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Imam jedno pitanje,A zasto da se gothic forum ogranici samo na muziku?

Zar gothi ne idu na ovaj forum kako bi pokazli swima da su bolji od ostalih,da pokazu svoju svestranost itd... :) :) :) :) :):mhihi::mrgreen::surprised:

Zasto jednostavno ne pokusate da uredjujete ovo u nekim generalnim tematskim granicama?

Spamovi,naravno,treba da budu izbrisani,a korisnici koji su ih postavili da budu warnovani...

  • 1 month later...
Imam jedno pitanje,A zasto da se gothic forum ogranici samo na muziku?

Zar gothi ne idu na ovaj forum kako bi pokazli swima da su bolji od ostalih,da pokazu svoju svestranost itd... :) :) :) :) :):mhihi::mrgreen::surprised:

Zasto jednostavno ne pokusate da uredjujete ovo u nekim generalnim tematskim granicama?

Spamovi,naravno,treba da budu izbrisani,a korisnici koji su ih postavili da budu warnovani...


Sve je to lepo, sem toga sto moram da selektujem sve da bi procitao tvoj post


Zasto jednostavno ne pokusate da uredjujete ovo u nekim generalnim tematskim granicama?

Zato što je ovo podforum. Opšte diskusije su u delu yumetala koji se upravo tako zove :-)

  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...



Svi bendovi koji su zainteresovani da nam dostave svoje demoe ili promo EPjeve u obliku download linka koji cemo uvrstiti u nasu download sekciju neka to ucine sto pre i to na e-mail adresu [email protected] Ovim gestom web magazin Nervni-Slom zeli da pomogne

underground scenu, ispromovise bendove i spoji slusaoce sa bendovima. Takodje, bendovi sa najvise downloada dospevaju na nasu download top listu i njihovi linkovi se dnevno salju na 5000 e-mail adresa. Svratite, pogledajte, procenite. Lisu za sada cini 400 izdanja (sto audio sto video kategorije):






  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Trazio sam u ovom podforumu neku opstu temu gde bismo mogli da ostavljamo linkove za nesto novo,interesantno ili da se uopste komentarise o industrial pravcu generalno.Kontam da ima jako malo zainteresovanih za to.

Trazio sam u ovom podforumu neku opstu temu gde bismo mogli da ostavljamo linkove za nesto novo,interesantno ili da se uopste komentarise o industrial pravcu generalno.Kontam da ima jako malo zainteresovanih za to.


nazalost ovde koliko sam primetio slabo ima zainteresovanih ljudi za dobru cvrstu indastrial muziku na ovom podforumu.ono to malo ljudi koji postuju to rade na temama vezanim za neke gotik pederska sranja

  • 1 month later...
Guest jozef covic

ja nisam goth jos uvek ali mi se svidja ceo taj pravac i nebi bilo lose kada bi moderatori napravili neku listu goth izvodjaca ili tako nesto....

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Dakle, ovako: ja sam sad i ovde mod i ovo je od sada i podforum za neofolk (kao što vidite i po novom nazivu podforuma), dakle to višegodišnje razvlačenje je najzad završeno i sav neofolk od sada ide ovde. Prebacio sam opštu temu o neofolku sa viking/folka, ako vidite tamo još neku kojoj je mesto ovde, recite.

Edited by Talvi
Posted (edited)

'Electro-Industrial' je pravac Industriala i ne mora da se posebno izdvaja (ionako su vecina tema ovde upravo to, danas se pod industrial cesto podrazumeva el.-industrial). 'Electro' muzika tipa Kraftwerk i YMO ne pripadaju ovde jer nemaju nikakve veze sa darkerima, indastrijalom, gotikom, bilo cim.


Sad jedna ozb. preporuka da se finalizira sekcionisanje muz. dela - Napravi u 'ostala muzika' ili odvojeno podforum Electronic, Ambient, Noise i nek se svi dabstepovi tehnoi trensovi elektroi itd denu tamo. Postoji aktivnost na temama elektronske muzike, svi metalci vole trens.

Tamo treba da ide i elektronska ambient muzika, electronica, downtempo, new age, etc. koja nije dark ambient. Npr Enigma koja se bez ikakvog smisla nalazi na hipsterskom podforumu, a tu ne pripada muzicki nula posto, gde se nalazi skupa sa post rokom, shoegazeom, math rokom itd.

'Ambiental Rock' moze i treba naravno da ide na hipsterski podforum a ne 'Ambient' generalno, jer se pod tim podrazumeva elektronska muzika pre svega.

Noise muzika tipa Merzbow isto da ide tamo, to je isto elektronska muzika.


Dark ambient je pravac potekao iz industriala i darkwavea i mora biti ovde. Danas nema nuzno toliko veze sa doticnima, ali ja bih ga stavio ovde bez razmisljanja. (ima opsta tema isto u hipsterskom kutku)


Hipsterski kutak treba da se zove ovako: Experimental Rock & Indie i tu da idu - math-rock, shoegaze, dream-pop, post-rock, post-hardcore, slowcore, noise rock drone.

Hipsterski kutak treba da bude odeljak u roku i hard roku

Prog rok mora da bude odeljak u roku i hard roku jer nije metal i ne moze biti u metal delu i nema realno potrebe (prog metal nema bas toliko mnogo veze sa prog rokom muzikoloski, pa ta veza otpada)


Rok i Hard rok treba postane jednostavno Rock & Alt Rock. Pod rock se podrazumeva i sav hard rok i classic rock, aor i slicno, a pod alt rock se podrazumevaju nirvane, grandzevi, bendovi tipa foo fighters, skunk anansie, ali ne i bendovi tipa Sonic Youth i Pixies jer to bi islo u hipsterski kutak. Tako bi se rok logicno sekcionisao i izbegli bi se culture-clashevi. Tako je na mom HD, godinama sam brusio ovaj rezon :haha:



a. Jedan novi podforum -Electronic, Ambient, Noise

b. Tri podforuma sa modifikovanom koncepcijom i preimenovana:

- Gothic, Electro & Industrial + Neofolk > Industrial, Neofolk, Darkwave, Dark Ambient, Gothic Rock (nesto moze u podnaslov posto je predugacko, dark ambient i neofolk npr.)

- hipsterski kutak > Experimental Rock & Indie

- Rok & Hard Rock > Rock & Alt Rock

i to je to, sto se mene tice gotov muzicki deo.


EDIT: malo sam se predomislio - Noise treba da bude ovde. Eventualno u hipsterkom kutku. A elektronski forum da se zove - Electronic, Ambient, Downtempo


Edited by Нормалан и Природан

ja mislim da samo gothic rok bendovi (tipa the cult, inkubus sukkubus...) smetaju, darkwave jos i moze skupa s industrialom, ali ne postoji drugi podforum gde ne bi jos vise smetali a nije opravdano da se otvori poseban forum za njih jer nema dovoljno interesovanja.


Indie? Ju, boze sacuvaj.

Ima zanimljivih segmenata, ali to ce sacekti malo da utvrdimo koliko je uopste interesovanje na ovom podforumu sad. Nije toliko bitno koliko je neki podforum zanrovski ispravan nego koliko je aktivan.


pa ja bih pre sve vezano za elektroniku postavio sa industrialom nego darkwave (ako ne mislis na darksynth ustvari?). Gothic rock bi mogli na poseban forum gde ce pricati o svecama, lobanjama, sismisima i Soporu. Svemu onome sto nema veze za industrialom.

  • 5 months later...

nisam znao gde da postavim, pa rekoh ovde je mozda i najbolje


More about RESONATE festival in Belgrade

By Bruce Sterling January 12, 2012 | 7:05 pm | Categories: Tech Art

*Hey, if it was up to me, there’d be tech-art festivals in Belgrade once a week.


12 January 2012

For immediate release: Resonate

Belgrade New Media Festival

Dates: March 16-17, 2012 Venue/Location: Dom Omladine, Belgrade, Serbia


anbb - alva noto & blixa bargeld - 16th March, 21.00


“Electronic Instant Photo Safari” with Niklas Roy “DMX/openFrameworks Lighting” with Andreas Müller


anbb – a fantastic, exclusive cooperation between Bixa Bargfeld and Carsten Nikolai, two visionaries from two different generations. At one hand, Blixa is known as the leader Einsturzende Neubauten, a cult German rock-industrial band and long-time guitarist for Nick Cave and the Bad Seed. At the other side, we have Carsten who is a brilliant composer of electronic music also known as Alva Noto. Together, they form a formidable duo that overcomes all expectations through an organic clash or digital and analogue. Standing room only!


“Electronic Instant Photo Safari” workshop with Niklas Roy


The “Electronic Instant Camera” is a low tech black and white camera that prints out photos directly on thermal receipt paper. The project got recently honored by the Japanese Media Art Festival as it is part of this year’s “Jury Selection”.


During the workshop, its creator Niklas Roy will explain how he got the idea for building it, how the device works and how he actually made it. That introduction also covers the intersection of analog video technology and 8-Bit microcontrollers. As the camera has certain unusual features, the participants will try it out on a little photo safari afterwards. Part of the workshop is also the setup of a portrait studio and of a little gallery space in order to show the workshop results to the other visitors of the festival.


“DMX/openFrameworks Lighting” workshop with Andreas Müller


Everyone gets a bit bored of screens from time to time right? In this workshop we are going to explore a different output for your software by taking control over various light fixtures. Andreas go through the basics of the DMX, the standard protocol to interact with light fixtures of every shape and size, how a few different types of light fixtures are controlled by it and will write openFrameworks applications that take control of the light environment around them. Participants in the workshop will leave with a better understanding of DMX and it’s interaction light fixtures and some hands on experience gained by creating their own light controlling software.


Note: Sign-ups for workshops will be available in early February.




As the festival dates are getting closer and the list of artists, lecturers and guests is being finalized, we want to remind all interested parties that tickets for RESONATE will be available with a 50% discount for just several more days. Tickets can be purchased online at the official website of the festival at the price of €40 for both days of the event at the moment, but the price will rise to €60 starting on January 21st and will be €80 at the gate.


About the festival


RESONATE festival will bring together some of the most recognized names of the contemporary creative/electronic scene in the world. Night program will feature exciting bands and DJ in attempt to pitch analog versus digital sound-making in accordance with the main theme of the festival. Day program will place a premium on educational aspect and consist of lectures and hands-on workshops. The event will be held in Dom Omladine, a well-known state-of-the-art cultural venue located at the foremost downtown zone of Belgrade.


Featuring names like Rafael Rozendaal - web artists whose site received 15 million visitors in 2011, Josh Nimoy who created visual effects for TRON film amongst other amazing projects, Nicholas Felton known for Felton Reports and is currently the key figure for the design of Facebook Timeline - now part of Facebook’s product team, United Visual Artists who have created four world and festival tours for Massive Attack, Jer Thorp - data-artist in residence at NYTimes and contributing editor at WIRED UK and many more.


Notes to editors: ‘Resonate’ is an initiative by NGO “Magnetic Field B” in collaboration with CreativeApplications.Net and Dom Omladine, Belgrade. The event takes place in Belgrade, Serbia on March 16-17 in 2012.


Press contact: Galeb Nikačević Hasci-Jare [email protected] Link to images related to this press release:



Resonate online:


twitter: @resonate_io facebook: http://facebook.com/resonate.io



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