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  • 2 months later...
tomy lee je do testisa (*autocenzura*) nebitan....

bitnije su njegove grupi.



Fantasmic: odavno htjedoh da te pitam, ali nikako mi se ne da.. sto vazda kacis neke gej avatare? icon_smile.gif dzoni je dobar ali na toj slici je skroz peder.




a sto se tice albuma.. novog.. bice govno ko i posljednja 3.


Joj ovaj Tommy-jev solo projekat....bolje da ga ne spominjes uopste icon_smile.gif Mislim ta muzika je u poredjenju se motley crue kao kad jedes svezi krastavac sa cokoladom. haha icon_smile.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

evo nekih komentara na penis chartu biggrin.gif


Mick Mars / Motley Crue

The faces on money look younger than Mick! I've hardly ever gotten any reports on Mick and I think that is a good thing. The one story I heard is that he's average.


Tommy Lee

What can I say that hasn't already been seen?

CHICKS HE'S BANGED: Pamela Anderson, Carmen Electra, Heather Locklear, Bobbi Brown, Jenna Jameson


Vince Neil / Motley Crue

What a fat lazy piece of shit. He has no charisma in the sack or on stage! After screwing thousands of chicks, he just doesn't put any effort into it anymore. If you hook up with Vince, you deserve a painful yeast infection. Not to mention he has the build of Cartman from South Park.


Nikki Sixx / Motley Crue, Brides Of Destruction

The leader of Motley Crue is about 6 inches in length, gives GREAT oral sex and is a great French kisser.


jbg mhihi.gif

ccc ti poshto me poznajesh,trebalo bi da tvrdish da sam prilichno normalna icon_razz.gif

Svakako normalna si


Bar priznaješ šta voliš icon_wink.gif

ccc ti poshto me poznajesh,trebalo bi da tvrdish da sam prilichno normalna icon_razz.gif

Pa ko je rek'o da nisi? laugh.gif


OK Sanja,naravno da si normalna i da te mi svi volimo wub.gificon_rockdevil.gif


A ti volis Nikki Sixx-a icon_smile.gificon_rockdevil.gif

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Da li je već bilo priče o New Tattoo?


Slušam ga poslednjih par dana, kad već imam audio disk, da ne čami na polici.


"Treat Me Like the Dog I Am" i "Porno Star" su 5/5 stvari. Disk ukupno 4/5.

Malo je produkcija ... drugačija nego što bih volio (distorzija je nekako "industrial" rastrešena), ali, to ne kvari utisak.


Da li je neko gledao Carnival of Sins DVD, utisci?


Ja sam nabavio onaj DVD Lewed,Crued And Tattooed...al' nikako da stignem da ga odgledam icon_redface.gif


Cuo sam da im neka riba lupa bubnjeve umesto Tommy-a...

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