Eastbound Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Killjoy666 said: Već dve noći zaredom sanjam da je Bruce poginuo u avionskoj nesreći, užasno je, probudim se, sva se tresem od straha, k'o da se to stvarno desilo dok ne skapiram da je san... Šta će biti sa mnom kad jednog dana stvarno umre?! neki ljudi kažu da to produžava život, nemoj da brineš... Quote
Hudini Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Crna_Dama said: Iskreno,ni ja ne znam sta cu raditi kad brus(halter)a vise ne bude... Ja živim za dan kad brushaltera više neće biti... Quote
MissDickinson Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Sada svi govorite kao moja sestra... Juzni Pol Brushalter Dikinson... Quote
Hudini Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Ma kakvi. Svaka njemu čast. Brushalteri su zlo... Više posla ni zbog čega. Quote
Sandman Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Ok,otvaram temu o mogucoj smrti Brucea. Quote
MissDickinson Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Sandman said: Ok,otvaram temu o mogucoj smrti Brucea. Da li je cilj te teme da ubijes mene? Quote
Sandman Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 OK,izvini.Menjam ime te teme u Bruce The Immortal. Quote
MissDickinson Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Bruce je Bog, a Bog nikad ne umire. Quote
Sandman Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Naravno,samo sam se zezao. Bruce se ceni maximalno. Quote
Guest IN THE NAME OF GUUUZ Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 ala je jebao kevu na total eclipse, sad slušam samo b sides Quote
MissDickinson Posted September 5, 2007 Report Posted September 5, 2007 Sandman said: Bruce se ceni maximalno. Quote
Crna_Dama Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 Sandman said: Naravno,samo sam se zezao. Bruce se ceni maximalno. Pa,da....ziveo brus! Quote
Crna_Dama Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 (edited) Sandman said: Naravno,samo sam se zezao. Bruce se ceni maximalno. dupli post Edited September 6, 2007 by Crna_Dama Quote
RaVeN Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 (edited) Aj manite se malo tih supljih prica... Da se vratimo na temu...ono sto nas ocekuje je... Quote WORLD TOUR 08 ANNOUNCEMENT - EDDIE GETS HIGH AND GOES GLOBAL Published: September 5, 2007 IRON MAIDEN announce their most ambitious and extraordinary touring plans ever -- and are very pleased to announce that this will include Australia for the first time in 15 years! The 'SOMEWHERE BACK IN TIME' World Tour 2008 will be in three sections, starting in February and March 2008 with the first leg encompassing major concerts in 20 selected cities on five continents in seven weeks including India, Japan, North America, Central and South America, and, of course, Australia, opening in Perth on Feb 4 and continuing through Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane: SOMEWHERE BACK IN TIME, AUSTRALIA 2008 February :- Monday 4th, Burswood Dome, Perth Wednesday 6th, Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne Saturday 9th, Acer Arena, Sydney Tuesday 12th, Entertainment Centre, Brisbane The tour then continues with more concerts in North America in late May and June before finishing with a third leg in July and August encompassing major stadiums and festivals all over Europe. During the tour the band is expected to play to well over one and a half million fans and travel close to 100,000 miles. In an historic first, Iron Maiden, their 60-strong crew and support staff and over 12 tons of equipment will be travelling around the world en masse for the first leg of the tour in a specially commissioned and converted Astraeus Boeing 757 decorated with Maiden and Eddie designs! Vocalist Bruce Dickinson, who is a qualified Airline Captain flying for Astraeus Airlines, will pilot the plane on its epic mission, flying over 50,000 miles. Comments Bruce Dickinson, "We had the idea last year of converting a jumbo jet into effectively what would be a flying 113 ton 'splitter bus' for touring and we have been working seriously on it ever since. It's pretty complex but in the end we were able, with a lot of help from Astraeus Airlines, to overcome all the technicalities of customising the plane for our purposes. We are taking out the back 10 rows of seats to fit in a customised cargo hold that we can use again in the future if this jaunt works. This is in addition to all the standard storage holds. By taking band, personnel and equipment in one form of transport it makes all the touring so much easier and overcomes the logistical difficulty of people and equipment going in different planes. We can even work out exactly how big our carbon footprint is and take care of that responsibility! We will be packing as much of the show into the plane as we possibly can for this first leg and intend to give the fans something very special to remember. And it allows me to combine 2 of my greatest passions, music and flying!! To tie in with forthcoming 2008 releases on DVD of the classic 'LIVE AFTER DEATH' and 'MAIDEN ENGLAND' concert videos (more details coming soon) this tour, aptly entitled 'SOMEWHERE BACK IN TIME', will revisit the band's history by focusing almost entirely on the 80's in both choice of songs played and the stage set, which will be based around the legendary Egyptian Production of the 1984-85 'Powerslave Tour'. This will arguably be the most elaborate and spectacular show the band have ever presented, and will include some key elements of their Somewhere In Time tour of 1986/7, such as the Cyborg Eddie. Steve Harris comments; "On the last tour we opened the show by playing our new album 'A Matter of Life and Death' in its 80 minute entirety. We thought we needed the challenge and it proved the right thing to do. However, it can be hard on the fans playing so much new material and we really appreciated the superb support they gave us. So now l guess it's payback time. It's tremendous to be able to use the profile of the DVDs to do what is effectively an 80's show. It will be enormous fun and by changing the approach to the songs we play tour by tour it keeps it fresh and interesting for both the band and the fans alike. l think 'Powerslave' was an incredible show with the Egyptian theme and look forward to seeing it all again myself. We have been planning this for a few years and hoping to take it to Australia -- so we are all delighted that it has now worked out. I would also like to say that we are all are very grateful to our loyal fans in Oz who have kept the Maiden flag flying all these years and we are sorry to have disappointed you for so long. Thanks and see you there" Rod Smallwood, Iron Maiden's Manager, further commented; "Following Bruce's various hints from on stage this last year about our plans for 2008 ("We are taking some time off to build some pyramids!"), fans have been pestering me for details of the tour and especially asking which songs from that era will be played. That may be as easy as a run in the hills but we will keep our aces close to our chest on this issue. I know it would only take a couple of minutes but at this stage of planning, I'd have to be clairvoyant to know what they will do. I'm sure though it will be no revelation for you that we intend to make up for those wasted years by visiting a large number of hallowed metal venues around the world. Historically 'Powerslave' was an incredibly important album for the band and it would be madness if we didn't give the fans a taste of the full on Iron Maiden show from that time. With our jumbo there really is no rime nor reason why the band cannot now visit fans almost everywhere as many have been real troopers to have waited this long. Heaven only knows what the band will choose but if l could and did tell you now l would have to shoot you! You'll all have to be patient and see. But it will be spectacular. No fear!!" Historically, this will be Maiden's fourth Australian Tour having first toured in 1982 when 'The Number of the Beast' was Australia's number one album, then again in 1985 with the original 'Powerslave' show and most recently in 1992 with 'Fear of the Dark'. However a great deal has happened with the band since then, especially in recent years when ticket sales have continued to explode around the world as the band's loyal fan base continues to flourish. As Maiden have never had airplay or much video channel exposure anywhere in the world their popularity spread mainly by word of mouth on the back of a legacy of many great albums and an awesome live reputation With the ever increasing power of the internet the Maiden legend has fired the imagination of new young fans around the planet, and, although their audience spans two generations, it is now predominantly a young one, inspired by the massive legacy and influence of this unique band (and, of course, Eddie). To allow Iron Maiden fans in Australia to get right up close to the band,the fan club are organising advance booking of tickets for members and running a special draw for them whereby 60 winners and friend at each show will be given first access to the venue and be first to the stage barrier. Full details will be on www.ironmaiden.com. Tickets go on sale to the public 9am Thursday 27th September, but members of the Iron Maiden fan club get exclusive first access to purchase tickets from 12 noon Thursday 20th September through to 12 noon Monday 24th September. More details soon! Na ovo se mora ici...pa makar bilo i na severnom polu !! Nadam se da cemo mi biti jedan od tih evropskih stadiona.... Edited September 6, 2007 by RaVeN Quote
MissDickinson Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 (edited) heheh pa mog'o si jednostavno da stavis link ka tome, ne ceo text da kopiras, al' dobro, nema veze... Onaj avion je super! Steta samo sto ne mogu da idem... Edited September 6, 2007 by Killjoy666 Quote
vladream Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 ako obratite paznju na Rodovu izjavu, covek je "odao" celu setlistu: We are taking some time off to build some pyramids!"), fans have been pestering me for details of the tour and especially asking which songs from that era will be played. That may be as easy as a [RUN TO THE HILLS] but we will keep our [ACES] close to our chest on this issue. I know it would only take a couple of [MINUTES] but at this stage of planning, I'd have to be [CLAIRVOYANT] to know what they will do. I'm sure though it will be [no?] [REVELATION] for you that we intend to make up for those [WASTED YEARS] by visiting a large [NUMBER??] of [HALLOWED] metal venues around the world. Historically 'Powerslave' was an incredibly important album for the band and it would be [MADNESS] if we didn't give the fans a taste of the full on Iron Maiden show from that time. With our jumbo there really is no [RIME] nor reason why the band cannot now visit fans almost everywhere as many have been real [TROOPERS] to have waited this long. Heaven only knows what the band will choose but if l could and did tell you now l would have to shoot you! You'll all have to be patient and see. But it will be spectacular. [No fear!!!!!!]!!" nadam se da ovo zadnje znaci da nema Fear of The Dark (mislim na pesmu) mada, verovatno je sve fora, ali ja ne kapiram koji se albumi sad sviraju, pricalo se druga 4, sto ce reci Powerslave-Prayer, ovo je izgleda nesto drugo... Quote
Lord Iffy Boatrace Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 (edited) Jebote,ne mogu jos uvek da se oporavim,samo sto me slog nije strefio kad sam video!IDE MI SE U AUTSTRALIJU!!!!!!!!!! Moracu da popijem par diazepama da ne riknem!Definitivno cu negde na gradjevinu da ih vidim makar 5 puta !!!! Edited September 6, 2007 by BruceBruce Quote
Sandman Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 vladream said: ako obratite paznju na Rodovu izjavu, covek je "odao" celu setlistu: We are taking some time off to build some pyramids!"), fans have been pestering me for details of the tour and especially asking which songs from that era will be played. That may be as easy as a [RUN TO THE HILLS] but we will keep our [ACES] close to our chest on this issue. I know it would only take a couple of [MINUTES] but at this stage of planning, I'd have to be [CLAIRVOYANT] to know what they will do. I'm sure though it will be [no?] [REVELATION] for you that we intend to make up for those [WASTED YEARS] by visiting a large [NUMBER??] of [HALLOWED] metal venues around the world. Historically 'Powerslave' was an incredibly important album for the band and it would be [MADNESS] if we didn't give the fans a taste of the full on Iron Maiden show from that time. With our jumbo there really is no [RIME] nor reason why the band cannot now visit fans almost everywhere as many have been real [TROOPERS] to have waited this long. Heaven only knows what the band will choose but if l could and did tell you now l would have to shoot you! You'll all have to be patient and see. But it will be spectacular. [No fear!!!!!!]!!" nadam se da ovo zadnje znaci da nema Fear of The Dark (mislim na pesmu) mada, verovatno je sve fora, ali ja ne kapiram koji se albumi sad sviraju, pricalo se druga 4, sto ce reci Powerslave-Prayer, ovo je izgleda nesto drugo... Provalili smo i sami. Ma sve je to fora,ali ce set-lista biti manje-vishe takva s obzirom da ce svirati stvari sa Powerslave,7SOA7s i josh ponnechega. Ako dodju kod nas.... Quote
Guest IN THE NAME OF GUUUZ Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 mogli bi da se potrude sa setlistom, da prave fanove stvarno iznenade Quote
MissDickinson Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 BruceBruce, ti rece da ako neki ne budu promoteri u Zagrebu vrlo je moguce da dodju kod nas, zna li se ko je promoter u Zagrebu? Quote
Lord Iffy Boatrace Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 Ima izglednih sansi da dodju kod nas!Znam da ce doci u Atinu,Pestu i mozda Zagreb! Quote
Sandman Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 Pa u Atini su koliko ja znam bili i ove godine. Mogli bi onda i kod nas ponovo. Quote
MissDickinson Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 Sandman said: Pa u Atini su koliko ja znam bili i ove godine.Mogli bi onda i kod nas ponovo. MORAJU!!! BruceBruce said: Ima izglednih sansi da dodju kod nas!Znam da ce doci u Atinu,Pestu i mozda Zagreb!Zagreb mi nista ne znaci, to vec znas, medjutim ovo za Atinu mi je veoma interesantno, tamo su bili kad i kod nas, sto ce reci... yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
Bata Trokrilni Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 Pošto vidim da se raspravljalo o povlačenju Maidena, evo jedno zanimljivo pitanje za sve - koji metal bend se do sada povukao zbog starosti njegovih članova? Ja ne znam nijedan. Metal je isuviše mlada vrsta muzike, da bi do sada došlo do toga. Ne znam zašto bi Maideni bili prvi, kad su njihovi članovi u rasponu od 54. do 58. godišta, što znači da su znatno mlađi od muzičara kao što su Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper, Ronnie James Dio, Byff Byford, pa oni iz Scorpions-a itd, a svi oni još uvek rade. Quote
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