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Sinoć negdje pročitah da ovaj Lazarus već ima zakazanu turneju sa nekim bendom u julu, pa možda je i to bio dodatni razlog da on otpadne. 

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Hteo da se druži sa bradatim hipsterima na skuterima i električnim trotinetima.

Sodoma i Gomora! Istorija se ponavlja. 

Ovo područje izgleda tako tužno, pošto je spaljeno, da se niko ne interesuje da ovde dođe ... Bilo je to nekada veoma srećno mesto, zbog plodova biljaka koje je tu raslo i bogatstva nekadašnjih gradova, a sada je sve spaljeno. To je posledica bezbožnosti njihovih stanovnika, koje je bilo uništeno vatrom; danas još uvek vidimo ostatke ovog božanskog ognja, a tragovi i senke ovih pet gradova još uvek su vidljivi, kao i pepeo u kome se nalaze njegovi plodovi, koji imaju boju kao da su bili za jelo; ali, ako ih uzmete u ruku, oni će se raspasti u prahu i dimu.

– Josif Flavije, AD 37-100, Jevrejski ratovi, knjiga 4, pogl. 8.

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In celebration of 50 epic years, Iron Maiden are excited to announce that an official feature documentary about the band will be released later this year!

Created in partnership with Universal Pictures Content Group the long-awaited documentary is an emotive journey through Iron Maiden’s 50 Year history told from the perspective of both the band and some of their most devoted followers - from longstanding superfans to film and music icons such as Javier Bardem, Lars Ulrich and Gene Simmons. The documentary will also feature exclusive interviews with pivotal band members including the final interview with original vocalist, Paul Di’Anno who sadly passed away last year.

Featuring rare archival footage, including spectacular animation of our iconic mascot, Eddie, the film explores how Iron Maiden has helped shape a cultural movement, challenging conventional views of rock music and heavy metal’s broader impact on society and culture.


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