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U principu tekstovi su ok, mislim..thrash lirika.. "Black Serenade" je izuzetno dobar...dok se kod ostalih vrti monotonija i mislim da bi Keri mogao malo da odlozi olovku za buduce radove i da odmori malo od ovih dechijih "Hail Satan" fazona.


Tom je umeo da napise fin text?Tom pravi genijalne tekstove.Setimo se samo "Read Between The Lies","Blood Red","Expendable Youth","213","Desire"...sjajni tekstovi.A o hitovima kao sto je "War Ensemble" da ne pricamo.

U svakom slucaju,slazem se da taj deo posla definitivno treba da radi Araya,iako su na Diabolusu gde je Tom napravio samo jedan tekst,isti fenomenalni.

Meni su tekstovi sa novog albuma ok...pogotovo "Jihad".

  lemmy sixx said:
Da li je neko cuo pesmu "Final Six",bonus pesmu sa japanskog izdanja,i kojim slucajem zna gde ima da se skine?

DC++ ili Totent, mada probaj sa soulseek-a icon_wink.gif


Evo,preslusah i ja novi Slejer(i to povise puta) i moracu po prvi put da slozim sa Lemijem po pitanju njihovih post-Divine radova - novi Slejer je dobar!Jebote,nisam verovao da cu ikada vise to reci,ali meni se svidja novi Slejer!

Definitivno,najbolji rad jos od pomenutog Divine.Produkcija je konacno kako treba(bar meni),za razliku od DiM i GHUA,gde su mi gitare imale odvratan zvuk.Fala kurcu,batalili su pravljenje pesama kao Stain of Mind pukeface.gif i vratili se malo dobroj staroj tresagiji,doduse,ima modernijih Lamb of God momenata,ali ovaj put podnosljivo.Da se razumemo,ovo nije senzacionalan album,ali s obzirom na to kakvim su nas albumima castili u proteklim godinama,ovo je fantazija,a realno - sasvim solidan albumcic.Sto se tice textova,nikad od njih i nisam ocekivao neku filozofiju,ali i dalje ne razumem kao Tom,ako je hriscanin kao sto tvrdi da jeste,moze da peva textove kao Cult,ali ajde,njegova stvar.Videcu da li cu stajati iza ovoga i posle par meseci ili ce me ovo brzo smoriti,ali malobrojne komsije su ovih dana patile,jer Slejer se ne slusa drugacije nego GLASNO icon_rockdevil.gif

Posted (edited)

Ma,nema sanse,kad mi se nije svidela jebene '98 kad sam imao 16 godina i bio napaljeni klinac,nece ni sad kad sam pametan mladic icon_smile.gif


edit:evo jedne genijalne recenzije icon_smile.gif


Well, ok, so first thing is first. This is WAY satanic! These guys like hate religion or something, because I heard the guy singing about satan a lot. My sister tells me not to worry because the singer is Catholic, but like, in confession, my priest told me I was going to hell so I got really worried. But, like, then I told him the guy was like Catholic and stuff and my priest said it was okay, he was probably just pretending like he believed in the lyrics and everything. So I was like, okay, Britney probably doesn’t write and believe in like EVERYTHING she sings, right? I think these guys might even be on the same label, I don’t know.


So I got like WAY into this and listened to their first few albums for you guys. You know, for comparison and stuff. SHOW NO MERCY!!! REIGN IN BLOOD!!! I got like halfway into that last one before I just dropped like everything I was doing and ran to my sister. She was doing a ritual or something, because when I ran into her room there was a really strange, pungent smell coming from around her, and I don’t think it was her poonanny. I told her I was scared of the sounds and stuff and she said it was fine, to just listen to this new album because it was less scary. I totally agree, too. Fer sure. This is slower. Like, what is that word? Methodical?! Some of the songs sound the same to me. The, uh, riffs. They’re like not very good. Forced much?


So I invited my bestest boyfriend over to protect me while I was playing this. He put his arms around me and I felt all cuddly when this song called “Eyes of the Insane” played. I knew my boyfriend would like this because he likes this dark stuff sometimes (he listens to HARDCORE stuff, like with breakdowns!) and he started moving his head back and forth and stuff. I just laughed and danced with him. When the singer talked about demons I got scared again, but then he said something about panic attacks and I remembered how, Amber, who is like my BFF, had a panic attack last time we were watching The O.C. and she accidentally choked on a Milk Dud. Hahahaha! I know! Gag me with a spoon, right?!


Some of you guys will like this, I guess. It’s pretty hardcore though. Screaming about satan and war and torture is scary and I wouldn’t mess with these guys. They seem to be really popular at my school. I see a lot of greasy guys who I would NEVER fuck wearing Slayer shirts and stuff. Those guys never change. They’re, like, so last year. And the year before. And the year before THAT!! Hahaha. They don’t seem to care though, and there are lots of them, like enough where their shirts are popular, I guess. I think maybe these guys will always be popular. I see them advertised, like, everywhere I go. I even saw them on a bench!!


Edited by grave

  grave said:
Znas sta,ja izbegavam rasprave na temi bendova Slayer,Iron Maiden,CoF...Sto je veci bend,tu su fanovi vise braindead.

Znaci ovo je najpametniji post na YUMU...ovo ide u Sig definitivno...

Posted (edited)

Ma nije...to svi vec znaju...ali si ga lepo sklopio


...Ma direktor poste veliki Slayer fan pa video sta sam pisao i iskljucio mi telefon...icon_smile.gif

Good to see you...vidimo se na Nocturnal Mortumu! pivopije.gif

Edited by StarbreakeR
  StarbreakeR said:
  grave said:
Znas sta,ja izbegavam rasprave na temi bendova Slayer,Iron Maiden,CoF...Sto je veci bend,tu su fanovi vise braindead.

Znaci ovo je najpametniji post na YUMU...ovo ide u Sig definitivno...

A zbog cega?Znaci ja sam braindead debil zato sto volim Slayer i zato sto tvrdim da je novi album odlican,a ti si visoko-inteligentno superiorno bice zato sto ti je novi album gomila govana i zato sto ides na koncert Nocturnal Mortum-a i slusas Anal Vomit?I naravno,rasprava sa mnom je ispod tvog nivoa?

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