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As previously announced, WATAIN's "Reaping Death" single was certified gold in Sweden for sales in excess of 10.000 copies. A couple days ago, the band was awarded their gold record in Stockholm in front of journalists and various guests. We had no choice but to share with you the speech frontman E. made at this occasion:

"'Reaping Death' is a song written as a tribute to the first murderer and Satanist, Cain.

"Through the murder of his brother Abel, he was the first to break the shackles of creation and went against the will of God. Therefore, he was pushed away and found his way to his true father, the serpent in the Garden of Eden, also known as Satan.

"To openly praise Cain, his origin, his works and his offspring is something that never would have been possible, say 300 years ago. 300 years ago they tied people such as us up and burned them alive. Now we are awarded gold discs and praise in the media. This is an encouraging proof that this road is leading to hell.

"Through black metal, we now have a forum, in which we are without being persecuted and tortured, can celebrate the ancient ruin forces, revolutions and the gods of total liberation, and thus give them additional force. This gold disc is proof that the genre as such is one to be reckoned with, and with fire, fanaticism and passion as the driving force, we intend to take it even further, deep down in still unexplored abysses.

"We also would like to thank Sound Pollution, Season of Mist, Sweden Rock and "Boss" at Black Mark."


Ovaj čovek je izgubio vezu sa realnošcu. Kroz celu istoriju dešavali su se ratovi, katastrofe, padale su atomske bombe, pa život opet ide dalje, a ovaj je umislio da se svetu bliži kraj jer su prodali/poklonili 10.000 diskova. Svašta... Uzgred, dobar im je ovaj novi album. U početku mi se nije posebno svideo, ali sad mislim da je dobar, a bio bi još bolji da su izbacili par pesama i kad bi umesto 70 i kusur minuta album trajao nekih 60. Jedva čekam koncert.


Ovo je sa jednog drugog foruma. Odnosi se na ove Erikove izjave. Svaka mu je na mestu.


Would like to join in a bit on the criticism too here (and probably I will make one or two "friends" with this...).

I have liked Watains previous releases, but like Alastor was mentioning...their egos are growing quite a bit... and for me a lot of their statements are bullshit considering what they have claimed they are preaching.

Let's start with having some fun with this bible interpretation we see above. If Cains father was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, and the criteria for being a Satanist is to turn against the will of God which E here says - that would make Eve the first Satanist, not Cain.

Secondly - the reason why Cain murdered his brother was, from most interpretations, because his offerings to God (crops) were not accepted whereas his brother's offerings (a lamb...hmmm....usually a symbol for the Christian flock...oh well...just messing around here...) was accepted. Cain wished to please God, but was rejected, got pissed off and killed his brother in jealousy. Doesn't sound like a praiseworthy rebellion in my opinion - rather something an angry child would do. (Also, at the time God had not created any "law" against murder...)

To continue, the talk about not being able to praise this and that openly in the past... I don't see that as a very true statement either. It has just been a matter of social status if you have been able to get away with it or not. And also, why are we only talking about the western world here? I don't think followers of Kali have been hiding in caves for instance. And do the forces Watain claim they are supporting care about western cultural limitations and governments?

I could have one or two things to say about the statement about now having a forum where they are able to work "...without being persecuted and tortured...". Is that honourable? It's a hell of a lot more convenient of course, but if speaking of gods of total liberation....why the hell would they need human assistance in this form?

That's my main point here. How come that a band that talks so much about ancient forces and mix up all ancient beliefs into some form of satanic new-age mishmash, put so much effort upon a biblical *mythological* figure and give so much importance to a story written down by supposed opposers of their own beliefs? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to see what lies beyond all these human stories??

I see the point of using mythology as an inspiration or symbol for things we want to describe. But when people like this are glorifying getting gold discs from institutions that are supported by empty minds only... I cannot respect it at all. At least I hope they are just bullshitting us to hide where they are doing their actual work. Sure, it's nice to recieve recognition to continue the work they really believe in, but to say it's a part of their true path... nah...don't think so.

Sure, you can take interesting energy from cheering masses, but is that what will open the gates to hell and unexplored abysses? From my personal experience, such things can be brought out of the individual without the help of fools.


Kako sam se istripovala od SoM da je Sotm. :( Kamo sreće. :haha:



Elem, kod Destroyera piše ovo:

Oct 11 2010 8:30P

Tineretului Hall Baia Mare, ROMANIA

Oct 11 2010 10:00P

TBA belgrade, Belgrade, ROMANIA

Oct 12 2010 8:30P

Silver Church Bucharest, ., ROMANIA

Oct 13 2010 8:30A


Oct 14 2010 9:00P

TBA Belgrade, SERBIA





Rekla bih da je ipak 14. :haha:

  • 2 weeks later...

Vidi se da mu je mnogo stalo da pokaže kako je njegovih 1.60 m bilo neustrašivo pred ogromnim skinhedom... Bar se nije iseravao mnogo kao što ume. Nije mu "novinarka" ostavila mesta.


Danas svako misli da je novinar, jebote.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

"Lawless Blackie" je tezak zamor za cula. Jos veci zamor je sto je (ubedljivo) najbolja stvar na albumu ujedno i ona sa najdebilnijim nazivom - "Total Funeral". I prve tri zvuce solidno, ali ko zna da li bi mi bile tol'ko dobre da su poslednje 3 na albumu... Jos jedno metal razocarenje za 2010u, black ekvivalent novom Exodusu.

Guest милка зоофилка

мало претерујеш, албум није класа, мени лично је за нијансу слабији од sworn to the dark али је сасвим солидан и слушљив. wolves curse ми је, рецимо, сјајна песма. неумесно га је стављати са егзодусом у исти кош. добро, један је casus luciferi, то је јасно.

  • 4 weeks later...

Potvrdili za Metal Kamp!!

Ispalili su me da ih gledam u srbiji, al' nece valjda za Sloveniju!!! :rockdevil:


After the announcement of finnish dark metallers AMORPHIS, now we´re happy to present Watain to you maniacs out there!Stockholm's darkest horde hits the flag of black metal into the paradisiacal ground of METALCAMP 2011. The hellish wolves, who recently caused a tremendous impact within the black scene with their new album "Lawless Darkness", reveal the book of gloomy might to quote from during their musical celebration. Dark melodies, reminding of the glorious music-art of Dissection, bite through your auditory canals aggressively and poisonously - always taking care for emotional authenticity. The magic of WATAIN gets completed by the pulsing drums and the fearsome vocals. This voluptuous sacrificial offering sparks off the fire of your souls! The time is right for receiving the "Black Metal Militia" of this year's METALCAMP.


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