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  • 1 month later...

We want to keep this respectful, so without going into much detail, Mike and the rest of us had serious differences of opinions. Mike did formally resign from the band, and he has since been replaced with Dave Culross who had played and recorded on "Despise The Sun".


Inače, Frank nešto sprečen da peva na turneji pa ga menja Bill iz Decrepit Birth.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Progovorio nigga




edit: crnja je, izgleda, i vise nego ogorcen. Proziva i Culross-a, i Hobbs-a i Marchais-a (koji su, inace, i vise nego kompetentni na svojim instrumentima), i VRLO arogantno prica o svojoj poziciji u bendu ('ajde, to sto prica je tacno, ali opet je receno na skrnav nacin), i sebi kao muzicaru (sam sebi tepa kako je kompletan muzicar). Samo jos nije sam sebi popusio.

Edited by Џрк

Bravo, na to sam bio zaboravio. Jebote, taj intervju je pun citatima koji govore o njemu kao osobi, i nacinu na koji gleda stvari (po mom misljenju totalno pogresan) - svoju muziku gleda kao produkt (kapitalisticki gledano), kao nesto izaslo sa proizvodne trake. Puna mu usta, pa samo pogledaj, eto taj citat sto si postavio, pa:


24 hours is not enough time for my schedule lately
After 20 years, every second we spend on creating, has to count in terms of status progression
We approached this album with the understanding, that if the industry wasn’t ready to finally open the door for the musicians who work feverishly to make the industry ,then the Blood Oath album would be our last attempt at dedicating our fulltime focus
We do our part and always have ,so now its really about the vibe we are given on the Blood Oath campaign that will determine our next goal and direction taken. We have no problem turning the speed and technicality back up, if we feel the listeners can comprehend it properly.
Now things have changed and we are happy with all the results, so again we’ll do our part and expect the industry and all involved outside of the actual band to do theirs
The nineties were a great time for a great new genre, but the success of it then, doesn’t compare to the level that could be achieved at this time of existence


Ja znam da ti i Nesa mislite da sam h8r :haha: ali realno, pogledaj mu stavove...death metal yappy jebote. Ustvari, kao fenser, samo sto se zadesilo da voli da svira bubnjeve u death metal bendu.


I na kraju, pogledaj ovaj:

When you made a comeback on the scene a couple of years ago, you have welcomed Guy and Derek to the fold; I guess they fit in well, do they take part in writing process?

Yes they fit well in Suffocation. It’s obvious that no other member lineup had what it took to tour as much and propel our business to the level it is now. We all have our strong points in the group which when combined makes what is Suffocation. Everyone writes when they are inspired to do so,

A u ovom zadnjem intervjuu ih proglasava ovakvima i onakvima...nije sto je crnac, ali stvarno nije covek.

  • Upvote 1

Ja mislim da je Nešica veći hejter :haha: slažem se sve što si rekao, pa to sam ti ja i rekao. Nije mi jasno kakve pare on želi od Suffocationa, taj bend nikad neće postati veći a MA je pokazao šta donosi komercijalizacija zvuka u death metalu.

  • 6 months later...

da se digne tema malo taman...

Suffocation izdaje sledece godine "The Pinnacle of Bedlam", a uz to i bonus dvd.



Bas me zanima kako ce Culross ovo da odlupa. Sta vi mislite?

  • Upvote 1
  • 3 weeks later...

New York death metal veterans Suffocation are currently in the finishing stages of their upcoming new album entitled "Pinnacle of Bedlam." The record was produced by the band and tracked at Full Force Studios in New York by longtime collaborator Joe Cincotta. The mixing and mastering of the album is set to be handled this time around by world renowned producer/engineer Zeuss (Hatebreed, Arsis).

"Pinnacle of Bedlam" will feature 10 genre-defining-bone-crushing tracks and also marks the return of drummer Dave Culross, who played with the band previously on the "Despise The Sun" EP. Bassist Derek Boyer offered the following update:

“The recording process of our new album, Pinnacle of Bedlam, began Monday, August 13th. We brought in our gear, mic'd up the drum kit, imported tempo maps from our pre-production sessions, then dove right in! The drum tracking came out amazing! Dave Culross killed it! Once I laid down the bass tracks, the foundation of the album was built and was very solid and ready for Terrance and Guy to begin recording guitars, which they have. Thereafter, Frank began working on his vocals. The recording process is just about wrapped up, we just have some tweaking to do before we send it off to get mixed and mastered.”

"The meaning of the album title Pinnacle of Bedlam is the tipping point or most elevated moment as we approach the chaotic climax of this existence,” added guitarist Terrance Hobbs. “The cosmic scale teeters and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. People should expect nothing less than sheer brutality, as we perform together with this incredible line up! We feel this CD will be the best Suffocation album ever to have been released and are confident the fans will love it."

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  • 2 weeks later...

napisali su na fejsu da je ono sto je izreceno u tom intervjuu predimenzionirano, i da ce se detaljnije oglasiti povodom svega u nekom od narednih par dana. videcemo


Frank Mullen, front man for New York death metal act Suffocation, recently gave an interview that spread very quickly about him no longer performing with the band full time. The band has now issued new statements about the situation.

“I am not leaving Suffocation,” commented Mullen. “Massive one month long touring on my side cannot be done anymore though. When the new album is released next year I will be touring as much as possible to support the album as well as the following year in 2014. When I was asked that question in the interview I was taken off guard and didn’t really know what my schedule was going to look like next year and wanted to try and answer. I haven’t given much thought to what our touring schedule would look like since we’ve been in the studio recording the new release. So I’m going to be getting out there as much as I can to support the album and get out there in front of the ones who have supported Suffocation over the years, the true fans. So we are going to be supporting this record as soon as it comes out”

The rest of the band adds: “We have respected this decision that Frank has made, but by no means does this mean Suffocation will ‘replace’ him with new singer or stop touring. Death metal has been good to us, and we feel fortunate with the success we have achieved. For shows or tours he can’t be a part of there will be a well respected, talented, fill in singer, so we as a band can continue to prosper and bring Suffocation to the fans. Bill Robinson (Decrepit Birth) is a good friend of ours and came through during the European tours when Frank was unable to make the shows, but he was just filling in those two times. The fill-in singer will be announced soon, and we promise that our fans will not be let down. We have been fortunate to make a great living playing music, and are willing to continue to give our fans what they want.”

Suffocation is currently in the finishing stages of an upcoming new album entitled :Pinnacle of Bedlam." The record was produced by the band and tracked at Full Force Studios in New York by longtime collaborator Joe Cincotta. The mixing and mastering of the album is set to be handled this time around by world renowned producer/engineer Zeuss (Hatebreed, Suicide Silence).

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