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e' date='08 septembar 2011 - 22:57' timestamp='1315515456' post='2402307']

to je 2010 :D nije program za ovogodisnji jos objavljen.


aaaaaaaaaaaaa, pih!


baš sam se ponadala. sad mi nije jasno zašto prošle godine nisam išla :confused:


onda bolje da idem da slušam dhafera i yasmin u bukureštu :D

Posted (edited)

A jel si slusao Mercan Dede? Mada je to vise electronic/sufi/world music nego jazz.




Moja druga preporuka je Baba Zula. Ili mozda da odgledas Crossing the Bridge pa da sam vidis sta ti se najvise dopada :D


Edited by Kokopelli
  • Upvote 1

Yusef Lateef - The Blue (1968)




Artist: Yusef Lateef

Title Of Album: The Blue

Year Of Release:1968

Label: Atlantic

Genre: Jazz|Blues

Format: MP3

Quality: 320 kbps I 44.1 Khz I Joint Stereo

Total Time: 00:36:36




1. Juba Juba (4:20)

2. Like It Is (7:32)

3. Othelia (4:35)

4. Moon Cup (3:16)

5. Back Home (5:00)

6. Get Over, Get Off and Get On (3:43)

7. Six Miles Next Door (4:43)

8. Sun Dog (3:04)

9. DB Blues (9:37)




Blue Mitchell (tp),

Sonny Red (as, voc),

Yusef Lateef (fl, ts, voc, scratch, koto, tamboura, bansui)

Selwart Clarke (vl),

Hugh Lawson (p),

Kenny Burrell (g),

Buddy Lucas (harm),

Alfred Brown (viola),

Kermit Moore (cello),

Bob Cranshaw (b, elb),

Cecil McBee (B),

Roy Brooks (dr),

The Sweet Inspirations (back voc)


Evo i jednog od komentara za jednu OD jedne pjesama sa ovog albuma, s jutjuba:


"I grew up in a musical home full of addiction and pain. One night when I was 17 years old....and very angry, I listened to this song as I watched my passed out Mother sleep. For the first time in my life, I felt her pain and agony. I never looked at my Mothers addiction with anger again...Somehow I understood. Thank you Brother Yusef!"


Like It Is :)




P.S. Crossing the Bridge je lektira. ;)

  • Upvote 2

@Kokopelli: Ja sam mislio nesto jos mininalnije, poput onog sto je Dick pre koju stranu. No, ovo u svakom slucaju deluje interesantno, mislim da cu skinuti Crossing the Bridge ako ga uspem naci, pa cu odgledati ceo film, jer deluje vrlo zanimljivo.

Posted (edited)

pročačkaj još malo tog Surgeona, preobogat mu je opus mixeva, a ja ću vidim do večeras ili sutra da iscimam ženu da mi prosledi neke linkove sa još par mixeva za koje zna da su do jajeta od njega.



također, David Holmes ima jedan Essential mix sa BBC-a, mislim da dva sata traje, iz dva dela je, funk+jazz ako se setim okačim ga danas na šljaci kasnije.

Edited by Dick Starbuck
Posted (edited)

Skinuo sam Surgeona, slusacu ga sad za koji dan, palim kuci, pa sam bez interneta, tako da cu taman da preslusam svu tu silnu muziku koju sam skidao ovih dana.


Konkretno, mislim sam na ovo, taj neki minimal fazon, ako imas sta takvo baci

  On 7/16/2011 at 3:45 PM, Dick Starbuck said:

ako neko moze da zamisli minimal jazz varijantu, kombinaciju necks-a, trilok gurtu-a i est-a - evo mu:



aj malo neke muzike

It is of no relevance when or how Bluebridge the quartet was started, but what was started. The characteristics of music is of such nature that when spoken of, words seem to lack in effort.


Abstract sound explains itself.


Therefore focus must be directed upon the very product of this attempt to poststructuralize jazz, to create a new progressive expression, – Postjazz.


Artist – Bluebridge Quartet

Album – Adjusted For The Low Noise Tape

Release Date – 2007

Genre – Post-rock, Post-jazz



1 Spektrum 5:03

2 Tandberg 4:44

3 Karp 4:46

4 Landet 4:43




Password – SirensSound.blogspot.com


Ko voli Jaggu Jazzist,i taj fazon, trebalo bi i ovo da mu se svidi.

Edited by Uruk Hai
  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)





lozim se na albumski zavrsetak ove stvari, steta sto nema video snimka. zesca 'Trane posveta.




album ceo ovde: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O2VBP1YQ


"In a way, this album is a lot like Sam Cooke's live 1963 album performance. Kirk, like Cooke, has the whole package: personality, skill, and a general kindness amongst others. If you haven't heard of this man before, he is truly one of the most talented jazz musicians of all time. Blinded at a young age, Kirk plays multiple instruments, sings, and has his trademark skill: playing three saxophones at once. Here, Kirk does not hold back. There are a few elements of free jazz, and the percussion adds a bit of a funk edge to the performance. A beautiful live show that deserved all the applause it got."




  On 9/13/2011 at 4:53 PM, Mitja said:

Yusef Lateef - The Blue (1968)



Yusef faca!

Edited by Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e

Jazzin i izdavačka kuća Delmark poklanjaju CD Chicago Underground Trio - Chronicle, pa ko voli nek se ubaci u nagradnu igru:




Biće i narednih nedelja svakojakih CD-ova na poklon, uglavnom ECM, ACT, Enja produkcija, ali napravili smo dil i sa domaćim distributerom za Nonesuch pa će biti i nešto Methenyja u uvertiri Beogradskog Jazz Festivala.


Nils Petter Molvaer



Artist: Nils Petter Molvaer

Title Of Album: Hamada

Year Of Release: 2009

Label: Sula Records, Universal Music (Norway)

Genre: Contemporary Jazz / Electronic / Fusion




03-Icy Altitude (




06-Soft Moon Shine

07-Monocline Revisited

08-Cruel Altitude




Playing Time.........: 00:45:59

Total Size...........: 105.25 MB





BTW. Dick, hvala na žurki. :meshuggah:


Tonbruket (Dan Berglund) - Dig It To The End (2011)



Znaci, drugi album bivseg basiste EST-a. Sabija!

Čuj samo ovo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UFrmVnGuaI&feature=related



1. Vinegar Heart

2. Balloons

3. Decent Life

4. Lilo

5. Lighthouse

6. Dig it to the End

7. Gripe

8. Grandma-s Haze

9. Le var

10. Trackpounder

11. Draisine Song


Artist: Tonbruket

Title Of Album: Dig It To The End

Year Of Release: 2011

Label: ACT

Genre: Jazz,fusion,experimental,progressive rock

Quality: mp3

Total Time: 50:37


Dan Berglund - double bass

Johan Lindström - guitar

Martin Hederos – piano

Andreas Werliin – drums




Phronesis :meshuggah:

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