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iz '05:


1. New York City

2. Jesus Saves

3. All The Time

4. Gutter Ballet

5. Pain

6. Hounds

7. Strange Reality

8. Walk Alone

9. Ghost In The Ruins

10. The Dark

11. People Say

12. Believe (not performed)

13. City Beneath The Surface

14. Sirens

15. Power Of The Night

16. Hall Of The Mountain King



iz '07:




24 Hours Ago

Maniacal Renderings

The Evil Beside You


Jesus Saves

Tonight He Grins Again

Ghost In The Ruins

Agony And Ecstacy




Timeless Flight

Through The Eyes Of The King

Edge Of Thorns

Gutter Ballet

Hall Of The Mountain King


Smem li da pevushim i igram: "told you so, told you so, told you told you told you so"? :D hehe


U svakom slucaju, ako nisi slusao mnogo JOP, preporuka, stvarno su odlicni.


Drummer Christopher Kinder of JON OLIVA'S PAIN, the band led by SAVATAGE mastermind Jon Oliva, has issued the following update:


"Last Monday we arrived at the world-famous Morrissound studios [in Tampa, Florida] to begin loading in drums and bass. The atmosphere here is relaxed and inspiring... and we needed as much of that as humanly possible.


"After about three hours of setting up and checking tones, we began the process of recording 14 songs for the new [JON OLIVA'S PAIN] album. Most of them will make it on the actual CD and others are bonus tracks required for different regions of the world and releases (we know, that sucks!). Tom Morris, our most patient and competent engineer, dialed in my drums and Kevin's bass tones in no time flat. Honestly, the drums and bass have the biggest, fattest, warm and punchiest tones yet. A lot of that is due to the fact that we will be recording in high-definition CD quality... a huge jump from the process used on 'Maniacal Renderings'. And as this is the foundation for the rest of the CD, it was a relief to hear such pleasant and exciting sounds coming from the studio speakers.... Crushing and mammoth would be an understatement, and the smile on Tom's face said it all! We managed to get two songs down to tape on day one... and planned to spread the rest of remaining 12 songs over the next two days.


"Tuesday and Wednesday began much the same. I spent about 20 minutes warming up and re-tuning my kit while we waited for Kevin to arrive and get his bass rig up and running. We mixed up most of the tracking with heavy and epic songs so as not to burn ourselves out. We were working 12-hour days... only breaking for lunch and dinner.


"It is incredibly exhausting work, both physically and mentally, mainly because we are on a deadline to produce the CD by the end of the year. And as with any JON OLIVA'S PAIN CD, it seems even more tiring as we tend to write most of our parts in the studio. Arrangements are always completed prior to beginning any CD, but something always gets in the way of us being able to spend enough time rehearsing... This year it was the loss of our dear freind and producer, Greg 'Super G' Marchak.


"We managed to get most of tracking finished on Wednesday but decided that we needed one more day to review all our tracks for errors and/or changes. That proved to be a good idea, but we only needed to repair two small parts.


"We always walk away from the final mix hearing how we would have played some things differently... but that's just the musicians in us, and it is our nature to dissect everything to the nth degree! We will leave that up to all of you.


"Now that we have left Morrisound, we will begin guitar tracks early next week at our own studio. ProTools allows us to flawlessly transfer our work to Morrissound when we return in a few weeks.


"We don't value 'editing' as it is just a lame way of fixing a part that you know you could have performed better but are just to lazy to do it. So we will strive for 98% keeper tracks right from the start.


"It is important to note how much Greg is missed. We find ourselves constantly questioning what he would do in certain situations, and while we are embracing everything that Tom Morris brings to the table, we are also committed to what all of us, especially Greg, brings to the JON OLIVA'S PAIN sound and production.


"Special thanks to everyone at Morrissound for being so understanding and really getting into the vision that Oliva and the band are trying to preserve....and expand!


"Oh, and there are some really kick-ass tunes on this record. You thought 'Maniacal Renderings' had flavor... this one is going to open ears and really make you think!"




dakle modern sound..but I hope it's good shit..

  • 2 weeks later...

Jon Oliva's Pain- Studio Update, Nov 10


A very awesome autumn day to you all!


The weather in Florida right now is absolutely perfect...and very inspiring as we can finally sit outdoors without drowning in our own juices!


Time for an update: While this JOP recording is no different than the others....(we seem to be constantly swimming in BS), we are suprisingly proceeding on time and without many delays. I must personally commend everyone in the band for rising to the challenge and excepting responsibility to insure that we deliver the best CD possible. We cannot underestimate the incredible hours of work and input that Greg absorbed in the past. Now, it is up to all of us to take on his duties as well as our own. It is a learning curve and a change of pace that we have had no time to adjust to. But like every other JOP record, we tend to thrive on the challenge/pressure and ultimately push ourselves to the edge of our performances, patience and determination.


First up....Matt Laporte. It is customary in the past for Matt to basically know very little about the songs before he enters the studio to work his magic. He just likes it that way.....and it allows him the chance to free-form jam on things with the hopes of creating some spontaneous brilliance. But do to our obvious change of recording scenario, Matt embraced the new songs and rehearsed them in advance in order to cut his tracks in record time, but with all the precision and feel that he can deliver. He and I worked tirelessly for 4 days and in the end his rythym tracks were completed with a great sense of pocket and feel....Nice work Matt! As I am forced to basically take over the roll as co-engineer for this record, we were both worried about how the sessions would go. We are happy to report that the transition and environment have been incredibly productive and a real pleasure to us both. Matt is a very agressive person when he records and I am happy that he left feeling so comfortable with someone at the controls.....Thank you again Matt!


Back to Morrisound: It was time for Oliva to start working his guitar magic as well. He and Matt have completely different styles to say the least. But when the final mixing is complete, both compliment themselves and allow the performances to shine. Oliva and I spent the day at Morrisound cutting his acoustic tracks, electric rythyms and a host of trippy guitar candy that will surely drip from a great many songs on the new release. Unfortunately the session ended a little sooner than expected after blowing up the B3 Leslie that he was using for some really cool guitar fills.

But in the end, we got 11 hours of solid work in and now it is time to move into keyboard world before Matt begins work on his leads and additional sauce!


Oliva will be recording on Morrisounds grand piano which has been used on many Savatage records. It must be noted that Tom Morris and Jason Blackerby have done an amazing job running the " USS Enterprise" and for injecting so much quality input. Tom Morris will also be credited for playing guitar as well.....Thank you Tom and Jason!


Once complete...it is on to Matt's blazing guitar work, Kevins final bass fixes, Zahners keyboard input and finally the massive amount of vocal work for both Oliva and the band.......God-damn, I am tired just thinking about it.


But for now we bid you a great weekend and please help spread the word about JOP and the new CD. Your enthusiasm and dedication to JOP and all things Oliva is so much appreciated!


Cheers and talk to you asap!


  • 1 month later...

Ima par vesti za ovaj bend, kaoi za Savatage...Prelistajte RoadRunner malo... koga zanima naravno...mada slabo ljudi ima na forumu da gotive Savatage ili JOP.


Hm ja jedva čekam treći album da čujem.. izlazi u aprilu sledeće godinice... 2008. malo više obećava :D JEIJ!


Krenuli su na evropsku turneju, ali standardno na "kultnija" mesta... grrrrr.r.....

  • 1 month later...



Uzivo sa festivala u Belgiji iz proshle godine. JOP svirao dve vecheri, ovde je celo prvo veche, akustichna svirka gde piche do jaja zanimljivu listu, vishe od pola Streetsa+raritetne pesme+Bitlsi, a od druge vecheri, kad ishao regularan show(sa celim Streets), ima samo zadnjih par pesama(sas sve Caffery-em)...svejedno, exxxtra zvuk i exxxxtra svirka!!! Skidaj obavezno!


'tedo prebacim kad krenula "Summer's Rain"...





Good evening to all!


The end of the recording process is now behind us...


I returned to Morrisound this evening to re-master the new disc.

This is not really that uncommon and since Tom and Jim Morris

have rightfully taken personal ownership of this CD, they and JOP

had to be sure that all of you got the music you so richly deserve!


I am not afraid to say that we had some issues concerning the first

pass at putting the sweet juices on top of what was already an amazing mix. Something got lost...but only for a moment. And while Oliva, Kevin and I were honestly freaking out, it was all for not as within 30 short minutes all was right with the world. Eternal thanks to everyone at Morrisound.


Some of these songs had over 100 tracks of recorded instruments, vocals, bells and whistles. So putting every sound in it's proper place

was a massive undertaking. Nothing could be sacrificed, and anyone who

has mastered a CD before will tell you that it can all be ruined at this final stage of the game. JOP and the Morris brothers would have none of that.


We have prevailed in blazing fashion. I am currently listening to the final CD mix while typing this update and I could not be happier with the production, and the performance of everyone in JOP. This is absolutely some of the best songs Oliva has ever written and the best record JOP has recorded imop!


It's heavy, epic, bluesy,emotional and will hopefully satisfy your musical senses as it has for us.


A slightly revised album cover will be posted on the JOP site in the next day or so. Check the main page for a nice big view of it and spread the photo and release far and wide.


Now on to phase 2...final CD preparation and promotion as we prepare for the release and the April/May tour.


A U.S tour plan is in the final phases and we are once again confident that everyone will be stoked about the line-up. Glenn and Intrometal will fill in the blanks very soon.


Locomotive will release the CD in the states following the Euro-release from AFM in early April. European Apil/May tour dates will be supported by Manticora & Masterstroke.


Tour Dates:


Apr. 25 - NO - Haugesund @ Karmøygeddon Metal Festival

Apr. 26 - DK - Copenhagen @ The Rock

Apr. 28 - DE - Aschaffenburg @ Colos-Saal

Apr. 29 - AT- Wien @ Planet Music

May 01 - CH - Pratteln @ Z7

May 02 - IT- Piacenza @ Fillmore

May 03 - IT - Florence @ Viper Club

May 06 - ES - Vitoria @ Azkena

May 07 - ES - Madrid @ Caracol

May 08 - ES - Barcelona @ Salamandra 1

May 10 - GR - Athens @ Gagarin

May 11 - GR - Thessaloniki @ venue tba

May 13 - DE - Essen @ Turock

May 14 - NL - Tilburg @ 013


Cheers to you all!



elem, oni su na turneji sa Manticorom, ima li sanse da idu po festivalima, pa mozda i svrate kod nas? :mrgreen:


Teske su sanse, al mozda nas iznenade.

Bem li ga...vise ni u sta ne verujem po pitanju benda i Jona Olive dok zvanicno ne izadju infoi.

Stvarno nisu normalni. :)




Nista najverovatnije od njih. Krenuli sa Manticorom, razilaze se tacno pred Castle fest, Manticora na castle, JOP nastavlja dalje bez njih... Steta. Najblizi su Italiji navodno. Uopste ih ne kapiram sto nas zaobilaze :(

  • 2 weeks later...

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