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Brate, Sharon ima nekad takve neke trzajeve s rukama, i tijelom uopšte, da izgleda ponekad kao nadrogirana.

Inače, malo me zvuk u nekim momentima iritirao, vjerovatno to tako biva u prvim redovima, pa mi i to pokvarilo utisak.

Elem, kao što rekoh, odličan koncert, ne bih se bunila da ih opet gledam, jelte... ;)

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Nisam ocekivao da ce ovo biti spektakularan koncert. Nova pevachica ima dobar glas , ali ne za Nightwish.



Sestra je posle certa, prokomentarisala kako sad ne treba da se zovu Nightwish, jer nije isto pevati stare pesme sa novim glasom...

Ima smisla, po meni...

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o tome govorim... Anettein glas je previshe razlichit od Tarjinog. A shto se tiche Tarjinog nastupa na sceni... dominirala je njom kao frontmenka. Sadashnjoj postavi NW-a dajem josh max 2 godine. I onda se Tarja vraca. Ista stvar kao sa mnogim bendovima koji su se rastali s pevachima s kojima su dostigli vrhunac i zatim njihovim povratkom (Dickinson, Barlow, Halford, Gillan...).

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s tim sto bezobzira na to da li je anettin glas slabiji, previse razlicit od tarjinog, DPP je odlican album i to vise nego odlican.. tuomas nije bzvz izabrao anette, imao je u vidu kako ce zvucati dpp i anettin glas mu savrseno lezi.. ovo da ne treba da se zove nw necu da komentarisem, s obzirom da su promenili pevacicu, a ostali koji prave muziku su ostali, ona je samo pevala u bendu

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realno, jedina pevaljka medju metal bendova koja mi je super na koncertima je sharon iz withina...ovo ostalo... nije metal za zhene :P:):):)

Metal jeste za zene, a Sharon je zaista sjajna. To svi znaju koji su je gledali uzivo, a ne na spotovima i you tube snimcima nastupa od pre 10000 godina.

Anette je odradila posao 100% profi i imala je finu komunikaciju zaista. E sad, ko vise voli operske pevacice, uvek moze da pusti tarjin album i resen problem.

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s tim sto bezobzira na to da li je anettin glas slabiji, previse razlicit od tarjinog, DPP je odlican album i to vise nego odlican.. tuomas nije bzvz izabrao anette, imao je u vidu kako ce zvucati dpp i anettin glas mu savrseno lezi.. ovo da ne treba da se zove nw necu da komentarisem, s obzirom da su promenili pevacicu, a ostali koji prave muziku su ostali, ona je samo pevala u bendu

Da, pa on je i hteo da album zvuci drugacije.

Da je hteo opersku pevacicu, izabrao bi nekog drugog, a ne Anette.


Sve u svemu, meni je svejedno ko ce pevati u Nightwish-u, bitno je da oni i dalje stvaraju muziku i da ostali clanovi benda ostanu da daljnjeg. :bigblue:


Metal jeste za zene, a Sharon je zaista sjajna. To svi znaju koji su je gledali uzivo, a ne na spotovima i you tube snimcima nastupa od pre 10000 godina.

Anette je odradila posao 100% profi i imala je finu komunikaciju zaista. E sad, ko vise voli operske pevacice, uvek moze da pusti tarjin album i resen problem.

Slazem se. :bigblue:

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Ma dobri su Anetini pokreti, bre, sta im fali? Tarja je imala svojevremeno neke narodnjacke ispade k'o sa svadbe (doduse, meni se to svidjalo), ali ja nisam primetio da Anet nesto zabusava. Stavise, ona je konstatno na bini, za razlikyu od Veverice koja je vise vremena provodila menjajuci zuto-crveno-crno-roze-bele dezene i mikrofone nego na sceni. Sve ima svoju draz!


Ne3go, ima li neko snimke sa RTSa?

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To, jes da nisam gledao puno snimaka sa Tarjom, ali na svim koje sam video je bila poprilicno staticna.


Povodom izbora nove pevacice - ja sam bas razmisljao kad su je sutnuli da bi bilo bezveze da nadju neku njenu kopiju, tetka je donela nesto novo u bend, svezinu. DPP je super album, i to je meni najbitnije.




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Tarja statichna???

Ona je bre imala "najtru" pokrete koji nikako ali NIKAKO nisu statichni! Za razliku od Anette, Tarja IMA ponashanje na sceni...


I shta je bilo ono o vodi shto je Anette prichala?? Poprilichno probacavanje , ja bih rekla.. blah..


Da ne znam da je to u chetvrtak bio koncert NWa verovatno bih se valjala od smeha slushajucji isti...

Ovako mi je bilo tuzhno..

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Elem, moji utisci:


So, the time finally came for me to see one of my favourite bands for the 3rd time, and for the 1st time with Anette as the leading singer. It happened in Novi Sad, on the opening day of EXIT 08 festival, on 10th July 2008, somewhen between 21:18h and 22:30h.

I was somewhere in the 10th row, just in front of Anette's microphone. It was far enough so that I don't get killed by the mob, yet still close enough that I can see even the face gestures of the band members, even though I am shortsighted and was wearing no glasses. The whole audience area was very crowded, I assume there were maybe even 25,000 people seeing this show.

After the bombastic intro, the band kicked in with energetic Bye Bye Beautiful, and the crowd went wild immediately. I must say that the sound was a bit bad during this song (Anette's mic was too silent), but later on they fixed it, so I could hear them perfectly.

Then they played Dark Chest Of Wonders, and I must say, it sounds much better than on some recent youtube videos. Whoever Brings The Night is to me one of the worst NW songs ever, so I won't even comment on it. And then, The Siren.....totally different approach to the song than Tarja, but still, Anette rocked in it. And I was really pissed seeing some jerk in front of me covering his ears because, oh, dear God, he's so musically profound that Anette's singing hurts his ears. What a dickhead! Why did he wade then all the way to the front rows?! Anyway, let him be.....

Amaranth followed, and then two old songs, Sleeping Sun and Ever Dream. I must say, those two were some of the most emotional moments of the show. I could really feel how the audience was moved. I myself was, almost to the tears especially with her chorus of Ever Dream! You cannot miss with this master-piece. And suddenly, all the band except Tuomas left the stage. I didn't have a clue what was going to happen, but then I heard the Poet And the Pendulum intro. And what can I say? I had thought that this song was inappropriate for a festival setlist, but I was so wrong! It is such a powerful song live, that I have no words! The pyros were exceptional as well. I especially loved the fire crosses, and I also caught a piece of these purple stripes they threw during the "Save me!" culmination. Oh, and Mother and Father.......man, I felt shivers all through my body. At the end of it, I looked at the video projector behind me, and saw that Anette was crying when she sang this. I am in awe.

Sahara was wonderful as well. but then they played their probably biggest hit to date. Nemo. I prefer so much this song now with Anette on vocals. She really gives to it something special with her interpretation. And, as the band announced the last song for the evening, I knew it would be Wish I Had An Angel. A good chance for some final moshing in the crowd. I got scared at that moment for one small girl which was on her daddy's shoulders in front of me. :)

We all hoped that there would be some encore, one song at least, but unfortunately, they had to go off stage because bloody N.E.R.D. was supposed to play right after them. Man, from now on I hate N.E.R.D.!!!! :) I know I stood in front of the stage for another 10 minutes, still not believing they were gone, and what fantastic performance they gave to Serbia.

All in all, it was really worth seeing NW for the first time in Serbia. To me, this concert was excellent, by all means. So the audience was. It could really be seen on their faces while taking the final bows how much surprised they were, in a positive way of course, by the reception they got. All the members were really moved, and they seemed to be really happy on stage.

I really have faith now in NW that they are gonna last for a long time in this line-up. They still get to deliver amazing, heartfelt performances, and tumble emotions in fans' hearts. I must say a word about the pyrotechnics, which were so great (and veeery hot!)! God, I felt like I was burning every time they fired those things, even though I was in the 10th row or so. I can imagine how it was to those people in the first row! Anette was really, really good. Again, she has got a very different vocal style than Tarja, so it is useless to compare them. OK, she really does seem to have a couple of notes lower register, so that even in some DPP songs she lowers the intonation (in Mother and Father, and in Amaranth), and I don't really like that, but still, she sings with so much emotion, andhas become a good frontwoman, after only one year of performing with Nightwish. The only real flaw of the gig was its short length (only about 70 minutes), but it was due to festival schedule. Also, they could have played more old songs, but I hope they will do it on their next concert in Serbia. And I do believe them when they said we will meet again in our country!




The setlist:


1. Bye bye beautiful

2. Dark chest of wonders

3. Whoever brings the night

4. Siren

5. Amaranth

6. Sleeping Sun

7. Ever dream

8. Poet and the pendulum

9. Sahara

10. Nemo

11. Wish I had an angel

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Shto se vokala u Nightwishu tiche... U dosta intervjua sa Tomasom je moglo da se prochita sledetje: Nisam ni u jednom trenutku zheleo da sa nama opet peva operska pevachica jer sam apsolutno siguran da bi tu osobu prozivali kao kopiju Tarje. Zheleo sam neshto novo, neshto svezhije. Nove pesme sam prilagodjavao Anettinom glasu [jer svi znamo da se identitet nove pevachice dugo drzhao u tajnost chak i kad je ista odredjena]...


Samim tim je logichno da nove pesme zvuche mnogo bolje od starih, ali sam ja opet rekla, svaka joj chast na tome kako je stare otpevala, jer nije nimalo lako dati neku novu char pesmama koje je bukvalno obelezhila Tarja...


Ja sam videla bar pet ljudi koji su ceo koncert nepomichni proveli[ali ljudi za koje se videlo da slushaju metal]. E sad mogutje da je to bilo zbog toga shto Nightwish ne slushaju... Ali ja sam u nekim trenucima bila sigurna da su zheleli da pokazhu koliko vishe vole Nightwish sa Tarjom, pa je to bila neka vrsta protesta... Mada veoma je mogutje da greshim...

Edited by Anja_Crazy_Angel
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Stavise, ona je konstatno na bini, za razlikyu od Veverice koja je vise vremena provodila menjajuci zuto-crveno-crno-roze-bele dezene i mikrofone nego na sceni. Sve ima svoju draz!


Mozda je i to veliki plus. Ja koja sam bila najpre sokirana njenim dovodjenjem u bend i koja sam s nepoverenjem slusala poslednji album, shvatila sam da su mozda i napravili dobar potez. Dobro je sto je Anet zadrzala svoj neki stil, svidjalo se to publici ili ne, umesto da kopira Tarju, nosi masivne haljine i tonu teske sminke. Ovako je po meni zaista ok, nije staticna, veoma je leprsava na sceni, nikada joj ne bih dala toliko godina!


Povodom izbora nove pevacice - ja sam bas razmisljao kad su je sutnuli da bi bilo bezveze da nadju neku njenu kopiju, tetka je donela nesto novo u bend, svezinu. DPP je super album, i to je meni najbitnije.


Slazem se potpuno s tobom. S tim sto sam ja jako srecna jer je konacno Marco dobio vise vokalnih deonica. Obozavam tog coveka.



Tarja statichna???

Ona je bre imala "najtru" pokrete koji nikako ali NIKAKO nisu statichni! Za razliku od Anette, Tarja IMA ponashanje na sceni...


Toliko su joj troo pokreti da su razni surogati nastali na njenom uzoru poceli da je toliko kopiraju da je bilo cesto ogavno gledati bend koji zeli da bude vise Nightwish nego Nightwish i pevacice koje zele da budu vise Tarja od same tarje. Da ne pricam o gomili devojcica koje su kopirale njen imidz, umesto da grade svoj.

Zasto se po svaku cenu mora biti troo? Da li je troo sto je Tarja na sceni postupala kao nekada brena "ajmo svi, ruke gore"? jeste, to podize publiku, ali nije troo. Troo je black metal, mrznja, mrak, opasnost. hehe! Bilo bi bolje uzivati u istinskim vrednostima nekih umetnika i muzici, umesto misliti da li je neko troo ili ne.


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Inace, u novom Blic Pulsu, ima intervju s clanovima Amadeus benda, gde su najavili da ce ici na exit da slusaju najtvis! E sto je najcrnje, mislim da sam cak i video0 jednog od njih na koncertu tik pored mene!


E da, evo i nekih slika:




Vidi se koliko poznajes Amadus band....


A inace za sve vas kojima je krsna slava Sveta Tarja... Lepo kaze moj ortak Janko... Sta ste koji kurac dolazili na koncert ako pljujete jer vam nema Tarje??!!!!


Pa da bi slusali Nightwish.......


Odlicno,onda cuti,pusi i slusaj!!!!






koji kurac....

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Slazem se za Anetin stil. Jeste da nekad ima ispade koji mi se ne svidjaju, ali u sustini je izuzetno razlicita od Tarje, i to moze biti samo plus!

I jebote, vide li da ovo roze sto je nosila na EXITu je bilo od vune???!!! Kako se nije isprzila u tome?!

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Ma super je Anetin stil.

I kakv troo,ljudi?Zašto je to bitno?!Trebamo svi da izgledamo isto?

A neko je napisao da Tarja ima najolji scenski nastup,e pa Tarja se KRETENIŠE na sceni!

Na "End of an era" joj je nastup zastida.I presmiješna je.

Ne znam koji joj je djavo.


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E sad, poshto nisam bila neko vreme ovde, samo cu da kazem da je NW rasturio!!! Zaista mi se svidelo, a pogotovo mi je drago shto mi se Anette dopala jer je ranije nisam neshto gotivila. Zena je preslatka, odradila je nastup super! Eto, u svakom sluchaju ja sam se provela fantastichno! :rockdevil:

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Najvece izdvajanje Nightwisha od ostalih bendova je upravo to sto su imali vrhunsku opersku pevachicu. Sada , kada je ova nova ovde , to vishe nije Nightwish cime se odlikuje nego neki Within Temptation , Charon i mnogi slicni bendovi. Samim tim sto su doveli tu novu pevachicu sebe su svrstali u mnoge bendove slicnih vokala i stila.


Najsvetlija tacka Nightwisha je basista Marco i njegov odlican glas i smek.



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Najvece izdvajanje Nightwisha od ostalih bendova je upravo to sto su imali vrhunsku opersku pevachicu. Sada , kada je ova nova ovde , to vishe nije Nightwish cime se odlikuje nego neki Within Temptation , Charon i mnogi slicni bendovi. Samim tim sto su doveli tu novu pevachicu sebe su svrstali u mnoge bendove slicnih vokala i stila.


Najsvetlija tacka Nightwisha je basista Marco i njegov odlican glas i smek.

sve je to lepo, samo sto nightwish i dalje svira symphonic power, niti muzika ima neke prevelike veze sa bendovima koje si ti naveo..

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