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Posted (edited)
  darthmaul said:
"Inteligentna Muzika" (iako mislim da tako neshto ne postoji)...nije nastala 1996 sa neurosisom nikako....glupost...


Definitivno nije. Ali verujme da ta malo inteligentnija metal muzika u Americi je pochela da se probija 1996/7-e sa Neurosisom i Godfleshom , naravo to je sto se tiche metala(samo metala). Po mom misljenju inteligentan muzika je ona muzika koja razmislja da lyrics i struktura pesme bude na prvom mestu ispred njene melodichnosti prolaznosti za fanoeve ili trziste.


Mada sam preterao sa onim izmislili , ali ima i u Ameriic inteligentnih metal bendova, that was my point.

Edited by Lunar

Pa to je (valjda) muzika koja ima da ponudi i nesto vise od pukog sviranja instrumenata, jelte. Tako ja gledam. U sustini, to je jedina "prava" muzika, ostalo je samo drkanje. ;)

  • 5 weeks later...

Few bands can be credited with creating a legacy. The legendary New York city based extreme metal outfit, SUFFOCATION, however are one such band.


That's why Nuclear Blast Records is proud to announce SUFFOCATION's world wide signing and induction into the NB family!


For 18 years now SUFFOCATION has been creating music that has become the very standard by which we judge all things extreme. Their fusion of technicality, groove and sheer unrelenting brutality has been imitated but never quite duplicated. Milestone records such as "Effigy of the Forgotten", "Pierced from Within", "Despise the Sun" and soon to be classic self-titled record, have influenced a wealth of today's best musical talents and continues to this day. That is why it's that it is with great anticipation and excitement that we await, as do many extreme metal fans, the release of SUFFOCATION's Nuclear Blast debut, "Blood Oath".


A Nuclear Blast representative commented on the signing:


"It is an honor to announce that Nuclear Blast and SUFFOCATION are finally joining forces! Nuclear Blast is proud to welcome one of the most popular and important bands in death metal history, and without a doubt the heaviest f#!@ing metal band ever come out of New York! This is a dream come true for the staff as well, as we are all huge longtime SUFFOCATION fans. There's no doubt that the band is one of the most influential bands ever, as we hear their sound even in most of today's ‘scene' bands! We cannot express how happy we are as we've known the guys for some time now. We would like to thank them and their management for helping making this happen. The future looks bright! Stay tuned because 2009 will bring you ‘Blood Oath'. You've been warned!"


SUFFOCATION has released the following collective statement:


"After 20 years of discovering the right and wrong relationships in our career, we are proud to announce that Nuclear Blast will be our new record label for 2009 and home to SUFFOCATION. Joining the Nuclear Blast family is an honor and it's wonderful having so many great label mates.


After all these years of playing in the death metal world, Nuclear Blast has remained at the top of the metal food chain bringing great and powerful bands to all who love the hard and heavy.


We've had great success with the relationships acquired since our return and we feel Nuclear Blast will only add to that success. We as a band are looking forward to being offered bigger and better opportunities, while helping the extreme metal scene grow and gain the recognition it deserves. Look for our Nuclear Blast debut, ‘Blood Oath', in early 2009!"


SUFFOCATION recently completed a North American tour as direct support to reactivated UK melodo-death/gore/grind legends CARCASS. The package also included appearances by 1349, ABORTED and ROTTEN SOUND.



U drustvu na labelu sa Behemoth :rockdevil: To je ta nezaboravna rasprava...

  • 4 months later...





Exhibit 3: Effigy of the Forgotten photo shoot

Suffocation isn't just a band, they're a carefully orchestrated image campaign. Every piece of clothing they wear, every hair, every move they make- it's all part of their tightly controlled brand. You can see some examples of this in the inlay photos for the Effigy of the Forgotten booklet: Josh is wearing a Ripping Corpse shirt to match Terrence's Ripping corpse hat; Mike Smith (far right) brings to mind a young Rick James; Terrence looks right off the runways of Milan with his trendy acid wash cargo jeans. But Frank's outfit (center) is what really sets it off.

I'm guessing they hired a hotshot management consultancy like McKinsey or something to advise them on the right moves for this shoot. I imagine that it went something like this: "Frank, here's the outfit we put together for you for the Effigy shoot. We went with royal blue sweat pants and a Trump Plaza t-shirt." "OK, cool. That will make me look really businesslike and balance out Mike's Atheist belly shirt."

  • 1 month later...
Guest Kriki
Posted (edited)

Pesma je keva!Jedini death metal band koji u zadnje vreme izdaje dobre albume!

Molim bes pljuvanja i dodatnog spama, jer su ukusi razliciti, ovo kazem PO MENI!!!


Sto se tice bubnjara, pa ne znam, bjelio sam sa njima ceo dan, i on mi se iskreno i kao covek i kao clan Suffo-a, najmanje svidja.On jebe kevu, to stoji, ali mi se njegov stil sviranja ne svidja, nekako mi cudan, ima cudne pokrete leve ruke, tj. stav leve ruke, ali je super bubnjar, jedan od boljih u d.m....Nezgodno je to sto su svi clanovi benda doktori za svoj intrument, tako da zna se koj mi je omiljen bend?!:)


Najjaci zajebanti po redu su:




pa Guy

pa Mike (on je malo vise smor, on je bas Amer, piza cola i tako to)


Najfancinantnije mi je to sto bend na skoz razlicitim opremama, na svim redom snimcima, bootlezima....zvuce jebeno predobro!

Ko zna zna!







Edited by Kriki

Misery Index i BTM su tu meni favoriti. Mada bolje da su doveli cattle Decapitation dok su u punom sjaju.


GRIND all the way.

  Lunar said:
Misery Index i BTM su tu meni favoriti. Mada bolje da su doveli cattle Decapitation dok su u punom sjaju.


GRIND all the way.


Cattle decapitation би био феноменалан , али они веома , веома ретко свирају ван Америке . А и тада обиђу Британију и то је то ...

  Talvi said:
Za slucaj da ne gledate HammerFall temu: Hate Eternal i Misery Index. :D

Pobeda! oba benda :)


mada nije mi HE bez roddyja ali svejedno :rockdevil:

  • 2 weeks later...

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