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Naleteh na neku fan kompilaciju Artifacts of In Flames


1. World Of Promises

2. Goliath Disarm Their Davids

3. Acoustic Medley

4. Man Made God

5. Eye Of The Beholder (Metallica Cover)

6. Murderers In The Rue Morgue (Iron Maiden Cover)

7. Clad In Shadows '99

8. The Inborn Lifeless (Demo)

9. Dead Eternity (Demo)

10. Episode 666 (Demo)

11. Scorn (Demo)

12. In Flames (93' Demo)

13. Upon An Oaken Throne (93' Demo)

14. Clad In Shadows (93' Demo)

15. Murders In The Rue Morgue (Live In Tokyo)

16. X-Mas Song

17. They Are Waiting To Take Us

18. My Demon

19. Troops of Doom (Sepultura Cover)

20 Clayman (Bonus Track)

21. Strong And Smart


Zna li neko odakle su ove X-Mas Song, They Are Waiting To Take Us, My Demon i Troops of Doom, da nije neki fejk?



Kao sto Gojko gore reche to su pesme Dimension Zero sve osim te X-Mass Song koja je neka retardiranost od 40 sekundi. Mada ima demoi nekih pesama tu ako te interesuju, npr. demo za Episode 666 je bash drukciji i onako interesantno za chuti. : )

  • 2 weeks later...

We can now reveal that the 3rd single taken from the latest IN FLAMES album ”A Sense Of Purpose” will be “Delight & Angers”.

The new video will be premiered exclusively on http://www.myspace.com/inflames on MARCH 25th at 10:00 am CET.

The video is once again directed and produced by Patric Ullaeus, who has made quite a few In Flames videos in the past; “Take This Life”,” My Sweet Shadow “, “The Quite Place” and “Alias” just to mention a few.

The cover art for the single is once again made by the amazing Alex Pardee.

Stay tuned for news about the release date/track list/artwork for the single.


Bend je kompletirao seriju, napravili su video za sve 3 najgore pesme na albumu.

We can now reveal that the 3rd single taken from the latest IN FLAMES album ”A Sense Of Purpose” will be “Delight & Angers”.

The new video will be premiered exclusively on http://www.myspace.com/inflames on MARCH 25th at 10:00 am CET.

The video is once again directed and produced by Patric Ullaeus, who has made quite a few In Flames videos in the past; “Take This Life”,” My Sweet Shadow “, “The Quite Place” and “Alias” just to mention a few.

The cover art for the single is once again made by the amazing Alex Pardee.

Stay tuned for news about the release date/track list/artwork for the single.


Bend je kompletirao seriju, napravili su video za sve 3 najgore pesme na albumu.

:) a ja odgledala samo za take this life..

ne bih se slozila za my sweet shadow.. ali to je samo moje misljenje.


evo, jos jednom, par potencijalnih playlista, za one koji su u tom fazonu..:


Setlist Bogotá


1. The Mirror's Truth

2. Pinball Map

3. Leeches

4. Episode 666

5. Drifter

6. Colony

7. The Hive

8. Cloud Connected

9. Alias

10. Behind Space

11. Only For The Weak

12. Come Clarity

13. The Quiet Place

14. Move Through Me

15. Trigger

16. Disconnected

17. Take This Life

18. My Sweet Shadow


Stand Ablaze

Another Day In Quicksand

Artifacts Of The Black Rain

Cloud Connected

Behind Space



The Mirror´s Truth

Pinball Map


December Flower

Sober And Irrelevant

Only For The Weak

Clad In Shadows

The Quiet Place

Reroute To Remain

Take This Life

Move Through Me




Episode 666

My Sweet Shadow


# The Chosen Pessimist

# I'm The Highway

# Vanishing

# The Mirror's Truth

# Insipid 2000

# Satellites and Astronauts

# System

# Pinball Map

# Delight And Angers

# Disconnected

# Colony

# Cloud Connected

# Dead God In Me / The Jester Race / Behind Space

# My Sweet Shadow

# Come Clarity

# The Quiet Place

# Move Through Me

# Alias

# Trigger

# Take This Life



evo josh 2 liste, malo varijacija:


# I'm The Highway

# Vanishing Light

# The Mirror's Truth

# The Hive

# Satellites and Astronauts

# System

# Alias

# Eraser

# Pinball Map

# Delight and Angers

# Disconnected

# Cloud Connected

# Dead God In Me

# Come Clarity

# Sleepless Again

# The Quiet Place

# Trigger

# Take This Life







# The Chosen Pessimist

# I'm The Highway

# Vanishing Light

# Mirror's Truth

# Zombie Inc.

# The Hive

# Satellites And Astronauts

# System

# Alias

# Pinball Map

# Delight And Angers

# Move Through Me

# Colony

# Cloud Connected

# Dead God In Me / The Jester Race / Behind Space

# My Sweet Shadow


# Come Clarity

# Sleepless Again

# Quiet Place

# Only For The Weak

# Trigger

# Take This Life



:) a ja odgledala samo za take this life..

ne bih se slozila za my sweet shadow.. ali to je samo moje misljenje.


Ne ne, govorim samo o spotovima sa poslednjeg albuma - The Mirror's Truth, Alias i sad Delight & Angers. Ali dobro, u tome valjda i jeste poenta tih pesama.

Ne ne, govorim samo o spotovima sa poslednjeg albuma - The Mirror's Truth, Alias i sad Delight & Angers. Ali dobro, u tome valjda i jeste poenta tih pesama.

gej.. nisam gledala ni jedan.. bas me zanima kakav je za the mirror's truth.

moracu da iscimam nekog..


The mirrors truth je prvi. Koji je drugi?


Sto se izbora pesama za singl, cesto i ja pomislim kod raznih grupa kako nisu mogli gore pesme da izaberu.

Sto se tice IF mislim da su u ovom slucaju, bar ove 2 za koje ja znam da su singlovi pun pogodak. Prvi - kratko i jasno. Super pesma. A ovaj treci - oduvek mi je bila najkomercijalnija pesma, a poenta singlova jeste da se promovise bend i album tako da nema tu sta da se diskutuje.

Posted (edited)

wow, nisam imao pojma...a nista ne pise o njemu na zvanicnom sajtu...niti igde...


U tom slucaju tek mogu samo da dodam da im je izbor singlova predobar :)


Jbt, na ovom sajtu kad se napise : ) ispada neki smiley koji se smeje umesto smeska...i onda deluje da je recenica sarkasticna...tako da cesto nemam pojma kad neko nesto napise da li se zaje*ava ili ne...u svakom slucaju - stvarno dobar izbor pesama za singlove!!

Edited by mikki270
We can now reveal that the 3rd single taken from the latest IN FLAMES album ”A Sense Of Purpose” will be “Delight & Angers”.

The new video will be premiered exclusively on http://www.myspace.com/inflames on MARCH 25th at 10:00 am CET.

The video is once again directed and produced by Patric Ullaeus, who has made quite a few In Flames videos in the past; “Take This Life”,” My Sweet Shadow “, “The Quite Place” and “Alias” just to mention a few.

The cover art for the single is once again made by the amazing Alex Pardee.

Stay tuned for news about the release date/track list/artwork for the single.


Bend je kompletirao seriju, napravili su video za sve 3 najgore pesme na albumu.

ne znam meni je ok pesma sad za koju prave spot

Take this life

I'm right here

Stay a while and breathe me in :rockdevil:


Jebote jedva čekam(što zbog certa što zbog okupa :) ).

e pederu :)

moracemo da kupimo one zajebane kackete sto svi zajebani metalkorovci nose :) :) :)


These thoughts burn a hole in my heart

These thoughts will keep me feeling

These thoughts burn a hole in my heart

These thoughts will keep me feeling!


Jbg,nista od Inflamesa za mene ove god! :D

ne znam meni je ok pesma sad za koju prave spot


Onaj refren je jedan od najgorih koje su uradili u karijeri. Kad krene "pleeease heal me, I can't sleep, I thought I was unbreakable but this is killing me", istukao bih ga.


ja moram nesto posteno da priznam, pa makar ispao glup, gluv, ne trve in flames fan i plitka osoba po svim parametrima:


ovaj album je sranje. tesko sranje.


slusam sta ljudi pricaju, slusam sam album, pratim temu redovno, cak sam pratio i sugestije, koje se pesme isticu, preslusao ga bukvalno deset puta.


ovo je ajgori in flames, tj JEDINI los in flames ikada snimljen :da:


dao sam mu tri meseca da ne ispadne da lupam, pa da gutam svoje reci, ali relano....ovo je kesa...



ajd sad, udrite :D


Pa neznam bash da je losh ali najslabiji do sada IF, najbolje pesme the chosen pessimist i move through me ,a i onaj uvod na sleepless again je veoma nostalgichan. :da:

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