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Baguje meni mozak. Bila otvorena dva taba, znao sam da je tvoj post poslednji, pa sam odgovorio na onaj koji sam prvi video. A onda sam se pitao kako nema odgovora na BM temi i "ponovo" postovao. :haha:


Ali da baguje, baguje, mora po tri puta da se klikne da bi se postovalo.

Guest Administrator

Zapravo od juče, a procureo je još ranije. ;)


Nece boleti ako se ponovi za one koje mrze da listaju prosle strane :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Koji je to jebeni kult od albuma. Sećam se da sam ga kupio u Barseloni na srednjoškolskoj ekskurziji, tada su gotovo sve pare otišle na albume, a ovaj je bio nešto jeftin, 7-8 jura u to doba. :D


Jeste da je krs produkcijski, ali meni se jako svidja, ima tako dobru atmosferu, to mi je najvaznije.

Jaooooo, nisam slusala Mortiisa od srednje skole! Super je ova stvar :wub: ,a ovaj album mogu da slusam milion puta i uvek se osecam kao da ga slusam po prvi put! Sad cu bas da se prisetim starih dana. :)

  • 1 month later...

4. marta u Beogradu, predgrupa Combichrist-u. Da, znam, tuga.

Prvo mi se učilo da su Nemci predgrupa. Šta je tu je, Combichrist sam onomad propustio, mada su utisci onih koji su išli bili podeljeni. Verovatno će se doći.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ovih dana baš dosta vrtim rane Mortiisove radove, pa rekoh kad sam već u fazonu, da dam još jednu šansu novijima i utisak se nije promenio. Smell of rain mi je OK album, ima nekih baš zaraznih hitova, The grudge mi je baš smeće a ovaj novi jednom obrnuo i nemam neku želju da to ponovo uradim, like, ever.


Nikad elektro/gotik kučka od tebe.


Šalu na stranu, meni su oba pomenuta super, ovaj novi je NIN škola od prve do poslednje sekunde ali baš znalački odrađena.


Smell Of Rain ima nekih Enigma momenata, što je potpuno odbojno i na trenutke previše pokazuje svoje uticaje na neki sladunjav način, ali mi je još uvek dobar album. Ovaj novi - kao što reče Talvi, samo bih dodao da ima i uticaja The Prodigy-ja na dve-tri pesme. Nije koherentan, ali i ne mora da bude, to dođe kao višak pesama.

  • 1 month later...

MORTIIS checks in from the road


With nearly four weeks of their European tour under their collective belt, Mortiis is primed and ready to take on the next three weeks of the trek.


Fans are reacting enthusiastically to Mortiis' latest incarnation - one which differs greatly from the Mortiis of the past. "It's nothing like what Mortiis used to be a couple of years ago," says band namesake Mortiis. "We pulled back and totally reinvented our sound, both off and on stage. Even the old er stuff we play sounds new and fresh."


The metamorphosis of Mortiis has been continual throughout Mortiis (the artist) and Mortiis (the band)'s careers. In its current form, Mortiis shows a more aggressive side that still works cohesively with the likes of electro-evil tour-mates Combichrist. "I really think the fans are picking up on the common energy between the two bands," Mortiis adds.


Mortiis' set focuses material from their latest release, "Perfectly Defect," and their upcoming release, "The Great Deceiver," two sonically diverse records that work in unison live. "We open and close the set with 'TGD' songs," Mortiis explains. "The 'PD' songs are in the middle of the set and, I think, visually as well as sonically, it works very well. The 'PD' stuff has some really dynamic moments that I know work very well visually. The 'TGD' songs we play are just hard and in-your-face, so there's a lot of energy to feed from there."


The tour has also already had the requisite mishaps that make a tour memorable.


"I think I broke (guitarist) Levi's rib on the first show," Mortiis says. "He slipped and went down and I stomped him pretty good. Didn't really mean to but sometimes the adrenaline gets the better of me and it just happened. I also knocked chip out of my tooth a few days ago, which kinda sucks, but what can you do? It's just all part of the game, I guess."

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