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  On 9/6/2015 at 12:42 AM, Lord Iffy Boatrace said:

Kevin Shirley napravio top 10:


O produtor Kevin Shirley, que juntamente com o baixista Steve Harris co-produziu todos os trabalhos do Iron Maiden desde "Brave New World" (2000), conversou com o site Team Rock e aceitou o desafio de escolher as 10 melhores músicas de seu trabalho com a Donzela de Ferro. Confira o resultado abaixo:


1: EMPIRE OF THE CLOUDS (The Book Of Souls, 2015)

2: THE BOOK OF SOULS (The Book Of Souls, 2015)

3: RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER (Flight 666, 2009)

4: FEAR OF THE DARK (Rock In Rio, 2002)

5: MONTSÉGUR (Dance Of Death, 2003)


7: THE LONGEST DAY (A Matter Of Life And Death, 2006)

8: BLOOD BROTHERS (Brave New World, 2000)

9: WHEN THE WILD WIND BLOWS (The Final Frontier, 2010)

10: PASCHENDALE (Dance of Death, 2003)


Divi ga sto je batica stavio samo ono sto je snimio i producirao :mhihi:

  On 9/6/2015 at 12:42 AM, Lord Iffy Boatrace said:

Kevin Shirley napravio top 10:


O produtor Kevin Shirley, que juntamente com o baixista Steve Harris co-produziu todos os trabalhos do Iron Maiden desde "Brave New World" (2000), conversou com o site Team Rock e aceitou o desafio de escolher as 10 melhores músicas de seu trabalho com a Donzela de Ferro. Confira o resultado abaixo:


1: EMPIRE OF THE CLOUDS (The Book Of Souls, 2015)

2: THE BOOK OF SOULS (The Book Of Souls, 2015)

3: RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER (Flight 666, 2009)

4: FEAR OF THE DARK (Rock In Rio, 2002)

5: MONTSÉGUR (Dance Of Death, 2003)


7: THE LONGEST DAY (A Matter Of Life And Death, 2006)

8: BLOOD BROTHERS (Brave New World, 2000)

9: WHEN THE WILD WIND BLOWS (The Final Frontier, 2010)

10: PASCHENDALE (Dance of Death, 2003)


Bilo kako bilo ja se ne slažem!


Još ga varim, dug je album, a plus su tu i Amorphis, Motorhead, Slayer, Mgla... ne stižem sve da preslušam ko čovjek, a sve mi se sluša. :bigblue:


Ne znam baš da li ću napisati track-by-track, ali ti neki prvi utisci poslije 5-6-7 slušanja su mi da je neuporedivo bolji i nadahnutiji od The Final Frontier i to je sigurno. Ima tu i nekih nov(iji)h momenata i u songwriting i u produkciji koji su mi fino legli, sve u svemu rado ga puštam i ima tu dosta materijala u kom se može uživati.


Zanimljivo čitanje...


O ovome sam i ja bezbroj puta razmišljao slušajući Virtual XI:


"Harris’s control of the band was complete. Even Rod Smallwood had been overruled on Blaze being in the band, and long-time producer Martin Birch had hung up his monitor earphones leaving Steve to (not) edit himself. Atop Mount Maiden, ‘Arry ruled with an iron fist. And his will was law.


Thus, “The Angel and the Gambler.” There wasn’t a single voice to tell Harris that the song needed to be cut down. The track is 9 minutes and 53 seconds of one chorus—and not even a catchy chorus at that. Four notes repeated ad nauseum for almost 10 minutes.


Ever record music? It takes a long time. There is no way that anyone could play this track enough times in the studio to be able to make it perfect and not come out on the other side thinking “What the hell is it that we’re recording, here?”


Nego definitivno se slazem sa tobom, Angel and the gambler najgora Maiden pesma ikad, uvek se setim onog poredjenja iz Rexa kao da njivu ores kasikom dok je slusas :haha:

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