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Posted (edited)

Koliko li bi para tražili da izbace Number of the Beast i Run to the Hills a ubace npr 22 Acacia Avenue i Children of the Damned, ili Phanorm of the Opera, Remember Tomorrow? :)

Smarači, što se set lista tiče, od Gardijana treba svi da uče! :da:



  Killjoy666 said:
Da, a ostale su Caught Somewhere in Time, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner i Alexander the Great... Mada ja te teme vidim kao cistu zajebanciju, pa bre na Virtual XI Elimination Thread, The Angel and the Gambler ima preko 100 poena! :D


I treba, jebo ih onaj refren! :)


  dr.lecter said:
Cijena ce biti 120€

Uaaa burzuji...


Ti to pričaš o Wackenu? :ph34r::lol:



  DragonHeart said:
Moguce je da Terra Nostra zajedno s agencijom Lupa treba da organizuje koncert :pivopije:

Hehe, upravo to mi i pade na pamet kad sam pročitao ono što čovek reče da će hrvatski organizator u saradnji sa nekim od naših raditi i Beograd.




Uh, ko će dočekati zvanične objave!


Edited by crusader84
  Pavao said:
U igri su i još i Infinite dreams i Stranger in a strange Land, te Alexander.

Set lista bi trebala biti takva, ali ne nužno tim redoslijedom.

Nema šanse da bude Alexander, tu stvar su jedva snimili u studiju i nikad je nisu svirali uživo.


valjda ce i ovo da sviraju.


The Number Of The Bitch lyrics

Artist: Nanowar

Album: Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay!

Year: 2005

Title: The Number Of The Bitch Print



Forgive me, oh mum and dad

For the telecom sent the bill with wrath,

But i believed that the call was short

Let him who hasn't a girlfriend

Go and call the number of the bitch

Even if it is an expensive number, this number is 166 166 166


I was alone, I took the phone,

I needed time to think the number I saw on tv

Who did I hear! can I believe

A pack of horny lesbians howling back at me

I've always thought, I've always dreamed

Of magic whores to come and perform sodomy

'Cos in my dreams, it's always there

One dirty slut who takes my dick orgasming to despair


Night was black and I wanted to fuck

I've passed all night to see , Rocco's films on tv

In Netherlands the whores are close at hand

But in Italy, they're pretty hard to see


166 the number of the bitch

Hot chat line is going on tonight


You can go on , ‘till the end of the road

[The Number Of The Bitch Lyrics on


You just have to be aware, shemales who hide out there

In the night, cars’ lights are flashing bright

Bitch-hunting has begun, sexual work is done !


166 the numer of the bitch

30 euro the price for you and me


Pigs and gays, and everyone who says

" I am too arrapate, to stop to masturbate"

Take the phone, order some whores at home

They come to...make it rise and melt it down like ice


166 the number of the bitch

144 the number of the whore


To a sexy shop, I will return

And I will get more videos and hotter stuff of porn

I have the programs on pay TV

I have the hands to make libido take its course

  -powerslave- said:
Crusaderu sto ti se ne svidja setlista ?


Suviše predvidiva... :mrgreen: A 666 i RTTH su me stvarno žešće smorile...


Bilo bi dobro i da bar menjaju po neku pesmu od koncerta do koncerta, ako budu vukli identičnu listu kroz celu turneju... sramota za takav bend.


  Sandman said:
@Djuk:Jel Nanowar predgrupa Maidenima na ovoj turneji? :mrgreen:


To bi bilo do yaya! :rockdevil:




Hoće neko sad da rezimira kakva je situacija? Mrzi me da čitam prethodne strane... Znači 100% sviraju u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb ili Zadar? Beograd još nije 100% siguran, ali skoro da jeste?

  BruceBruce said:
Sigurni su i Beograd i Hrvatska...!!!Proverena info!Rekoh vam ja da nas nece izneveriti!


Brate, verujem, ali ja uvek čekam zvanične potvrde da ne bih izbaksuzirao! :mrgreen:

Kad objave zvanično, ima da smorim sve žive i nežive u svom okruženju!

Već sam neko društvo za koje znam da obožavaju Maiden stavio na stand by... :pivopije:


Uh, kad krenu Caught Somewhere In Time! :rockdevil:


Posted (edited)

S obzirom na to da je verovatno u julu, tj. usred leta, treb'o bi neki stadion da padne...



EDIT: btw Bruce je i onima iz Indije obecao da ce se ubrzo ponovo videti kada su bili prosle godine, i sad je zvanicno potvrdjeno

Edited by Killjoy666

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