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Iron Maiden



We are very happy to announce that following his recent MRI Scan, Bruce was today officially given the all-clear by his specialists.

Bruce says,

“I would like to thank the fantastic medical team who have been treating me for the last few months, resulting in this amazing outcome. It’s been tough on my family and in many ways it was harder for them than me. I’d also like to send a heartfelt thanks to all our fans for their kind words and thoughts. I’m a firm believer in trying to maintain a positive attitude, and the encouragement from the global Maiden family meant a great deal to me. Right now, I’m feeling extremely motivated and can’t wait to get back to business as usual, as soon as I can!”


Rod Smallwood continues,

“We are of course all absolutely delighted that Bruce’s doctors have pronounced him free of cancer. Although Bruce is naturally eager to resume Maiden activities, it will take a while before he is completely back to full strength, as we explained previously. Because of this, the band will not be touring or playing any shows until next year. We know our fans will understand the situation and, like us, would prefer to wait until Bruce is back to his usual indefatigable levels of fitness before going out on the road.

For now, the focus will be on putting the finishing touches to the new Iron Maiden studio album and that is what we will be concentrating on over the coming weeks. The release however will definitely be this year. Meanwhile, I’d like to echo Bruce’s words and thank all Maiden fans. You have been incredibly patient, putting Bruce’s health and well-being first during this difficult time and the band and I appreciate all your positive support.”


Ulete night-prowler...

Edited by Lord Iffy Boatrace
  • 3 weeks later...

Legenda ovaj Spanac, svaka mu cast. A i ovo kad kaze da ne zeli da se razocara, mislim da kapiram sta kaze.


I don't have kids, a car, or a mortgage, or whatever, so I have some extra money. For various health reasons I don't drink, either, so I don't actually go out that much.


Zanimljivo je da istovremeno posjeduje glavne predispozicije da se ozbiljno aktivira na ovom forumu. (Ja to iz vlastitog iskustva :lol:)


Sad sam procitao clanak.

Posvecenost, nema sta.

Nisam iz te price, ne verujem da

bih ijedan bend gledao vise od par puta uzivo,

narocito ne na jednoj istoj turneji.

Ovo o nemanju "kamena o vratu" se podrazumeva,

a svim srcem pozdravljam izjavu o besmislenost cvarenja

na plazi 15 dana, 100% se slazem sa tim. Skoro nista pametnije

cuo nisam. 10 dana na moru ume da smori i iscrpi kako dusu i telo,

tako i novcanik, a ni blizu pozitivnu energiju ne mozes akumulirati, koliko ces samo od jedne svirke

benda i (jos ako to ubodes - susreta sa "muzikanitma", autograma, fotki i sl.) koji ekstra volis.

Sve odmore godisnje sam uzimao oko neke svirke koju sam zeleo da gledam,

rotirao sam smene, slobodne dane i sl.

Zbog nekoliko svirki sam cak i otkaz hteo da dam.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Legenda ovaj Spanac, svaka mu cast. A i ovo kad kaze da ne zeli da se razocara, mislim da kapiram sta kaze.




Zanimljivo je da istovremeno posjeduje glavne predispozicije da se ozbiljno aktivira na ovom forumu. (Ja to iz vlastitog iskustva :lol:)

Aj mi lupi minussssssssssss :facepalm:

Pozdrav poznatijim i vrednim glavama foruma kao sto su ITF.....


Legenda ovaj Spanac, svaka mu cast. A i ovo kad kaze da ne zeli da se razocara, mislim da kapiram sta kaze.




Zanimljivo je da istovremeno posjeduje glavne predispozicije da se ozbiljno aktivira na ovom forumu. (Ja to iz vlastitog iskustva :lol:)

Aj mi lupi minussssssssssss :facepalm:

Pozdrav poznatijim i vrednim glavama foruma kao sto su ITF.....


Sto se tice Fernanda,upoznao sam lika,car je.Sta drugo reci,posvecenost sa mogucnostima.Ko sto rece jednom gore Flesh,i Murray je veci fan od mene ako mu to dozvole finansije.S toga decko sigurno nije mogao da ode na 230 da nije imao brdo novaca ko sto je imao jer ja znam koliko sam se iscimao za svoje....To su price za malu decu,spavam na aerodromu i tak to :).Svi volimo to da pricamo i nekad radimo al bez para ces kurac se usuditi na takvu exkurziju otici.Mislim evo ga RAfi gari iz Izraela prati ih od 1995. i zna lika i sve mi je ispricao...tako da te price jedem govna i idem ne pije mnogo vodu u ovom slucaju :).Opet veliki respect i CAR JE.To je to.




Slab sam al vredi procitati ko hoce da se podseti :)



Edited by Lord Iffy Boatrace
  • Upvote 3

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