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Posle duge pauze i izdavanja njihovog prvog albuma "The Devil's Hall Of Fame" na kome peva već poznati vokal Jorn Lande, Beyond Twilight izdaje svoj drugi album nakon 4godine pauze.

Njihov mračni,doom progressive metal je jedna vrsta putovanja prelepih melodija, melanhoničnih vokala, pijano instrumentala. Kelly Sundown Carpenter novi vokal benda je sjajno zamenio predhodnog pevača i sjajno se uklopio u muziku i mračne aranžmane pesama.

Ono što krasi skoro sve pesme na novom albumu je ta da su i pored svoje kompleksnosti i dark produkcije iste odišu svežim melodijama kako u muzici tako i vokalanim mogućnostima pevača.

Pesme "The Path Of Darkness", "The Dark Side", "Ecstasy Arise", “Shadow Self” su savršenstvo, nihova muzika će vas opustiti i odvesti na putovanje samo vama znano.

Virtuoznost ne krasi ovaj bend i nemoj te očekivati neki ritmičan i brz zvuk jer se radi o totlano drugačijem prilazu, muzika je spora ali zvuk je jak i svaka nota je na svom mestu.

Preporučujem prvo da proverite bend pa onda da kupujete album jer se ne radi o komercijalnoj svirci

I mnogima će trebati vremena da uđu u svet koji se zove Beyond Twilight.





meni je odlican taj album...bas neobican...cyber doom.prog. icon_smile.gif


technically...ovo im je treci album.


zvali su se Twilight i pevao je ovaj baja iz Lions Share-a.


album se zove "The Edge"


ja sam skoro saznao da su Danchuge, mislio sam da su Norvezani no.gif Verovatno zbog Jorna i proklete istorije...


Fin bend, mada malo tezi za slusanje...


Evo bas sam pre neki dan nabavila novi album " Section X" i album je super. Usudim se reci cak i mnogo bolji od prethodnog. U bandu je novi pevac i momak je doista dostojna zamena za Landea. Album je izgleda opet konceptualan. Meni se jako svidio. Jel ko jos to slusao? Misljenja?


Po meni je prvi mnogo tezi za slushanje ali Lande opet pokazuje da je izvanredan pevac (i moj omiljeni). Dobar album ali ni Lande nije pomogao da se zapalim za ovaj bend...


Drugi album je druga prica. Nov vokal se ukolopio perfektno. Zvuk na novom albumu je malo blizi onome shto najvishe volim... album je tezi shto se zvuka tice ali po meni je melodicniji i nekako jasniji... kompletna prica koja prati album moze da se nadje na njihovom sajtu. Ovaj album bih 'ladno mogao da svrstam u jedan od najboljih prog albuma proshle godine.... Section X preporucujem svim ljubiteljim dobrog prog zvuka.

  • 1 month later...

Section X je vrhunski!


Mracni prog, slozen poprilicno, a atmosfera za svaku pohvalu. Iskreno, meni Jorn ni ne fali na ovom albumu, iako ga obozavam kao pevaca. I mnogo mi je bolji ovaj od prethodnog albuma.


Nisam ocekivao mnogo sta, kad ono...

  • 9 months later...

BEYOND TWILIGHT Announce Release Date For 'For The Love Of Art And The Making'


Danish/Swedish prog-metallers BEYOND TWILIGHT will release their new album, "For The Love Of Art And The Making", on April 21. The recording sessions for the CD took place in three different studios: Hansen Studios in Ribe, Denmark with Jacob Hansen, Zierler's Dungeon and Jailhouse Studio with Tommy Hansen. "Be sure to expect the most unique piece of music in the band's history," the group write on their web site. "One ongoing composition containing 43 sections. The sections are all pieces of a puzzle, which you, the listener can put together to find the secrets of this complex and ambitious work. The album have a meaning/lifeline from start to end but if you set your CD player on shuffle new doors to the meaning of the album will open for you. To be able to understand the dephts and complexity of the album you'll have to listen to it more than a few times."


Inache,za one koji ne znaju,Kelly Sundown Carpenter nije vishe pevach benda!

Posle onog ogromnog prozivanja na relaciji Jorn Lande - Beyond Twilight i Jorn Lande - Kelly Carpenter,chovek je popizdeo i napustio bend!Nije hteo icji sa njima u studio na snimanje vecj su morali da pronadju novog pevacha,Bjorn Jansson-a!,za koga mi je Finn tvrdio da pevao kao Geof Tate ( yeah ,right icon_uhoh.gif )!Anyway,nama ostaje da vidimo to chudo od pevacha,a ja cju nastaviti da pratim rad Kelly-a svakako,jer je on po meni jedan od naj kvlt pevacha danas!

Posted (edited)

Volim da cujem Jorn-a ali je Kelly odradio bolji posao ... moda su mi pesme generalno mnogo bolje na drugom albumu. 2 bad 4 kelly

Edited by ErliK
  • 1 month later...

user posted image


The new album - For The Love Of Art And The Making is one ongoing composition containing 43 sections. It is 1 track of about 40 minutes.


The concept is abstract and at times almost surreal. It deals with the larger things in life. Such as life, death, love, the very essence of being dishonest, lies, sin, the essence of truth, the essence of creating, art, theft, moral values, bdsm, freedom, sadness, joy, anger, every possible emotions humans have, human nature. But most and foreall the concept deals with the passion for composing, creating, art and the essence that is music.


The composition is unique in different ways. It is one ongoing composition - a symphony/metal opera with a concept you could call it but it is not really covering the essense of it. The composition is devided into different sections/orchestrations fully packed with Beyond Twilight details both musically and lyrically. Here's a few examples. Try counting how many times "In The Eyes Of My Soul" is introduced and how. Another "key piece" - "The Black Box Of Reverse" - note "Sleeping Beauty" is composed backwards. But not restricted to backwards as composition. The melodyline is composed and played backwards. The bassline is composed and played backwards as if it was recorded backwards. There's a quite a difference of playing composed and recorded backwards. This is a mix between both in one composition. A mathematical challenge but also deep in the essence of composing and of the very soul of music if you analyse it closer. Another key piece "Past The Magic" is compositions containing compositions in the compositions made of rhytmic laughter. If you analyse the music and lyrics you'll find many more details. The music includes several hundreds tracks and the complexity is beyond anything we've ever released. You can say many things with words but you can say so much more with music.


The concept is compounded by 43 sections and 3 hidden sections. The sections are (pieces of a puzzle). Lyrics and music both play important roles. Each section has it's own life/story and every section is a brick of the whole puzzle. Depending on in which order you listen to the pieces of the puzzle you'll get a new picture of For The Love Of Art And The Making. So you can really understand this piece of work in numerous different ways. It's up to you how you gather the puzzle.


"It is a great joy musically for us all to release this album and it pleases us personally in many ways. This album is most and foreall for our fans and for ourselves. It is not exactly something for easy-listeners - it is deep - very deep. You will have to give it quite a few spins in the cd player to get the understanding of the dephts of this unique album. Enjoy!"

  • 4 weeks later...

Actually dve pesme icon_wink.gif


Sta bre..zar niko josh nije slushao?


Za mene je ovo za sada najbolje power/prog izdanje godine, s tim shto chekam josh novi Persuader, BG, SyX i tako neke..ali ovo ce svejedno biti u vrhu..

... vecj su morali da pronadju novog pevacha,Bjorn Jansson-a!,za koga mi je Finn tvrdio da pevao kao Geof Tate ( yeah ,right icon_uhoh.gif )

Elem tek sad videh o kom se pevacu radi poshto sam ga slushao i u Tears of Anger-u i bendu po imenu Imaginery. Pevac sem imenom Bjorn podseca i glasom na Jorn-a - peva u tom fazonu najvishe ali mu slabo ide... ima jako loshe momente. Inace Prvi album TOA je jako dobar a ovo ostalo je ....


Nadam se da se Bjorn popravion na novom albumu BT-a... inace cu da idem licno da mu presudim icon_wink.gif

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Actually dve pesme icon_wink.gif


Sta bre..zar niko josh nije slushao?


Za mene je ovo za sada najbolje power/prog izdanje godine, s tim shto chekam josh novi Persuader, BG, SyX i tako neke..ali ovo ce svejedno biti u vrhu..

Pa jedna pesma samo doduse u pravu si iz dva je dela icon_smile.gif . Anyway, slazem se da je u pitanju definitivno jedno od najboljih prog izdanja za ovu godinu. Perfektna kompozicija, svaki instrument je savrseno odsviran i ima svoju ulogu u koncepciji albuma, vokal takodje za svaku pohvalu, i uz odlicnu produkcjiu stvar je prilicno jasno = FENOMENALNO!

Edited by Perfector
  • 2 months later...

Ja sam bio ubedjen da se cuje i vokal pevaca Circus Maximusa jer ima otpevanih delova koji totalno nemaju veze sa Bjornovim glasom jer gledajuce druge bendove taj covek nema tih glasovnih mogucnosti...

  • 5 months later...

Uh, sto da kazem, osim da sam postao lud za ovim likovima. Stvaraju cistu UMJETNOST! "For The Love Of Art And The Making" slobodno se moze okarakterisati kao remek djelo!!! Mracna atmosfera, melodije vanvremenske, orkestracije, emocije koje vam razdiru dusu, odlicni vokali, krajnje kompleksni i uvrnuti aranzmani... Ali, za slusanje ovog benda treba maximalna koncentracija, pa tako samo oni sa duzim "stazom" u Progressive Metalu mogu da ih skapiraju :da:


Valjda je jos neko cuo za ove majstore...

  • 4 months later...
Ja sam bio ubedjen da se cuje i vokal pevaca Circus Maximusa jer ima otpevanih delova koji totalno nemaju veze sa Bjornovim glasom jer gledajuce druge bendove taj covek nema tih glasovnih mogucnosti...


Jes', on je prisutan još od Section X-a.

  • 1 month later...

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