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Kevin Shirley's studio diary, which he is providing to the group's fans via the official Iron Maiden Online Club. An excerpt from the entry follows:


"Tuesday, all the lads [from the band] came in and I played them rough mixes of all the basic tracks, and they're sounding incredible (even Adrian [smith, guitar] was thrilled!) — then we went through who's doing what guitar solos where, where the Three Amigos are playing harmony melodies, where keys would play melody and pad — and the album is a terrific IRON MAIDEN album — full of trademark gallops and canters, hard-rocking choruses — perhaps a little more tough prog riffing spirited about than on record lately, and definitely a couple of well-grounded groovers in there too. Long melodic intros abound and the rocker that's probably the single, is as tough as it gets on radio. There's one about a famous eccentric and novelist, whose memorabilia is sensitively distributed throughout the studio for inspiration. It turns out that Janick [Gers, guitar] is a bit of an avid collector and an anorak about this fellow, and he isn't Pawtucket Pat!! We call the song, 'The Rime Of Billy Bunter'!"

Najbolji izbor ploča je nedeljom prepodne kod SKC-a u Beogradu.


Ovo za radio stanice takodje važi. U trećoj godini srednje sam baš imao praksu na Studiju B (na radio stanici) i video da imaju gomilu starih ploča, medju njima i Maiden, i to licencirana izdanja, znači na omotu lepo piše na srpskom, "licencirano od EMI Records" itd...


Što se tiče istorije, za vreme komunizma (doduše, kažu da ovaj naš nije bio tr00 komunizam icon_smile.gif ) metal je bio neuporedivo popularniji nego sad!


Pa Maiden su 3 puta svirali samo u BG-u, + Zagreb, Ljubljana...


Hipodrom 1981, Sajam 1984 i Pionir 1986. Inače pre par godina sam na TV-u gledao priču o tom gostovanju iz 1986, tada su dobili neku našu nagradu za najprodavaniju ploču or somethin'... icon_da.gif


Siguran sam da ovde ima onih starijih koji se sećaju toga...







Eh, ponekad kapiram ove matorce što kenjaju kako je tada sve bilo do yaya... rolleyes.gif

Pa da barem su znali shta ce gledati za raliku od nas

Posted (edited)

Što se tiče istorije, za vreme komunizma (doduše, kažu da ovaj naš nije bio tr00 komunizam icon_smile.gif ) metal je bio neuporedivo popularniji nego sad!


Pa Maiden su 3 puta svirali samo u BG-u, + Zagreb, Ljubljana...


Hipodrom 1981, Sajam 1984 i Pionir 1986. Inače pre par godina sam na TV-u gledao priču o tom gostovanju iz 1986, tada su dobili neku našu nagradu za najprodavaniju ploču or somethin'... icon_da.gif







Eh, ponekad kapiram ove matorce što kenjaju kako je tada sve bilo do yaya...  icon_rolleyes.gif

Da,to je tačno. icon_da.gif

Edited by Metal girl
Kevin Shirley's studio diary, which he is providing to the group's fans via the official Iron Maiden Online Club. An excerpt from the entry follows:


"Tuesday, all the lads [from the band] came in and I played them rough mixes of all the basic tracks, and they're sounding incredible (even Adrian [smith, guitar] was thrilled!) — then we went through who's doing what guitar solos where, where the Three Amigos are playing harmony melodies, where keys would play melody and pad — and the album is a terrific IRON MAIDEN album — full of trademark gallops and canters, hard-rocking choruses — perhaps a little more tough prog riffing spirited about than on record lately, and definitely a couple of well-grounded groovers in there too. Long melodic intros abound and the rocker that's probably the single, is as tough as it gets on radio. There's one about a famous eccentric and novelist, whose memorabilia is sensitively distributed throughout the studio for inspiration. It turns out that Janick [Gers, guitar] is a bit of an avid collector and an anorak about this fellow, and he isn't Pawtucket Pat!! We call the song, 'The Rime Of Billy Bunter'!"

Odlichno a gde si samo ovo nashao biggrin.gif

Pa na zvanicnom sajtu valjda...sve u svemu ono sto im najvise treba je vera njihovih fanova...

Tako da od mene Maideni dobijaju Potpunu Podrsku user posted image

Pa da....Sta vishe reci icon_da.gif


HA HA HA ... a gde cemo svi da idemo da ga slushamo...Mozda dodjemo na probu ANTI-DOTEa pa da slusamo uzivo sviran


Kako je ovo bilo prepotentno ali ne i neistinito

(P.S.Nismo Maiden tribute)


Da li iko zna neku turisticku agenciju koja ce voditi na koncerte Iron Maidena?

Nazalost nece cak doci kod nas(a ni priblizno nama), pa me zanima da li je neko mozda isao malo dalje na kocerte, i da mi preporuci neku agenciju i sl.

Guest DebugR

De si ovo iskopao!Jebote ko da mu frizer radi sa serpom!!!

Mozda ga je shishao Mister Bin! icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


To ti je ona fora-šerpu na glavu i ošišaš sve što viri. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Nemojte da se tome smejete i ja sam kao klinja imao takvu frizuru ali sam u 7 godini shvatio da nisam za to biggrin.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Nije ti to ništa.Jasam kao mala mrzela dugu kosu.Šišala sam se sama,šnajderskim makazama, na mušku frizuru kada roditelji nisu hteli da me vode kod frizera! icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

A sad mi je kosa jako duga.


ovo je bio off-topic

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