Lordring Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 Slažem se za Karmu, uopšteno to je problem HI sinteze, ali s obzirom da je ne idem toliko u analogiju meni bi bilo dovoljno Iskreno me zanima kako zvuči EXB-MOSS board na Karmi? Koliko sam ja skapirao to su Z1 i Prophecy farbe, ne?
Neon Eyes Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 Karma ima novu sintezu zvuka, kao i sve Triton klavijature... mada ono sto meni smeta kod te nove sinteze je plasticnost zvuka... tj. prevelika digitalnost... Doduše još uvek nisam isprobao onaj EXB-MOSS Board, koji dodaje Z1 zvukove, pa tek kad to budem uradio onda mogu u potpunosti da pričam o tome. Kakogod, niko vam ne brani da kombinujete tu klavijaturu sa nekom starijom koja je više a la '80s fazonu i da dobijete jedan ogroman opseg zvukova Sto se tice YAMAHA, probao sam u Mitrosu Motif 6 ES (valjda je ta extenzija) i odusevljen sam bio nekim farbama, dok mi je na nekim farbama zvucao kao da sviram Triton. Recimo, fabricki preset "Sunday" je najbolji zvuk orgulja koji sam do sad cuo na workstationima... Toliko je dobar da boli Kompletna HI paleta syntheva ima plasticne soundove. Sa arpegiatorom i gotovim presetima sve je savrseno. Kada maknes efekte vidis koliko soundovi " ne drze vodu ". Ja sam isprobao EXB MOSS kod frenda i u usporedbi sa Z1 vrlo je tanak, a po drugoj strani zvuci vise ko board u koji je ugradjen nego ko Z1. sa Z1 soundovima mogu radit sta zelim, sa EXB MOSS-om bas i ne Motif je odlican workstation ( isprobavao sam rack ), ali ono...nije savrsen Mozda da se spoje Motif, Triton Studio, Roland Fantom, mozda bi se priblizili Kurzweilu K 2600 Mene zivo interesira sta je Korg smislio sa Oasys workstationom. Kao, otvorena sinteza a kosta preko 7000 Eura
Lordring Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 (edited) Aha, pa dobro, kapiram ja da bih MOSS koristio za leadove i ne bih nešto preterano experimentisao jer mi za sad nije potrebno. Kad bude bilo, Alesis ION/Andromeda/NordLead3, here I come Ali OK, zavisi od toga šta kome treba. Meni je i dalje KORG najbolji po pitanju price<->quality Što se tiče Oasys... pa ja mislim da njemu samo kažeš "sviraj" i on radi A možda kuva i kafu (Imaš PP ) Edited March 25, 2005 by Lordring
Neon Eyes Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 Slažem se za Karmu, uopšteno to je problem HI sinteze, ali s obzirom da je ne idem toliko u analogiju meni bi bilo dovoljno Iskreno me zanima kako zvuči EXB-MOSS board na Karmi? Koliko sam ja skapirao to su Z1 i Prophecy farbe, ne? Stvar je u tome, da ako koristis samo Karmu ili bilo koji Triton ( cak i LE ), pogotovo ako ih koristis u sklopu banda, i vise su nego dovoljni za cijeli zivot. No ako koristis vise syntheva, cujes im sve nedostatke. Meni Karma zvuci savrseno, dok ne upalim drugi synth Prednost Karme je da ubrzava proces stvaranja muzike. Recimo, napravim kostur i da se ne moram zajebavati sa pojedinacnim synthevima, popunim ga Karminim presetima, podvucem ispod odredjeni ritam i to je to- gotov sam za dan dva, ali da li se osjecam ko 100 postotni stvaraoc svoje glazbe - definitivno ne. Uostalom, zbog sve masovnije primjene Karminih preseta u filmskoj industriji uskoro bi mogle pasti i neke sudske tuzbe zbog autorizacije iako Stephen Kay uporno tvrdi da svaki vlasnik Karme ima autorska prava nad svime. Hm... Da, ali losa Z1 i Prophecy farba. Iako iz Korga tvrde da je EXB MOSSU " samo nebo granica ", ja bih ipak rekao da je granica negdje u troposferi ------------------------------------------------------ Imas tu lijep osvrt na Karmu i Triton ( ako ti se da procitati... ) Expressiveness/Sounds: 1 I need to agree with those (esp. the 40 yr old+ guy who have berated the Korg sound. I am completely mystifed as to what people like about the Triton/Karma patches. Have any of you actually PLAYED an XV5080 or a Yamaha Motif? Korg doesn't even come CLOSE to the Yamaha or ROland sound. Every time I go into GC there are the usual thugs hunched over the Triton playing these ridiculously thin patches. I have to laugh. But here's the deal, the reason the Triton has caught on is really simple: R&B and HipHop producers like it's drums (somebody finally got a clue and put good rim shots, etc in a board - took 'em only 10 years to figure it out) and the fact the the Triton OS (with its touch screen)is BY FAR the most intuitive workstation in existence. COmplete idiots can navigate the Triton's OS so it only stands to reason that every wanna-be on this side of the galaxy thinks the Triton can transform him into a superstar. Same phenomena with e MPC drum machines. Korg has struck gold and should be applauded for "breaking on through to the other side.." But make no mistake, the Triton/Karma patches, for the most part, suck. They are thin, they are poorly sampled and on top of everything else, the converters Korg use BLOW like Julie Ashton. The electronic sounds are cold and uninspiring, the acoustic samples are the same ones Korg has been using since the M1 and the drums, though "modern" in sound, suck for everything but HipHop. Add to all of this that 95% of Korg's patches have virtually no velocity switching whatsoever. When I had a Triton, I had no idea what I was missing out on.. until I played a Motif. Play a Motif... "expressiveness" will take on a whole new meaning. There is CLEARLY an indication that Korg was pursuing a very specific audience when they designed the Triton and then partnered with Dexter Propellerhead to launch the Karma. For the Triton is was all about rap and hiphop and american dance (because I have not yet noted any stand up europeans, who have the cornermarket on dance music) using a Triton. The guys in the UK use Yamaha products (CS6x, A4000, etc), Akai samplers, Viruses, Nords, Waldorfs, etc not to mention all of the software based stuff. You don't see them with Tritons. Granted, there are plenty of pros using Tritons, but don't think for a minute that Korg preset sounds are being pumped into commercial music songs. After the sequences are laid down, those Triton tracks are dipped in just about every top shelf effect in existence by highly paid professionals who exist solely to make things sound BETTER, BIGGER, BRIGHTER, SWEETER and SEXIER to your ears. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, it's just that I can see through Korg's smoke and mirrors. The Triton/Karma boards are not going to make you SOUND good. They are nothing but propagandized garbage with tons of bells and whistles to wow you at the music store. Think about it.. dual arps? SO f'g what!! Seen what Cakewalk Sonar can do with a MIDI track lately? I do things in Cubase a Triton couldn't even FANTASIZE about doing. Listen, if you want good analog sound, get a Virus, a Waldorf, Reaktor or comparable and learn it. You will smoke everything your Triton/Karma owning peers are trying to do. If you want acoustic, either buy a new Akai sampler (Z series kick azz) and get some REAL GOOD stuff, or get a few boards like a Motif and a Roland XV5050 to complement it. And if you just want to make slammin' beats, buy Propellerhead's Reason and leave the competition in your wake. Sorry for the rant, fellas, I'm just sick and tired of the Korg marketing machine dictating what is "hot" and what is not. The Karma IS a gimmick, no matter how hard these guys who have invested $2,000 try to convince you otherwise. They key here, and it has been noted in several reviews, is that with the Karma it has a "mind of it's own." One guy even said you better have the recorder going for that right take if it happens.. like it's a f'g crapshoot. Nice. THe Karma robs the musician of their creativity. It's a MIX AND MATCH technology similar to pasting together prefab parts in an application like Acid. By using the Karma's ideas, you are forfeiting your own. Personally, I don't have any desire to be a slave to the machine, as the machine will ALWAYS be a slave to ME. But that is the direction the gear industry is going. They want us all to be slaves to the machines so we gobble up their expansion accessories and keep their pocketbooks FAT. Korg is the NUMBER ONE perpetrator of this industry wide. Oh you don't believe me? DO you read Keyboard magazine? Who ALWAYS has the juiciest ads on page f'g one or two? Korg. Every issue as far back as I can remember. They have hailed everything they've ever produced as the next coming of Christ. In summary, if you are a beginner or an intermediate producer/arranger and you're seeking an all-in-one solution that is easy to work with, and you DON'T give a $hit that the people you're competing against will hve demos that are far more dynamic and interesting than yours, the Triton/Karma IS for you. If you are a quality driven freak like me who demands realistic acoustic sounds and warm, buzzy, beautiful nasty analog, look further. My picks: Roland XV5050 (stay away from 5080, it's a complete rip off with no editor) Access Virus Yamaha Motif (best board on the market - bar none) EMU Proteus 2000 (128 voices, better sounds than Triton, half the price) Korg TritonLE (affordabel, lots of bang for buck..you don't need the sampler crap anyways, just use HALion in Cubase and the sky's the limit) Reliability: N/A Customer Support: 1 Assholes... just like the good folks at Roland and Steinberg. Only industry in the entire world where a company can $hit all over their customers and suffer no negative publicity. Unf'g real. Overall Rating: 1 Korg is a marketing machine. They couldn't care less about THE MUSIC. If they did, they would update their patches and converters and everything else to ensure their customers were getting studio ready sound. As it stands, they cracnk out Casio grade patches.. and get away with it. For this reason, I couldn't care less about their products.
Neon Eyes Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 (edited) Aha, pa dobro, kapiram ja da bih MOSS koristio za leadove i ne bih nešto preterano experimentisao jer mi za sad nije potrebno. Kad bude bilo, Alesis ION/Andromeda/NordLead3, here I come Ma treba ubost Alesis Microna ( lijepo ime, reminds me on... ) . Ima sve bitnije specifikacije Andromede i ION-a a kosta ko MicroKorg - manje od 400 eura. Ja cu sljedece investirat u Virus Rack ili Novation Nova Rack i kontrolirat ga preko Z1. Btw, trebas cuti kako Trinity Rack zvuci preko Z1 Edited March 25, 2005 by Neon Eyes
Lordring Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 Ma jasno je meni to... Ali meni ne trebaju arpegiatori i tome sve slično... Meni trebaju klavijature za sviranje i mogu ti reći da mi je ovaj LE koji sada imam sasvim dobar, medjutim, probao bih da dobijem više, tj. da imam prosotra da unapredim mašinu, pa bih zato vrlo rado menjao ili kupio Karmu umesto LE-ja (a i zbog +5IFX ) I opet, Yamaha jeste super, ali skupa je! Lepo ovaj čovek sve kaže, ali kad bi se sabrala vrednost te opreme za te pare bi mogao da kupim skoro Oasys ako hoću Slažem se ja da je svaka klavijatura dobre u odredjenim stvarima, ali mi smrtnici moramo da napravimo najbolji odnos price<->quality. Voleo bih i ja da mogu od svega što mi treba da uzmem najbolje, ali polako.. Trenutno jurim da nabavim još jednu klavijaturu (nadam se da ću do srede znati) za live i eventualno da zameni Triton Le za Karmu, pa da ih vremenom nadogradjujem sa PCM-om i EXB-MOSS-om i ja sam što se tiče klavijatura live miran. Kasnije sledi kupovina rack-ova do besvesti, ali to samo onda kad budem imao para Neon Eyes: ono za PP, bilo je adresirano na tebe
Lordring Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 I da, nije mi jasno zašto se i ovo ne bi postavilo kao važna tema? Kad već mogu gitare, potražnja muzičara, što smo mi orguljaši manje bitni?
lord6finger Posted March 27, 2005 Report Posted March 27, 2005 I da, nije mi jasno zašto se i ovo ne bi postavilo kao važna tema? Kad već mogu gitare, potražnja muzičara, što smo mi orguljaši manje bitni? Istina! Nego, pre neki dan sam ispisao kilometarski post koji nisam uspeo da podignem jer mi se sjebao Explorer ( long live Bill Gates ), pa sam izgubio volju da pisem... Ukratko, sto vise dirki to bolji sex!!! Djedo, al te je Kole Amentes obradio da ne gotivis klavijature sa vise od 5 oktava Jebes transport, bitan je uzitak A sto se tice Nissinog izbora, predlazem da ne kupujes nikakve module, jer je to samo jedna muka vise. Modul od sinta k***u ne vredi, jer su kontrole svedene na minimum, a zvuk je isti, tj. JADAN!!! Ako hoces rack varijantu(modul+master klavijatura) bolje uzmi neki stariji sempler, AKAI ili KURZWEIL. Iako su "zastareli", boja sa 16-bitnog, 44Khz semplera je bolja od bilo koje boje na standardnom sintu, makar on kostao 1500E!!!!Sednes, prosetas po CD-ovima, nadjes boje koje te zanimaju, isprogramiras 10-tak i Bog da te vidi. Glavna fora je da ako se smoris od jedne boje, uvek mozes menjati setup kako ti odgovara, zbog otvorene strukture semplera. To sa klavijaturom vec nije moguce... Nemoj da te plasi marka(akai, emu, kurzweil...), jer stariji modeli nisu toliko skupi. Jedan moj ortak bas prodaje KURZWEIL K2000 u racku cini mi se za 500-600E... Toliko... Btw, Djedo, nabudzio sam nove lead boje na K4...Jebes mi sve ako ne uzmem jos jedan Pozdrav kolegijume klavijaturni
Neon Eyes Posted March 27, 2005 Report Posted March 27, 2005 A sto se tice Nissinog izbora, predlazem da ne kupujes nikakve module, jer je to samo jedna muka vise. Modul od sinta k***u ne vredi, jer su kontrole svedene na minimum, a zvuk je isti, tj. JADAN!!! Zato treba dobar kontrolni synth na kojem mozes iskoristiti sve opcije sa racka. Na nekima mozes iskoristiti farbe i opcije sa racka vise nego na istom synthu. Druga stvar, treba znati koji rack uzeti. Nadalje, rackovi imaju uvijek vise opcija od maticnih syntheva jer su namijenjeni iskljucivo za studio ( makar ih jako puno njih koristi za live nastupe ).
Lordring Posted March 27, 2005 Report Posted March 27, 2005 (edited) Djedo, al te je Kole Amentes obradio da ne gotivis klavijature sa vise od 5 oktava icon_smile.gif Jebes transport, bitan je uzitak icon_rockdevil.gif Nije me naložio bre, nego zaista može da bude problem. I ko kaže da ne volim klavijature sa više od 5 oktava? Uostalom, videćeš uskoro edit: da, što se tiče starijih klavijatura (govorimo o workstationima, ne analognim), sa njima je problem polifonija, a sa druge strane, zvuče mi mnogo toplije Elem, Roland JV-1080 (da l' beše taj broj) modul je baš strava, samo što je on za napredne muzičare, jer je tamo ogroman opseg editovanja farbi, tako da je suština da ne kombinuješ (u tome je loš, mala polifonija) već da modeluješ jednu farbu. Koristili su ga od Madone preko Prodigy-ja do Richard Anderssona i Jens Johanssona Edited March 27, 2005 by Lordring
Neon Eyes Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 edit: da, što se tiče starijih klavijatura (govorimo o workstationima, ne analognim), sa njima je problem polifonija, a sa druge strane, zvuče mi mnogo toplije Elem, Roland JV-1080 (da l' beše taj broj) modul je baš strava, samo što je on za napredne muzičare, jer je tamo ogroman opseg editovanja farbi, tako da je suština da ne kombinuješ (u tome je loš, mala polifonija) već da modeluješ jednu farbu. Koristili su ga od Madone preko Prodigy-ja do Richard Anderssona i Jens Johanssona A tek Anderssonov Roland JP 8000. Rolandov Z1 Mislim da sam nasao pravi rack za sebe - Yamaha FS1r. FM sinteza ( znaci sve najbolje u AOR-u i synth popu ), soundova ko u prici, 32 polifonican i jebeno tezak za programiranje ( my kind of stuff ). Znam da velika polifonija i toplina sounda rijetko kad idu "ruku pod ruku" ali za ovaj synth tvrde da ima i toplinu. Jao, ima da se naduvavam do besvijesti i danima ne izlazim iz kuce kad ga kupim
Vukica Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 @Lord6finger Hvala na predlozima, uzecu u obzir kada budem ponovo (za 3-4 meseca)razmisljala o kupovini.....jer se to, IPAK, nece desiti u skorije vreme.
audion Posted March 28, 2005 Author Report Posted March 28, 2005 EJ MOMCI PISITE MALKO O MENI , SVIDELAM VAM SE SVIRKA U VOODOO ?
audion Posted March 28, 2005 Author Report Posted March 28, 2005 NA FORBIDEN LINKU JE MOJA PESMA ZA DOWNLOAD... ASPIRATION , MISLIM DA JE U VASEM STILU ,NASEM
Lordring Posted March 29, 2005 Report Posted March 29, 2005 Ne znam da li si ćorav, ali ova tema je iako si je ti otvorio prešla na klavijature, a ne na tvoje koncerte osim ako nisi kao onaj mali Independor pa da svuda smaraš o sebi. Uostalom, čuo sam demo i nikakav je. Lepo počinje idejno, ali su farbe muljavina nikad gora.. O sklopu pesme i pevanju neću da trošim reči..
Guest Zli 0bucjar Posted March 29, 2005 Report Posted March 29, 2005 Lordrinze, pusti choveka ochigledno je da nema dovoljan kapacitet plucja
sixstringer Posted March 30, 2005 Report Posted March 30, 2005 Ne daj se Bane!!! Pa, lepo sam ti rekao da ti ceo master pliva u low-ovima a ni traga od hi-jeva... Ali jebiga, ne svidjas se Alogiji, oni sviraju HEAVY!!!
Lordring Posted March 30, 2005 Report Posted March 30, 2005 Ali jebiga, ne svidjas se Alogiji, oni sviraju HEAVY!!! kako god..
Guest Zli 0bucjar Posted March 30, 2005 Report Posted March 30, 2005 super je kad su ljudi ovako divno spremni na negativnu kritiku...
audion Posted April 1, 2005 Author Report Posted April 1, 2005 EJ LJUDI POZIVAM VAS SVE U VOODOO CAFE, LORDRING IMAS PIVO NA MOJ RACUN CARE
audion Posted April 1, 2005 Author Report Posted April 1, 2005 DA UMALO DA ZABORAVIM , TO JE 7.05.2005 U 22H
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