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ime vokala ce biti objavljeno 30. maja, kada na zvanicnom sajtu objave link za download novog singla eve...do tada, mozemo samo cekati...

radujem se singlu..pizdim zbog junskog roka


The new singer has recorded all her vocals and the writer of the article really admired the band that they had been able to keep her identity a secret this long. Only 30 people, including people from the label and around the band, know who she is. The singer was the one who the band had been considering already last year, but they still wanted to wait til January if they found a better one.


Right now the band is mixing the album at Finnvox, four songs are already finished.


In the article Tuomas revealed something interesting. The name of the 14 minute epic will be 'The Poet and the Pendulum' and he also revealed the lyrics for the song's chorus.


I cannot cry

'cause the shoulder cries more

I cannot die

I, the whore for the cold world


He also told that the soundscapes created by Jussi Tegelman (which was mentioned in the studio diary) will be used in this song, and according to Tuomas the song "turned out to be a real radio play".


zanimljivo, zanimljivo


Kao sto sam vec napisala na valley-u...refren me zabrinjava....ili je cista patetika,ili sa Tuomasom nesto ozbiljno nije u redu...nema nicega izmedju...


Mozda nikoga nije zanimalo ko je nova pevaljka :)

Salu na stranu bas sam se ovih dana pitala sta se sa njima desilo dal' su jos uvek zivi...

Eto jos malo, pa cemo saznati sat se zbiva...


Ma,shalu na stranu,pukli su oni bez Tarje,a ona jadna dobro da je i izdrazala toliko pored njih,mislim shta reci,da li ste gledali DVD? One tamo lujke...svashta rade ... LoL

Ma kakva god bila pevachica,teshko da ce nadoknaditi Tarju...I da, kako je moguce da nekome identitet bude sakriven tako dugo,i da CHEMU sve to???

Ma,shalu na stranu,pukli su oni bez Tarje

Iskreno, jebes Tarju.


Najnebitnija je u tom bendu. I realno, zamenjiva u svako doba. Niti pravi pesme, niti joj je glas nesto specijalan.


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