Paradigma :bigblue:

Eto toliko, u iscekivanju sam vijesti o novom albumu. Obzirom na progresiju FAS-a, zivo me zanima na sto ce da lici novi album. Osim ako ne bude nekog apendixa poput Kenose, to bi trebao da bude zavrsni album u triologiji(osim ako Kenose nije bila dvojka). Zivi bili pa culi, a mozda neko vremenom i provali kodove i sifre iza svih tih njihovih djavolisanja.

Edited by morbid god
  • 1 month later...

Da, da, pun naziv EPa je Veritas Diaboli Manet In Aeternum: Chaining The Katechon.

Kakva je pesma, veza mi je kao kurac, ne znam sta se desava, vuce se dl kao slina.

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