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A i Gers je svirao sa Dickijem u solo albumima. Tako da.... 'Bes ih sve. Vazno je da mi volimo Metal!! (SAd odoh da se smejem sam sebi)

Vazno je da mi volimo Metal!! (SAd odoh da se smejem sam sebi)

icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif Imala je pre,čini mi se,tema "Metal u srcu i duši".E,baš to! icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Mislim,ne shvatajte me pogrešno,ja obozavam metal. icon_da.gif Ali ove izjave ......

Posted (edited)

Znam šta hoćeš da kažeš. Volim i ja Man0waR ali neki put se razvalim od smeha zbog njihovih tr00 fazona! icon_smile.gif

Edited by crusader84

Prestanite sa retard postovima...


IRON MAIDEN plan to release their new studio album, entitled "A Matter of Life and Death", in early September.


The band started writing songs at the end of 2005 after a short break from their hugely successful festival appearances in Europe and the USA. After Christmas, the songs were completed and rehearsed when the band then got together with producer Kevin "Caveman" Shirley at Sarm West Studios in London to start work on recording the backing tracks.


Kevin Shirley has now co-produced three of the band's studio albums alongside Steve Harris, as well as two of their recent live DVDs and albums. From this the working relationship between Kevin and the band seems to get stronger and stronger. Says Kevin, "The beast is back! I feel from the outset we all clicked on this one. we spent two months in the studio, from go to whoa — from Nicko's 'tubs up' to final mixes and sequenced master! That's a tiny gestation period for an album. Producing IRON MAIDEN is like sitting in the head and driving one of those mammoth automatons from 'Star Wars' or Saturday morning cartoons! And there's nothing that can stop it!


"I feel incredibly privileged to have been around to see this album born and breathe life. There have been only a couple of occasions in my career when the ENTIRE process of recording felt so complete — and it is on display here."


As on previous projects all of the tracks were performed live and together in one room. No click tracks or computer tightening or manipulation has happened at any stage of the recording.


Says Steve Harris, "I think in many ways this has been the easiest album in terms of recording that we've ever done. The whole process of writing through to recording was very natural. I think in terms of the material we've also pushed our boundaries yet again and I think it will please our fans but also really surprise a lot of people as well. The sound we've managed to get is very powerful for a MAIDEN record and all of us have pushed ourselves in our own ways to create something that we're all immensely proud of and I think working as quickly as we did with Kevin really was part of that process. We simply can't wait to take this out on the road. We've played some great shows and had a lot fun recently introducing some of our older songs to a new generation of fans. However for us personally we're incredibly excited about getting out and performing these new tracks."


Says Bruce Dickinson, "This album has to be our best since working with Kevin. There is such a wide scope of musicianship on this album and in parts this album is truly epic. I thought with the likes of 'Paschendale' from the last studio album that we could only hope to surpass that but having now heard the album back as well as sitting with a few select people and hearing their reactions as well, I truly believe we have managed it. Every one of us has put everything into this record and it's really paid off. However we've had such fun making it that it's almost difficult to believe what we've managed to achieve in the time it took."


"A Matter of Life and Death" track listing:


01. Different Worlds (Smith/Harris) 4:17

02. These Colours Don't Run (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 6:52

03. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 8:44

04. The Pilgrim (Gers/Harris) 5:07

05. The Longest Day (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:48

06. Out Of the Shadows (Dickinson/Harris) 5:36

07. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (Murray/Harris) 7:21

08. For The Greater Good of God (Harris) 9:24

09. Lord Of Light (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:23

10. The Legacy (Gers/Harris) 9:20


Posted (edited)

"A Matter of Life and Death" track listing:


01. Different Worlds (Smith/Harris) 4:17

02. These Colours Don't Run (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 6:52

03. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 8:44

04. The Pilgrim (Gers/Harris) 5:07

05. The Longest Day (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:48

06. Out Of the Shadows (Dickinson/Harris) 5:36

07. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (Murray/Harris) 7:21

08. For The Greater Good of God (Harris) 9:24

09. Lord Of Light (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7:23

10. The Legacy (Gers/Harris) 9:20

Hm, čak 6 pesama preko 7 min, plus jedna skoro 7, ovo će biti interesantno... icon_da.gif


Sudeću po trajanju, ova prva bi trebalo da bude zadužena za "paljevinu" laugh.gif, eventualno Pilgrim ili Out Of The Shadows...

Edited by crusader84

Kaze Harris nikad lakse i brze nisu napravili album, nadam se da nece biti sto je brzo to je i kuso'. Ali ako bude kao sto kaze malo tezi za maiden pojmove i jos to bude vredelo ima sansu da bude icon_rockdevil.gif

Nego 31. sam pravio drustvo devojci na GNR u Budimpesti, pa kad smo stigli ja sam posao zajedno sa Ivanom iz multimedia concertsa da uzmem karte gde sam i sreo sefa ovdasnjeg dela istog, kaze covek da su dovodili maidene 1984 i 1986, je*em ti burazera sto me tada nije vodio kad sam bio mali. Prica da su propali na sajmu 1984 imali samo 7700 prodatih karata, pa onda 1986 odluce da uzmu Pionir, a onda im doslo samo 3,500 ljudi i od tada izbegavaju Maidene u sirokom luku. Sto nisam mogao da verujem, iako sam znao da su u pioniru prosli lose. Zapanjajuce mi je da se od tada ozbiljno ne angazuju na dovodjenju Maidena koji bi sada sigurno napunili bar OFK stadion sto sam coveku rekao nekoliko puta. On se slaze u misljenju da Maideni sad verovatno imaju vecu publiku nego onda ali ga i dalje bole kaze ta 2 najveca promasaja kad je ocekivao i 20 000 ljudi.

Moje sledece pitanje je bilo koliko stvarno realno kosta dovodjenje maidena odgovor je oko 100 000e i kaze za uspesan posao bi mu trebalo min 10 000 karata.

Ja ne mogu da verujem da neko sumnja u tu brojku i boji se propasti Maiden koncerta, a u isto vreme dovode neke propalitete koji bi da uzmu jos koji evro na playback.

Od 1995. sam 5 puta gledao Maidene ali dodje mi da prodam gajbu i familiju u belo roblje pa da ih sam dovucem.

Posted (edited)

02. These Colours Don't Run (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 6:52




ovo ime obecava!!! verovatno napisana sa secanjem na ozzy-ija i zenu mu - kurvu...





inace, album Maiden-a nikako ne moze da bude "sranje" ili "dosadan"








I spit on people who spit on DoD biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Edited by Morgray The Dark
Dancing with danger right until dawn,the sin that you buy and you sell....




On your knees!!!








«Playing with fire, lust in you burns,Reflecting the flames in your eyes...»




Posted (edited)







inace, album Maiden-a nikako ne moze da bude "sranje" ili "dosadan"








da, u pravu si!

Edited by Metal girl

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