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Mogli bi na koncertu da opiče ovu verziju:


Forgive me, oh mum and dad

For the telecom sent the bill with wrath,

But i believed that the call was short

Let him who hasn't a girlfriend

Go and call the number of the bitch

Even if it is an expensive number, this number is 166 166 166


I was alone, I took the phone,

I needed time to think the number I saw on tv

Who did I hear! can I believe

A pack of horny lesbians howling back at me

I've always thought, I've always dreamed

Of magic whores to come and perform sodomy

'Cos in my dreams, it's always there

One dirty slut who takes my dick orgasming to despair


Night was black and I wanted to fuck

I've passed all night to see , Rocco's films on tv

In Netherlands the whores are close at hand

But in Italy, they're pretty hard to see


166 the number of the bitch

Hot chat line is going on tonight


You can go on , ‘till the end of the road

You just have to be aware, shemales who hide out there

In the night, cars’ lights are flashing bright

Bitch-hunting has begun, sexual work is done !


166 the numer of the bitch

30 euro the price for you and me


Pigs and gays, and everyone who says

" I am too arrapate, to stop to masturbate"

Take the phone, order some whores at home

They come to...make it rise and melt it down like ice


166 the number of the bitch

144 the number of the whore


To a sexy shop, I will return

And I will get more videos and hotter stuff of porn

I have the programs on pay TV

I have the hands to make libido take its course




Posted (edited)
  crusader84 said:
P.S. Ne radi ni meni oficijelni sajt... :ph34r:

OhH ceo dan ne mog' da otvorim jedan jebeni sajt i jedan jebeni forum... jbt. :violent:


@Divlji Tigar


pa ni nema sta pametno da se vidi tamo, jedino zbog foruma, kako se nerviram... Taman su nam vratili EDIT dugmence, slatko malo edit dugmence...

Edited by Killjoy of Monte Cristo
  Child in time said:
Cekaj, ti placas clanarinu u njihovom fan klubu?



Hahh ma ne, bas o tome i pricam, predugo smo mi bili niza vrsta, ko je ikada bio na Maiden forumu zna da se delio na IMOC, tj. taj paid forum ciji su korisnici imali sva prava, i mi sa free foruma, tj. obicni smrtnici sa vrlo malo prava. Na free forumu nije bilo dozvoljeno otvaranje tema koje nemaju veze s Maidenima, sve do danas, tj. juce. Pa pricali smo vec o tome kako je zalosno sto tako veliki bend kakav je Iron Maiden naplacuje svojim fanovima clanstvo na forumu, dnevenike sa turneja i svasta nesto...

  Child in time said:
Da bre, i posle kazu ljudi da nije njima stalo do para, da ovo ili ono rade zbog fanova... BULLSHIT!



Pazi, nemam pojma koliko to sve ima veze sa samim bendom, stalno se nalazi neko ko pljuje po Maidenima licno zbog toga, i neko ko kaze da to uopste nije do njih... :confused:

Posted (edited)

Pa pazi, Iron Maiden je sad vise od benda, oni su institucija! A takva institucija ne sme da se tako odnosi prema fanovima. Ne kazem ja nista za same clanove benda (a i nemam srca, cesto sam subjektivan kad se govori o njima, ipak su mi omiljeni bend :da: ) vec za celu organizaciju. Kakav je to odnos prema fanovima - "Ili daj keša ili ne možeš u naš forum i fan klub"?!

Edited by Child in time
  Child in time said:
Pa pazi, Iron Maiden je sad vise od benda, oni su institucija! A takva institucija ne sme da se tako odnosi prema fanovima. Ne kazem ja nista za same clanove benda (a i nemam srca, cesto sam subjektivan kad se govori o njima, ipak su mi omiljeni bend :da: ) vec za celu organizaciju. Kakav je to odnos prema fanovima - "Ili daj keša ili ne možeš u naš forum i fan klub"?!



Stvarno je bilo previse. 'Plati nam i dozvolicemo ti da editujes postove'. Svasta... Ajde ok, ti ljudi mogu da ucestvuju u onim njihovim konkursima, npr. za imenovanje aviona, neki od njih ce valjda biti na stageu na Heaven Can Wait i to mogu da razumem i smatram da je ok, ali u nekim stvarima su preterali...


Nema nista za dzabe danas a kaaamoli nesto u mizici da dobijes za dzabe. Iron Maiden jeste institucija kao i Metallica, AC-DC. Nema tu vise ljubavi pa ni Iron Maiden, samo kes, samo kes...

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