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HI all..............Iron Maiden je najbolji bend.......na svetu.....Poceo sam da slusam metal kada sam imao 4 ili 5 godine....

a prva grupa mi je bila Iron Maiden.....zavoleo sam je jako.....posto ste ovde sve pricali o Iron Maiden-u da ne ponavljam to. UP THE IRONS..................

Posted (edited)
Ja sam autobus racunao! :uhoh:


@crusader - Oc da kazes da je mnogo para za koncert?


Pa i nije, ali pored svih ovih drugih dogadjanja, svaka prilika za uštedu je dobordošla. Za koncert u Splitu je karta 2700 dinara, za koncert u Sofiji letos je bila 1200 dinara! Bugari konza! Ljudima koji su išli iz Niša, ispalo sve karta+prevoz jeftinije nego u Beograd kad su dolazili. :)

Edited by crusader84

Iron Maiden confirms Athens Terra Vibe show

Published: December 11, 2007


Big Star Promotion in association with Phantom Music Management and K2 Agency is proud to announce that Greece will be part of Iron Maiden's spectacular SOMEWHERE BACK IN TIME WORLD TOUR 2008.


Iron Maiden are confirmed to perform at the Terra Vibe Park in Athens on Saturday 2nd August 2008.


Steve Harris says, "This is a great venue to play. We played there back in 2005 and I remember it being unbearably hot but the fans were just wild and gave us a fantastic reception. I have to say that fans in Greece are as loud and responsive as any anywhere in the world. Thats the major reason why we have always tried hard to have Greece in out tour itinery although it can be tough geographically!! We also enjoy Athens culturally and we have all made more than one visit to the Acropolis and other beautiful relics.And the food is terrific!!"

This tour, aptly entitled 'SOMEWHERE BACK IN TIME', will revisit the band's history by focusing almost entirely on the 80's in both choice of songs played and the stage set, which will be based around the legendary Egyptian Production of the 1984-85 'Powerslave Tour'.


This will arguably be the most elaborate and spectacular show the band have ever presented, and will include some key elements of their Somewhere In Time tour of 1986/7, such as the Cyborg Eddie.


The 'SOMEWHERE BACK IN TIME' World Tour opens in Mumbai India on Feb 1st, continuing through Australia and Japan before arriving in Los Angeles. The entourage then fly to Mexico then onto Maiden's first ever visits to Costa Rica and Colombia, then on to Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Puerto Rica and New York, before finishing in Toronto, Canada, on March 16th. For this first leg the band have their own customised Boeing 757 carrying band, crew and equipment and to be flown some 60,000 miles round the world by singer and Astraeus Airline Captain Bruce Dickinson.


The second leg of the tour will be in mid-May to mid-June in North America while the final third leg, where Greece is included, takes place in July and August in stadiums and major festivals around Europe.


In total the band are expected to play to well in excess of one and a half million fans around the world during the whole tour. Tickets having been selling incredibly quickly in all cities where they are already on sale. Three stadium shows in Sweden and Finland completey sold out 125,000 tickets within 2 hours of going on sale and in Bogota the first days ticket sales were the highest of any musical ever in Columbia.


The stage of Terra Vibe Park - one of the largest ones in Europe - impressive, visible from all angles and able to lift 130 tons of equipment, will be perfect to host all the elements of the great show.


Tickets go on sale to the public at 10.00am on Tuesday December 18th, but members of the Iron Maiden fan club will get special and exclusive first access to purchase tickets on Monday 17th December. Watch the www.ironmaiden.com and www.didimusic.com for further information!



ATINA?? sledeci je Beograd, ajde breeeeeeeeee :P

Indija 2007 i 2008

Atina 2007 i 2008

Beograd 2007 ?



red bi bio...

...pa kako stvari stoje mislim da od nas nema vajde...neko reche da je Split jedini grad na ex-yu prostorima. sad ja nebi da verujem u to, al mislim da treba da se spremamo za ljepu nashu...sve jedno gde god da su u blizini cert mora da se vidi!!!


Ovako, ljudi, jeste da smo zauzeti ama bas mnogo oko Castle Festivala, ali, 'ajde, racunajte da cemo za koji dan izaci sa ful informacijama oko prevoza za Iron Maiden, kartama, pogodnostima... Onda izracunajte.




Ma ljudi zvacu veceras caleta u VB pa cu da mu kazem da mi za rodjendan 3.5.2008 sleti u Surcin sa ovim njegovim drugarima... pa ako hoce da malo odsviraju nesto na Marakani da se skupi samo mali broj fanova i to da bude u fazonu prvih 7 albuma i tako... Mislim ako hocete?


Aj vozdra.....


E ljudi evo me u nekoj kafancugi u Manchesteru sa Dickinsonom... (mamu mu jebem, vec 3 ture sam mu paltio, a on ni da se masi za dzep) i lik kaze da nece biti nikakvog koncerta kod nas do 07.08.2009!

Kaze da su mu uvenule one vinjike sto je prosle godine sadio sa Prskom i Ljepojkom i da je zbog toga u bedaku!

Tako da ne planiraju nikakvu turneju do 2009!

I da bi bilo jos vece zlo, Gers se navuko da mlati murve oko avlije Sujana Kukica....

Neda se ocerati ni mutkom!

A Nicko poceo da gaji kapulu..... Napravio 23 plantaze....

Tako da ljudi imaju obaveza....

Nista do 2009....... :sad: :sad: :sad:


Ajoj ubijte ga


Kakav jebeni lazov,a valjda si ga izmuz'o u svakom smislu te reci!

Kao ono kad ti je otpao vodokotlic pa ja morao da ga namestam,a nisam imao kapu da pokrijem dasku!

Kakvo jebeno sranje!


Opeth neka spika kad sam ja bio ispod Pazovackog brega kod male plane... cccc....

EF, to ti necu zaboraviti , a ja taman mislio da ces reci da dolaze ali malo mi cudno kako nije tu Nikola Ciric da baci neku cirku sa vama, kad ono ovaj kod sujana kukica...cccc....

A najgore mi je to sto je ljepojka posadila neke vinjike a tu sam se smorio znaci zlo i da ne bude kraj dodje usrani Jan i kaze meni "Iron Maiden tak triba" a ja koma..... A i ti biber iza umesto sal ti stavi kapu stasno...



Pa matori,svako ima svoj metod,imas i one tripove kad bacis tastaturu kroz prozor pa pogodis macku,

a ona pocne da se dere pa ti iskasapi facu,onda zalijes rakiJom i izvalis da je to voda iz vodokotlica!

Pa tek onda stavis kapu!

Pa matori,svako ima svoj metod,imas i one tripove kad bacis tastaturu kroz prozor pa pogodis macku,

a ona pocne da se dere pa ti iskasapi facu,onda zalijes rakiJom i izvalis da je to voda iz vodokotlica!

Pa tek onda stavis kapu!


Biber šta si ti doručkovao Bunike?

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