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Posted (edited)

Ona debela matora odvrata droljetina iz Sinergya NIJE VOCAL... Ona nije nista, osim sto je gomila sala... Sinergy bi bio dobar bend da nema nje....


Fala bogu pa Saru ne zanima NW... ona je najbolja onakva kakva je, Nightwishu ne treba ona, njoj ne treba Nightwish...


I da, nek nadju neku ribetinu, necu da gledam nesto debelo il ruzno u Nightwishu, ko ovu kravetinu iz Sinergyja, il onu ruznjikavu pevacicu Visions of Atlantis...

Edited by Telcontar
I da, nek nadju neku ribetinu, necu da gledam nesto debelo il ruzno u Nightwishu, ko ovu kravetinu iz Sinergyja, il onu ruznjikavu pevacicu Visions of Atlantis...

Pa, izvini, ali Nightwish je bio najbolji upravo kad je Tarja bila debela...

Oceanborne era ruls!!! icon_rockdevil.gif


The Nightwish headman told the Finnish News Agency (STT) that the letter on the band´s website contained everything necessary about the parting of ways.


"A Nightwish book will be launched in May. In it, the reasons of the separation will be examined in more detail," Mr Holopainen said.


He added that he and Ms Turunen had not spoken since the letter was posted.


"I have not spoken with Tarja, but then again we have not spoken with each other for many years."


"We all know that personal relationships are the most difficult thing in the world. All couples have their problems, and after all, there are five of us in this band."


Mr Holopainen did not wish to comment on who the new singer might be.







evo jos malo debiliteta skinutih sa neta


Beto published a letter yesterday, here's a very rough translation:


"It is of public knowledge that I am friends with Tarja.


Due to the large amount of e-mails I received asking for my opinion about the recent facts, I have decided to write down a few lines and respond to those who write to me regarding what has happened.


I met Tarja personally the day we were the opening band of Nightwish's first concert in Argentina. I remember she was alone, I walked up to her and I asked if I could have a picture taken with her. She said yes inmediately, with her best smile. I never thought she'd sing in my album.


When Marcelo told me she said yes, I felt very privileged and with the money she got from her collaboration, I imagine she must have bought herself a pair of shoes.


Some time passed and she came home for dinner, and there, out of the music world, I realized I was in front of a great person.


Then we had a photoshoot for a magazine, where we shared some hours of work with the best will.


When my first daughter was born, she came home with Marcelo to meet her, she never had any kind of diva or rock star figure attitude.


I have known Marcelo for 7 years: we worked together in my demos, he helped me with the Beto Vásquez Infinity project, produced my first album and now we are working in the next album with which we will conclude our vinculation in the discographic part. Work-wise, he gives me the freedom I need and we will continue working together outside the band.


I may have differences with him in certain aspects, but that won't give me the right to make them public! And less in an open letter...


I make myself responsible for these statements because beyond of the things that Tarja's former band mates might have to say, I cannot tolerate that they soil the image of a friend and Marcelo's, who trusts in me.


Beto Vásquez


The original letter can be found in http://www.nightwishmaster.com.ar/noticias_beto_carta.htm


Keti, na sta mislis konkretno?

Mislim na to da je ona "odradila" taj koncert, falila joj je predjasnja energija, slabo je kontaktirala sa publikom, to je vise bilo prepusteno Marku. Taj koncert me je stvarno razocarao u odnosu na prethodna 3 koja sam gledala, jednostavno, nesto se u celoj prici nije uklapalo. Ocito se nije uklapalo to sto nisu bas razgovarali medju sobom...

Sve u svem, tuzno icon_sad.gif


Pa dobro, mislim, ne treba sad satanizovati ni Marcela ni Vevericu.....inache, ja ih videh dvaput ove godine, i ne bih se uopste mogao sloziti da Taca nije bila pozrtvovana na koncertima...popsebno na ono u Bukurestu......verujte mi, mogao sam najmirnije i najopustenije da je posmatram, i jebala je kevu i sto se tiche pevanja i scenskog nastupa....bice tesko zameniti je...ne zato sto je ne znam sad kakva pevaljka, ali treba nabudziti tu harizmu na nastupima....


U jebem ti, odem nedelju dana na ekskurziju a Tarju vec sutnu iz benda! :ibigblue: Enivej, jako mi je drago sto se to desilo. Ona je bila ta koja me odbijala od benda. Da je lepo pevala - pa jeste. Nije nista posebno, ali dobra je bila. Ali mi je zato uzasno isao na karu taj njen "boli me kurac za metal, ja to ni ne volim" stav. Siguran sam da Tuomas ni najmanje nije lagao ni preterivao kad je rekao da je ona to radila samo zbog kinte. Siguran sam da ce NW naci neku drugu dobru pevaljku, a ako ne nadje, jos bolje, pevace Marco koji je jako dobar u tom poslu.


to sto se desilo nw-u se manje-vishe desava svim bendovima koji postanu malko poznatiji nego sto bejahu...nekome udari slava i novac u glavu i onda...raspad sistema!

Posted (edited)

ma ljudi markentiski potez za dve godine eto nama opet tarje nazad pivopije.gif


Nadam se! icon_uhoh.gif





BTW - zasto ne radi Everdreamers.net?!?

meni izbacuje nesto critical error... icon_cry.gif

Edited by Elizabeth

Jebote sta svi kukate za Tarjom...

APoslutno se nece vratiti u bend, videceto...Bendovi reuninion prave uglavnom zbog para, a Tuomas i nije u tom fazonu....


A i smem da se kladim da ce nova pevaljka imati jaci kontakt sa publikom od Tarje...

jedino sto nisam siguran da ce imati tako jake vokalne sposobnosti, i tako dobru boju glasa, ali opet nije ni tesko naci STVARNO DOBAR zenski vokal, a fala bogu Tuomas moze da trazi kolko god oce, dok ne nadje neku da mu odgovara...


P.S. Pitam se koliko devojaka bi pristalo da pevaju u Nightwishu, al da moraju da se trpaju sa bendom pre/posle koncerta icon_mrgreen.gif


Nije joj dugo trebalo icon_smile.gif


Evo linka za Tarjinu novu pesmu, radila je sa nekim Schiller-om, da li kao gost na albumu ili vec nije bitno... no kako sam negde procitao ona je radila na komponovanju pesme - reci i muziku (a ako se ne varam negde gore u onim silnim pismima je pisalo da aj sto nije dosla na probu 9 godina, vec nije ni ucestvovala u stvaranju muzike icon_smile.gif)



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