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Slazem se sa ovim NJA (do sada) -_-

Evo nashla sam na netu cele Seven Days to the Wolves, Sahara, Meadows of Heaven, Whoever brings the Night i sad cem preslusham pa javljam utiske!


BW&BK recently caught up with NIGHTWISH keyboardist/founder Tuomas Holopainen and vocalist Anette Olzon to discuss the bands new album, Dark Passion Play. The following is a brief excerpt from the interview:


“The chorus of (new single)‘Amaranth’, I almost feel ashamed about that,” laughs Holopainen. “It’s so corny and poppy and annoyingly catchy. I was laughing when I was writing it, thinking ‘Oh man, this is going to be something.’ The funny thing about the song is that it was going to be the bonus track until the very end. I didn’t like the song that much so it was going to be the B-side for the second single, but everybody kept telling me that it was awesome, that it was single material and the catchiest song on the album. I was laughing at myself when I wrote it because I knew it was going to work, I knew it was going to be good and that everyone would like it, but the chorus is just so pop-music.”

Nesto nema pozitivnih tonova o novom albumu.


Filipe,album josh nije izashao niti se pojavio na netu...Jedino shto mozesh da chujesh jesu kritike kvazi poznavaoca muzike,koji na osnovu nepotpunog mixa na 64 kbps uspevaju da odrede sve do tachnosti i ocene maximalno precizno novi album...

Filipe,album josh nije izashao niti se pojavio na netu...Jedino shto mozesh da chujesh jesu kritike kvazi poznavaoca muzike,koji na osnovu nepotpunog mixa na 64 kbps uspevaju da odrede sve do tachnosti i ocene maximalno precizno novi album...

Potpuno se slazem s tim sto si rekao, nego mi je zanimljivo kako ljudi komentarisu, a da ljudski nisu preslusali album, koji se jos nije ni pojavio u javnost. No, to nam je poznat sindrom ovdasnjih "strucnjaka".


Meadows Of Heaven je jedna od najlepsih pesama ikada snimljenih. Tacka! I da su sve ostale pesme sranje (a verujte, nisu), vredelo bi imati ovaj album.

Nego, cuh da je i Master Passion Greed procurela...ima neko?


Preslusao sam par pesama, ni jedna nije ostavila neki poseban utisak, cekam album pa cu onda dati komentar... jedino da kazem da mi se ne svidja ideja pesme Bye bye beauty, ocigledno je na koga je adresirana, mislim da je to posle svega ipak malo pogresno...


Uglavnom, utisak koji za sad imam je taj da je ipak trebalo krenuti u potpuno novu pricu, mislim cak i pod novim imenom, jer ovaj Nightwish i onaj koji je radio sa Tarjom prosto nisu ista stvar. Ok, nije Nightwish bio samo Tarja i definitvno nisam od onih koji misle tako, ali ovo je jedna potpuno drugacija koncepcija, neka druga prica i tesko mi je da ih gledam kao isti bend. Posebno ce zaniljivo biti cuti na nekom live nastupu stare stvari sa novom pevaljkom :)!

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