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Iron Maiden

Black Knight

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Nergal objasnjava:

"Ok. After getting INTO the record I must confess: it's definitely THE best Maiden album since "Brave New World" and maybe one of the ones that can compete even with the classics! It has a vibe of "7th Son" and "Powerslave". It has some metal gallop you love Iron Maiden for but there's also plenty of good hard rock/metal RIFFS that brings back Deep Purple from "Perfect Stranger" era to mind… It's over 90 min. long and me, being known for HATING too long, water down compositions have NO problems whatsoever to go thru the whole record and play it AGAIN and again...! It has almost NO fillers… almost coz I'm still not entirely convinced to the last one "Empire Of The Clouds". But hey, gimme a chance… it's a grower;) Anyways, album should be out today I guess… Go ahead and buy the record! It's a REALLY refreshing piece full of pure metal passion! Up the Irons!"

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Nema veze što je 2002 diskusija, valja da se obrazuje Kuruz.


Izvoli Kuruze, pusti prvi čistokrvni hevi metal album:




Ne kažem ja da je uticaj Slayera nebitan, daleko od toga (ipak su oni snimili black metal album prvog talasa :haha:), ali je komično davati veći značaj uticaju na ekstremne metale nego svemu komplet.

Edited by Demon Seed

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Ne kažem ja da je uticaj Slayera nebitan, daleko od toga (ipak su oni snimili black metal album prvog talasa :haha:), ali je komično davati veći značaj uticaju na ekstremne metale nego svemu komplet.


Pa nisu uticali samo na ekstremni metal. Cak sam ti naveo primer gde su uticali na bend koji ni nije metal u svojoj sustini.

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Svestan sam ja da sam zašao na mutnu teritoriju i da sad možemo da se setimo još 50 'hevi metal' pesama koje su se pojavile pre toga, ali je Sad Wings of Destiny prvi album koji je sve te uticaje oblikovao i usmerio u pravi hevi metal.


Prvi album u opisu kog ne mora da stoji bilo šta od ''heavy metal, hard rock, blues rock, progressive rock'', nego je sve lepo definisano samo sa 'heavy metal'. To je to!

A mogu da se kladim da ga Kuruz nikad nije ni pustio, i da ne zna da je izašlo 5 godina pre prvog Maidena npr :P

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