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Ajde sve, ali reizdanje sworna . :) Inache meni je zaklet tami, album koji je stvarno podigao standarde Wataina, tako da stvarno puno ocekujem od novog albuma. Bilo bi tako lepo da ih gledamo u skorije vreme.


Inache ta slika koja se pominjala ranije je bio artwork koji sam ja video na nekoj Watain majici pre godinu dana, ali nije se bilo tada para da je pazarim. :(

  • 2 months later...

Reaping autumn has come, the strike of it's scythe revealing the first news regarding the fourth Watain album. The past months may have seen silent, but inside the catacombs of Watain it's been everything but that. The new material has been worked on constantly and the recording-date has now been set. In January 2010, Watain shall enter Necromorbus Studio to unleash the energy that has been building up since Sworn to the Dark. It is pressing against the barriers, and it can not be held back much longer. Beware the hungry darkness!

Many an interesting thing is planned to occur before the release of the album, so keep checking back for news.



  On 10/10/2009 at 4:32 PM, Gojko said:

Reaping autumn has come, the strike of it's scythe revealing the first news regarding the fourth Watain album. The past months may have seen silent, but inside the catacombs of Watain it's been everything but that. The new material has been worked on constantly and the recording-date has now been set. In January 2010, Watain shall enter Necromorbus Studio to unleash the energy that has been building up since Sworn to the Dark. It is pressing against the barriers, and it can not be held back much longer. Beware the hungry darkness!

Many an interesting thing is planned to occur before the release of the album, so keep checking back for news.




Ipak je ovo veći kult:




Navodno, ne može tu svako da uđe, samo iskreni poštovaoci Wataina. Imidž ti ne odgovara takvom mestu, još kad bi te neko pitao šta misliš o Venom, Darkthrone i Hellhammer verovatno bi završio preklan :haha:

Posted (edited)

More, da sam ja njima uzeo da recitujem ritual egzorcizma na latinskom, boleo bi njih kurac za imidž :haha: Uostalom, ako ja nisam iskreni poštovalac Wataina, ne znam ko jeste. Možda ima neki test, tipa track listing sva tri albuma da znaš napamet :haha:

Edited by Gojko
Posted (edited)

Zamisli da moras da zvizdis sworn to the dark. Dobra ova demonia :mhihi:


O daaa, necromorbus studio :meshuggah: Rekoh ja fino da nece ovo prije 2010e, sva nada za religozni bm 2009e lezi u Ondskaptu

Edited by morbid god
  On 10/10/2009 at 7:16 PM, Gojko said:

More, da sam ja njima uzeo da recitujem ritual egzorcizma na latinskom, boleo bi njih kurac za imidž :haha: Uostalom, ako ja nisam iskreni poštovalac Wataina, ne znam ko jeste. Možda ima neki test, tipa track listing sva tri albuma da znaš napamet :haha:

*show off*



  • Upvote 1

За мене главни људи жанра говоре ове године. Dark Funeral треба да каже своје, а Immortal је већ објаснио неке ствари, за разлику од Marduka, који може комотно да престане са радом уколико изда још једно онакво срање од албума.


Sledeca godina nam donosi novi Rotting Christ koji ce da se ispisa po svim trendi sranjima i izbaci album godine u black sferi a i sveukupno, pored Septic Flesh i Moonsorrow. Eto tako. :da:

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