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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Spor mi je komp, ne mogu da ih slusam.



Nemojte da prebuzujete vokale, neka tu ima malo cistote!

Album, nadam se ove godine!


Tica: "Sine, izmedju nas ima samo jedna jedina prepreka- AZIJA! :D "

(Vrh izjava Ticina povodom predlozene DecontrolleD turneje po Australiji.)

Edited by Rain delay
  • 3 weeks later...

Obavestavamo se da su se dva benda pod nasim managementom nasli u izboru za ucesce na MTV FM4 FREQUENCY festivalu u Austriji. Pozivamo vas sve da pomognete bendovima DECONTROLLED i HETERA da se kvalifikuju za ucesce na pomenutom festivalu. Bendove mozete podrzati putem SMS glasanja i to na sledeci nacin:


Za DECONTROLLED posaljite poruku sledeceg sadrzaja MTV C5 na 5643


ZA HETERU posaljite poruku sledeceg sadrzaja MTV F2 na 5643





  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Sad sam cuo pesme na 202, fenomenalne su!!!Odlicna produkcija, bubanj je do jaja!Skinuo sam ih odma' sa terra nosta sajta.Ne radi link za pesmu unleashed.




doslo je do promene u postavi banda. dosadasnjeg gitaristu marka protica zamenice vuk kazimirovic(ex nork, yobo, i ko ce ga znati sta sve jos :)).

prota ostaje nas drugar bezobzira, radi se samo o muzickim razlicitostima u smislu ukusa, koje su se negativno odrazavale na samu svirku.


prema tome, vuce, welcome aboard :D


Starci, postavio sam vam recenziju split diska na Serbian Metal.


Kad budete hteli da pisem recenziju i za album, javite.


Zene, alkohol i zurke :pivopije:

Posted (edited)

stari lakic je napisao bombona recenziju, ljubi ga lex :)


ne, ozbiljno, dopada mi se, jer je skroz realno, sta je tu na mestu a sta nije.


aj, kad album izleti, cenim da je tada i vreme za recenziju. treba i da uradimo nove fotke sada kada je vuk stigao u ekipu.


EDIT: danas pin bio na probi, uhvatila prpa malo :)

Edited by prophet.o'doom
  • 2 weeks later...

ovaj,malo smo zablejali na garageband.com a stvari stoje ovako:


track nameless stands for:


Track of the Day on 25Jun2007 in Alternative Metal


Track of the Day on 6Jul2007 in Metal


Track Of The Week on 16Jul2007 in Alternative Metal


#17 Best Keyboards in Alternative Metal, all-time

#7 Grooviest Rhythm in Alternative Metal, all-time

Best Male Vocals in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Best Guitars in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Best Drums in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Best Keyboards in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Best Production in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Best Melody in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Best Melody in Alternative Metal, week of 23Jul2007

Best Beat in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Best Beat in Alternative Metal, week of 23Jul2007

Best Mood in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Rocking Track in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007


track awakening 2 stands for:


Track of the Day on 29Jun2007 in Alternative Metal


Best Guitars in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Drums in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Keyboards in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 2Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Beat in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Most Original in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007


track self portrait stands for:


Track of the Day on 8Jul2007 in Alternative Metal


Best Drums in Alternative Metal, week of 16Jul2007

Best Bass in Alternative Metal, week of 16Jul2007

Best Bass in Alternative Metal, week of 3Sep2007

Best Keyboards in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 16Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 30Jul2007

Best Production in Alternative Metal, week of 16Jul2007

Best Beat in Alternative Metal, week of 16Jul2007

Best Beat in Alternative Metal, week of 23Jul2007

Best Mood in Alternative Metal, week of 20Aug2007

Most Original overall, week of 16Jul2007

Most Original in Alternative Metal, week of 16Jul2007


Best Keyboards in Alternative Metal, week of 25Jun2007

Best Keyboards in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 2Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Keyboards in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 9Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 16Jul2007

Best Programming in Alternative Metal, week of 30Jul2007


sanjinu mora da je lepo :D

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