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Pesma je ocajna. Solaze su mnogo lose, u uvodu onaj smaracki Adrianov skip po E zici... Pevanje osim u refrenu eventualno isto lose... onaj interlude nije za pohvaliti. Nadam se da je ovo samo fluke sa albuma...

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I meni baš ništa specijalno, ali i ne očekujem puno od Maidena više. Pomislio sam isto što i Talvi ali vidim da će biti dužih pesama na albumu.

Posted (edited)

Pa dobro, i ova stvar je relativno "duza" ali ima nekako jasniju strukturu, rifove, vokalne melodije... Nije bas skroz uproscena ali je opet direktnija od proslog albuma. A meni se, licno svidja sto je distorzija ovako retro, daje taj neki vajb starih albuma. Sta ja znam, i meni zvuci bolje na 2.-3. slusanje :D , ali opet moze to i mnogo bolje.

Edited by Talvi

Скинуо сам песму. Не свиђа ми се, 6 и по минута узалуд чекам да се нешто деси. Солажа на 3:30 је занимљива, али то је све.

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Sta je ovo jebem ti sunce, ova pesma ostala kao kusur sa No Prayera pa je sada izvukli ?

Nisam se ovoliko smorio jos od kako su se Bodomi usrali sebi u facu sa Bloddrunkom, i za jedne i za druge sam mislio da ne mogu da izdaju los album, prvi su dokazali da mogu a izgleda ce i ovi posle 30 godina karijere.


Dobra okolnost sto su prvi single-ovi sa zadnja dva albuma bile najlosije pesme na albumu, po svemu sudeci ce tako i sada biti jer od ovoga Maiden sigurno ne moze losije a ako ne moze bolje bice RIP IM. ^^

Nadao sam se boljem albumu od AMOLAD-a a sada molim Boga da bude bar tu negde.

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Posted (edited)

Pesma ima zvanredan SHMEK i veoma je zarazna,album ce da pokida...jedva jebeno cekam!Inace pesma kao da je izasla iz Dickinsonove solo karijere! :D Jebote Dickinson me odusevljava u ovoj pesmi kako izvlaci refren.


Gotta tell you a story, on a cold winters night

You've been sailing for glory before you know what is right

So come over here now, i got a vision for you

It's my personal snake oil, it's just something i do


Im the jester with no tears, and im playing on your fears

Im a trickster smiling underneath this mask of love and death

The eternal lie ive told of the pyramids of gold

I've got you hooked at every corner, your money's left to burn




You'll be wanting a contract Ha! You'll be waiting awhile

I'd like to give you my contact, but that isn't my style

Well you only get one chance and it's too good to miss

If i give it right to ya, then I wouldn't exist


Greed, lust and envy cry, it's same old same old lie

The Smoke and mirrors it's visions that you see are just like me

im a clever banker's voice, well just a little out of place

I know Someone just like you knows someone just like me


El Dorado come and play

El Dorado step this way

Take a ticket for the ride


El Dorado streets of gold

See my ship is all but sold

You got one last chance to try


So gone is the glory, and gone is the gold

Well if you knew the story, how come it has to be told

Well you can say im a devil and i wouldn't say no

But out here on the darkside, hey! on with the show


So now my tale is told

(!Something!) then twice as bold

This Ship of fools is sinking, as the cracks begin to grow

There is no easy way, for an honest man today

Which is something you should think of as my lifeboat sails away


El Dorado come and play

El Dorado step this way

Take a ticket for the ride


El Dorado streets of gold

See my ship is all but sold

You got one last chance to try


El Dorado come and play

El Dorado's left this way

Take a ticket for the ride


El Dorado streets of gold

See my ship is all but sold

You got one last chance to try

Edited by BruceBruce

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