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Da malo osvezim forum...Spanski kvltni goregrind bend(old Carcass is the word),apsolutno pogano i kvalitetno,zadovoljice apetite svakog fana zanra.Momci postoje vec nekih 15-ak godina,4 albuma:Emetic Cult,Grume,Anatomical Inferno i Morgue Sweet Home (moj favorit).


Da vas cujem...


1997,morbid records


ne zanam zashto su iste pesme i na Scalpel ,scissors and other instruments


ali grume imam promo sa morbid recordsa


basista nosi duks NO USE FOR A NAME,a pevach poliven krvlju....

  • 11 months later...

Znam barabo,jebem ti sunac,kruti mi se na samu pomisao na to!Jebem ti sunce,kakva DEATH METAL ELITA na jednom mestu!!!


A sto se tice novog albuma,nisam jos slusao ali ne procitah jos losu recenziju to ne moze da ne valja icon_rockdevil.gif Nabavicu,polako,samo da me prodje Kingomanija!

Znam barabo,jebem ti sunac,kruti mi se na samu pomisao na to!Jebem ti sunce,kakva DEATH METAL ELITA na jednom mestu!!!


A sto se tice novog albuma,nisam jos slusao ali ne procitah jos losu recenziju to ne moze da ne valja icon_rockdevil.gif Nabavicu,polako,samo da me prodje Kingomanija!

Kingomanija najbolje prolazi uz goregrind musik19.gificon_rockdevil.gifpivopije.gif


jebesh ga,nisam neki ljubitelj Grinda,ali bendove kao Exhumed,Impaled,The County Medical Examiners i Haemorrhage gotivim ko svoje icon_rockdevil.gif


Kingomanija ne prolazi tako lako icon_rockdevil.gif

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

ANGELMEAT fanzin vise nece izlaziti. 6-7 intervjua je odradjeno za treci broj i steta je da ne budu objavljeni. Na temama ostalih bendova koji su bili planirani za #3 mozete procitati intervju sa nekima od njih. Intervjui su sad malo bajati jer su radjeni pre 2 godine ali mislim da nisu manje interesantni. Pogledajte teme: Suffocation, Severe Torture, Ophiolatry, Gutted, Haemorrhage, Putridity, Gospel of the Horns.




Hello Luisma! What’s new in the morgue?

Not too much. The split EP with terrorism is finally out now. It contains 3 live tracks we recorded for a split with Agathocles in 1998 that never came out so it was a good chance to use this stuff. We are currently working on new stuff for our upcoming album.

When can we expect new album? I believe that you will enter the studio very soon since “Morgue Sweet Home” was released more than 2 years ago. What can you tell about new songs? What is working title, where will you record it etc?

We expect to record in January 2005, we booked the studio for that date, and I guess it will be released before the summer 2005, but I don't know the release date. There's still no title. We are thinking in some weird things like "Explicit Encycopaedia of extreme pathology" and things like that but there's still no title. The songs are in the Haemorrhage style, but I think the fast songs are faster, and the vocals must be sicker. The songs are shorter and the album will be shorter too. But it's better to talk after the recording.

Did you feel any kind of pressure during making songs for new album since “Morgue Sweet Home” was so amazing album? Many fans will compare every next album with this one? Do you think that you will be able not to disappoint them? By the way, how many copies of the Morgue have you sold so far?

Yes, we got a great success with "Morgue sweet home" but we can't thing in doing the same things again or trying to copy "Morgue...", we have some creative pressure as everyday it's harder to compose new stuff cause it should sound like Haemorrhage and not to be the same than the old songs... But I'm not pressured by people's opinion. The most important thing is we like the album. I think "Morgue..." has sold over 10,000 copies, but I don't know a exact quantity, it was released in Europe, USA, Brasil, and Baltic states by different labels, so its hard to control all sales, but something between 10,000 and 15,000 should be the real thing as only Morbid sold over 5,000.

When you start creating new album, do you feel like you must do something new, different, but in the same genre? You know, it’s standard story about progress from album to album.

Yes, that's what I think and what I need. Other bands change the style with every new album.

Which label will be honored to release new stuff? Are you satisfied with Morbid Records? It’s interesting that you are probably the only band that has been loyal to them for such long time. Other bands usually didn’t release through them more than 1-2 albums. Would you sign for some other label and would you feel comfortable to sign for Metal Blade or Relapse Records?

Yes, if everything goes in the way we think Morbid will release our next album too... I can't think in signing for other labels as we got no offers from them, but I know bands on that labels and conditions aren't so much better than Morbid. Oh yes! It sounds better " I will release my new album on Relapse", people think you are a great musician, ha, ha.... We got offers from other labels and conditions are the same or worst than Morbid, so why should we change?

If it’s not secret, what kind of contract did you sign with Morbid Records? Do you get some money from sale? Are they helping you with booking tours or they just release CDs and promote them?

We sign for every album but Morbid always had the option to equal the other label's offer. They pay all studio and production costs and Yes, we got royalties from album sales (but too late, ha, ha....). They help us on tours sometimes, but nowadays we got many offers for tours by ourselves.

Obviously you are free to release live albums and splits through other labels. Are you able to list all your releases? Do you know exact number of all CDs, split tapes, compilations, 7”… you have put out?

Ufff...I can do it but I think I will miss something, its like 8 CD's and 8 EPs , tapes, etc... enter to:



All our released are listed there with covers, titles, etc....

Cover of “Morgue Sweet Home” is not quite typical artwork for gore/grind band. I’m not sure but I think I saw different cover in some catalogue, so is this the only version and why did you choose this one? I must say that I’m missing the point of picture of that house.

Yes, you saw the pic LP cover, that was used by Morbid to advertise the album, as it was made before the actual CD cover (the house cover....). We were looking for a picture with a house...we wanted something like the house of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you know...We had another pic, but my brother Dani came with that pic, he got it from a ghost site on internet, it was a haunted house and it's a ghost somewhere in the pic. It was really close to the house I was looking for. The "house" is linked with the story of "Anatomical Inferno", and "Morgue..." lyrics are about the return of the pathologist to a new morgue, after the old one was destroyed...ha, ha...it sounds weird but there's a full story about this.

Gore lyrics are not something unusual. Actually hundreds of bands are writing gore lyrics so is there something that makes your lyrics different from others?

I use my brain to write lyrics with some meaning not only empty gory words to fill the CD booklets.

What can you tell me about DVD? I haven’t seen it so can you tell me how did it turn out? It also includes 3 video clips. Were they recorded specially for this DVD or they come as some kind of bonus? What kind of video clips did you make? Are they just mixed video shots from different shows or they have some plot?

The DVD is a complete view of Haemorrhage history through all these live recordings...It's like a documentary for all our fans. We included the video clips we shot for "Morgue..." that weren't showed on TV as they said they were disgusting. The 3 clips are different...one its about the song lyrics, with a kind of gory story, the second one ourselves on stage mixed with gory images, and the third one is the classic "on the road" clip with tour / backstage scenes. This is my favorite as I made it with the help of my cousin. And it brings me tour memories of great funny times!

I saw some pictures of you covered in blood, so I was wandering where do you get all this blood? How many litters of blood do you usually use per one tour? Do you bring it with you or local organizers have to provide it?

We buy the blood in a shop of Carnival, Theather and special FX. It’s the same blood that's used in movies. I don't know how many liters he uses in a tour but I think like 0'5 liters per show. The organizers only must clean the stage after we play! ha, ha...

It’s interesting that you have a girl in band and I believe that everyone keep asking you “how’s that happen?” Are you able to relax when she’s around, like do you feel uncomfortable to talk about porno movies or

to burp or brake winds in van/ tour bus?

Oh yes, I think Ana is in this bussiness for so long and she has many kilometers on the road. She knows what's a tour but generally musicians are very cool people, and have a correct behaviour. We can burp as much as we want. Don't worry...

What are you doing for living? Do you have enough free time for some other activities? I know that Dani and Ramon released album with Greenfly more than a year ago. Do other members have side projects? Have you thought about putting out some comic strip, maybe instead of booklet for new album?

The most of us have jobs, and only Rojas and Ramon play in other music projects, that's all. Nah! I would like to include some drawings but not a full comic strip.

Do you collect CDs/ tapes/ LPs and what were the last CDs that you bought?

Yes, I have like 600 CDs and a lot of LPs and tapes...the last one was Carcass "choice cuts" I think.

Few years ago I got bunch of albums of Spanish brutal death metal bands and it seemed that your scene was very strong, but since then

I haven’t heard too much about Spanish

underground so how would you describe your

scene at this moment? What bands would you recommend? What is going on with such acts as Unnatural, Uncreation, Reincremation?

The spanish scene is always the same it seems it dead but then it seems to be alive...Its rare. I recommend you Gruesome Stuff Relish, if you like Haemorrhage you'll like this band too. They're really great. All the bands you say are dead, the best ones were Unnatural with a female drummer that was one of the best drummers from Spain.

Have you got chance to listen to some band from Serbia? Have you ever been in touch with someone from my country?

I don't remember any serbian band now, but I get e-mails from Serbia sometimes.

Do you think that extreme metal has become trend again? Can you imagine doing this for a living?

No, I don't think it’s a trend like in the early 90’s, but it's rising. Actually its soooo hard to get a living from music I think only bands like Cannibal Corpse or Napalm Death can do it. The rest have part time jobs.

OK Luisma that would be all. Hopefully I will listen to new album as soon as it leaves the morgue. Once you taste the gore you can’t get enough. Just keep bleeding!!! Did I forget to ask you something important?

Ok, thank you very much Milan, it was a great interview. Thanks for your support and a big hello to all Serbian Grinders. I hope to meet you all soon!!!!! STAY SICK!!!!

[email protected]



copyrights ANGELMEAT zine

Odlican intervju,Haemorrhage rules! icon_rockdevil.gif Jebote,ne mogu da docekam vise da cujem Apology for Pathology...jebem ti ispit

jesi li nabavio taj album??? ako jesi onda stvarno ne znam sta te sprecava da ga konacno odslusas laugh.gif jebes bre ispite...evo ja vise necu ni jedan da dam!!!




I ne moras,vala. icon_smile.gif Pa,ja sam resio da album pokupim od tebe i samo od tebe,kad mi se zavrsi ispit,dolazim da obavimo jednu goreasticnu razmenicu...i da konacno cujem Apology...i da pijemo pivo i slusamo Nunslaughter. icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

I ne moras,vala. icon_smile.gif Pa,ja sam resio da album pokupim od tebe i samo od tebe,kad mi se zavrsi ispit,dolazim da obavimo jednu goreasticnu razmenicu...i da konacno cujem Apology...i da pijemo pivo i slusamo Nunslaughter. icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

Pa naravno da ce da pijemo i slusamo NUNSLAUGHTER!!!!!!!!


A mozda bude i GHOUL (?????)





  • 2 weeks later...

Mikako da se oglasim na temi povodom dobrote i lepote novog albuma Apology for pathology,Haemorrhage ostaje uz Exhumed najbolji Carcass worshipping bend na sceni,a i moje komsije u domu su se bogami ovih dana nauzivale u ovom albumu. icon_smile.gif

Mikako da se oglasim na temi povodom dobrote i lepote novog albuma Apology for pathology,Haemorrhage ostaje uz Exhumed najbolji Carcass worshipping bend na sceni,a i moje komsije u domu su se bogami ovih dana nauzivale u ovom albumu. icon_smile.gif

jebes komsije.....za apsolventkinje se zanimamo bre!!!!!

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