Jefimija Posted June 27, 2007 Report Posted June 27, 2007 xaxaxxa....e,da nam je vise ovakvih loodaka :) Quote
Buba :) Posted June 28, 2007 Report Posted June 28, 2007 ljepotane idijote moj ...samo se ti vrati svojoj bubi iz selendre nego. kad ce album?! Quote
*Nienna* Posted June 28, 2007 Report Posted June 28, 2007 Nightwish's upcoming album will be called "Dark Passion Play". It will be released by Nuclear Blast on September 28th, by Spinefarm Records / Universal on September 26th and by Roadrunner Records on September 28th. Pise na prosloj strani Quote
sunessence Posted June 30, 2007 Report Posted June 30, 2007 Зилионити пут преслушавам ове песме и једноставно не иде. Ова нова певачица ми баш жестоко иде на ганглије. Њен глас ми се уопште не свиђа. Ето, пробала сам да немам предрасуде и да дам шансу новонасталој ситуацији, али једноставно ми се не свиђа. Звучи ми... неухрањено. Кад сам прочитала када је она почела да слуша Nightwish и које су јој омиљене песме, све ми је постало јасно. Да се разумемо, нисам једна од оних који мисле да метал треба да се фура од обданишта - далеко било! - али, поента је у томе да она нема шансе да може да осети (и, што је још важније, пренесе) енергију албума као што су Angels Fall First, Oceanborn, Wishmaster... Још сам и гајила неку наду... Свесна сам да је улога та која је незаменљива, а да појединци просто долазе и одлазе, али изгледа да, ипак, без Тарје нема Nightwish-a који волим. R.I.P. Nightwish :cry: Quote
DragonHeart Posted June 30, 2007 Report Posted June 30, 2007 BW&BK's Mark Gromen has issued the following overview of NIGHTWISH's anxiously-anticipated forthcoming album, Dark Passion Play: First off, the woman can sing! Verbose Toumas Holopainen is at it again, with 5 to 6 word titles, to say nothing of the 13:53 opening 'The Poet And The Pendulum' and closing duo topping 7 minutes each. the whole opus lasts 75:45. No longer just "frilly teeny-bopper metal" (not that they ever were, just some cult elitists' sentiments). Haven't re-invented themselves as much as widened the scope of their repertoire. Should be fun to see how Anette Olzon handles the older material. Don't expect to remain in your seat for much of the show! What follows is a verbatim transcription of my notes, as I listened to the album for the first time, in the offices of King Foo, surrounded by the numerous gold/platinum awards. 1) 'The Poet And The Pendulum' Actually five sub-sections in one song, titled 'White Land Of Empathica', 'Home', 'The Pacific', 'Dark Passion Play' and 'Mother & Father'. Whispered voice-over starts, then drifts into high vocals, then out of nowhere, full bore band, with orchestration (no vocals), the settles into mid-tempo structures. First impression, her voice sounds like '70s OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN, clean, sultry, slightly accented English, but the further it proceeds, sounds more like ABBA (none too surprisingly), even without her Swedish heritage. Drops into sleepy symphonic strings mode, punctuated by brass bellows, then gradually builds to aggressive lyrics (Marco Hietala - bass) and swirl of orchestra. 2) 'Bye Bye Beautiful' Just as easily COULD be about a failed love relationship, but the lyrics, especially the use of the word "we" would seem to indicate otherwise. Did you ever hear what I told you Did you ever read what I wrote Did you ever listen to what we played Did you ever let in what the world said Did you get this far, just to feed your hate Did we play to become only pawns in the game How blind can you be, don't you see You choose the long road, but we'll be waiting Music is lively, Anette sings stanza, Marco the solo voice in chorus. Simple rhythms, bombastic break. Violin, seriously bowed, threatening to break in half, ala the cartoons. Marco eventually takes over (prophetic?) 3) 'Amaranth' Piano begun. Female vocals at the forefront. Heavy backing, staccato underpinning. 4) 'Cadence Of Her Last Breath' Panting female voice introduces, matched by tinkling of ivories, before full band on mid-tempo. Really different, just a rock song, practically devoid of the orchestrated bombastics inherent in Nightwish music. Panting back mid-song, accompanied by a choir. Marco's in the background, yelling "Run away, run away." 5) 'Master Passion Greed' By contrast, bass and drums rumble out of the speakers, punctuated by sporadic guitar notes. Keyboards are the last instrument heard. Heavy, speedy, Marco barks lyrics. Very staccatto. No female vocals. Will be interesting to find out where/when, in the writing process this one was done. Quite unlike anything the band has attempted to date. 6) 'Eva' First e-single. Disney, as Carl Begai calls it. Piano and Anette begun. Marco given this tune off. True ballad, Emppu emotive break. 7) 'Sahara' Lively keyboard and violin quickly give way to short, upbeat blast, then launches into more labored cadence (trudging through the Sahara, in search of a thirst quenching oasis). Anette vocals above the fray. (Colorful 1001 Arabian Nights inspired drawing, veiled harem et al, in the beautifully illustrated CD booklet). Again, Marco basically missing. 8) 'Whoever Brings The Night' Guitar scales begin, bouncy melody. Vocals delivered in short bursts, seemingly sung only in chorus. After the second run through, changes into more chaotic. All your love is a lie You one night butterfly 9) 'For The Heart I Once Had' Mid-tempo, almost bluesy guitar and piano. Lilting, childish Anette breaks through. Full band + at chorus. Watch as a possible single, down the line. 10) 'The Islander' Pipe-flute, comparison to Creek Mary inevitable, even with the diminishing ocean sound effects. Male vocals (at first questions whether it's a guest singer, so un-Marco). Acoustic guitar, GORDON LIGHTFOOT? Eventually, two vocalists, in duet. Ends with tribal drum and violin, eventually only drum and ocean. 11) 'The Last Of The Wilds' Segues seamlessly into this Celtic inspired pipes (tin/penny whistles). Breaks from Celtic, into the Baroque harpsichord tingling, backed-by flute/recorder, then into reprise of the lively reel/jig tempo. Been a longtime since I've heard a true (non-concept album) instrumental that I'd like to hear repeatedly. Ends with more music box tones. 5:41 12) 'Seven Days To The Wolves' Drums introduce. Both singers involved. Titular phrase repeated frequently. Mostly mid-tempo, with quick hitting flourishes after each stanza (some fully instrumental), others feature Marco behind the music. 13) 'Meadows Of Heaven' Low moan of cello, then piano and violin opening. Anette extended "aye." About two minutes before drums/guitar come in, but then refined, not ruining the beauty of the balladry. Think Titanic theme. Builds to include full backing choir, getting louder dynamically, but not faster. Emppu's guitar mimics a Highland theme as it falls back to violin, synth and Anette. Another blast from the choir. Closing swirl of all the aforementioned, including some soul/scat guests. As previously reported, Dark Passion Play will be released by Nuclear Blast on September 28th, Spinefarm Records/Universal on September 26th and by Roadrunner Records on September 28th. Quote
Simke Posted June 30, 2007 Report Posted June 30, 2007 The Poet And The Pendulum Quote
Tanya Posted June 30, 2007 Report Posted June 30, 2007 Skinuh, odslušah. Nije neki utisak ostavilo na mene. Teta ok peva, ono, prosek, ništa posebno, ali muzika mi isto nije ništa posebno. Očekivala sam više... No, dobro, to je to. Ili ćemo se navići, ili prestati da ih slušamo. Ništa strašno Quote
crusader84 Posted July 1, 2007 Report Posted July 1, 2007 Nešto mi govori da neka voiceover promo varijanta albuma već kruži po odredjenim krugovima! Quote
apocalypsetb Posted July 1, 2007 Report Posted July 1, 2007 (edited) Meni ova pjesma zvuci fenomenalno. Volio bih ovu postavu vidjeti uzivo. Edited July 1, 2007 by apocalypsetb Quote
DragonHeart Posted July 1, 2007 Report Posted July 1, 2007 Volio bih ovu postavu vidjeti uzivo. Uzdamo se u Terra Nostra-u Quote
apocalypsetb Posted July 1, 2007 Report Posted July 1, 2007 Mislim da sam rekao da bih volio vidjeti koncert a ne ga raditi . Quote
RENDE Posted July 1, 2007 Report Posted July 1, 2007 Sta se lozite na Nightwish? I pre su bili sranje, sad pogotovo. Tarja je bar bila harizmaticna i delovala inteligentno, a ova nova nije ni za kurac sa ovom ciganjskom facom. A glas... Moz' da prodje u Grandu Quote
Nightwing Posted July 1, 2007 Report Posted July 1, 2007 The Poet And The Pendulum fala vi....kako su pesme krenule da cure nista nece ostati za septembar Quote
Baki Posted July 2, 2007 Report Posted July 2, 2007 Hajde, sad, sta se pravite mutabvi, bacajte promo-verziju na link i davajte vamo! Quote
Sirius Posted July 3, 2007 Report Posted July 3, 2007 nema vise file-a na youtube, skinuo sam 4 minuta pesme, jel to to??? a sto se tice ovog texta iz bye, bye beautiful, kome li je upuceno...jbt, tako je ocito.... Quote
Baki Posted July 3, 2007 Report Posted July 3, 2007 Imao je neki sempl od 7 minuta, ali je skinut.........dajte ljudi, hocu link za ceo album, sad odmah!!!!!!!!!! Quote
StarbreakeR Posted July 3, 2007 Report Posted July 3, 2007 Bez tarje na grbachi, imam utisak da ce album biti solidan, pa i vishe... Quote
PlanetHell Posted July 4, 2007 Author Report Posted July 4, 2007 Poet zvuci odlicno, Sahara smara... Mislim da ce album biti sasvim solidan, a bolji od Once-a.. to u svakom slucaju.. Anette je unela neki duh u bend i u pesme, malo su dinamicniji vokali nego ranije.. Ima zanimljiv glas i voli da talasa da kazem tako.. interesuje me kako to zvuci uzivo.. videcemo kad krene turneja.. Quote
Baki Posted July 5, 2007 Report Posted July 5, 2007 AMARANTH Bas mi se svidja!!! THE POET AND THE PENDULUM PRVI DEO Quote
Amphitritê Posted July 5, 2007 Report Posted July 5, 2007 (edited) Зилионити пут преслушавам ове песме и једноставно не иде. Ова нова певачица ми баш жестоко иде на ганглије. Њен глас ми се уопште не свиђа. Ето, пробала сам да немам предрасуде и да дам шансу новонасталој ситуацији, али једноставно ми се не свиђа. Meni je i prosla, Tarja, bila antipaticna tj. njena boja glasa. Ubedjena sam Volim thrash ali neke git.deonice ovog benda su sjajne i nekako mi njihov koncept uopste ne ide uz zenski vokal, ma kako bio skolovan. Edited July 5, 2007 by Vilhelmina Quote
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