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Koji je po vama najbolji album (projekat, komplicaija), i koja vam se pesma najvise svidja od ovog benda. Meni se licno najvise svidja prvi album First And Last And Always. Na tom albumu su i moje dve omiljene pesme Marian i Some Kind Of Stranger (najtuznija i pesma sa najboljim tekstom koji sam ja ikada procitao).


Definitivno 'Ribbons' - ali mi se ostatak albuma 'Vision thing' uopste ne svidja (uz izuzetak 'More', svakako).

Sto se albuma tice, za 'Floodland' sam najvise vezana iz raznih razloga, ali obozavam da slusam i 'F&L&A' i naravno 'Some Girls...' i 'Some Boys... ' kompilacije, mada naravno obe imaju svoje uspone i padove (tipa raznoraznih instrumentala itd.)


Pa recimo Jihad je poprilicno cudna stvar, sto se moze reci i za Egypt Red, Finland White, ali Rain From Heaven se ja mislim mora cuti. Skini je sa neta, stvarno nekako uzdize (makar mene).


Evo teksta pesme Some Kind Of Stranger. Da li ste nekad citali bolji tekst?


And yes I believe in what we had

But words got in the way

And only yesterday

As I was leaving

Lord knows I've tried to say but I've

Heard a million conversations

Going where they've been before

Seen the way that careful lingers

Undecided at the door


And all I know for sure

All I know for real

Is knowing doesn't mean so much

When placed against the feeling

The heat inside

When bodies meet

When fingers touch


All my words are secondhand and

Useless in the face of this

Rationale and rhyme and reason

Pale beside a single kiss

And I've heard so many things I

Fail to understand at all

I'd settle anytime for

Unknown footsteps in the hall outside


And all I know for sure

All I know for real

Is knowing doesn't mean so much

When placed against the feeling

The heat inside

When bodies meet

When fingers touch


Because the world is cruel and

Promises are broken

Don't try to tell me

Anything don't try to tell me

You'll be true to me you know the

Real truth is never spoken

And I know the world is cold but

If you hold on tight to what you

Find you might not mind too much though

Even this must pass away and

Memories may last for years but

Names are just for souvenirs

Some kind of angel let me

Look into your eyes

Don't give me whys and wherefores

Reason or surprise

I don't care for words that don't belong

And I don't care what you're called

Tell me later if at all

I can wait a long long time

Before I hear another love song


Come here I think you're beautiful

My door is open wide

Some kind of angel come inside


Come here I think you're beautiful

I think you're beautiful beautiful

Some kind of angel come inside


Come here I think you're beautiful

I think you're beautiful

Some kind of angel come inside


Come here I think you're beautiful

My door is open wide

Some kind of stranger come inside


Come here I think you're beautiful

I think you're beautiful beautiful

Some kind of stranger come inside


Come here I think you're beautiful

I think you're beautiful

Some kind of stranger come inside



I sta mislite?

  • Upvote 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Meni su oni zaista najdrazi bend iako slusam jos mnogo toga pored njih.

Najbolji album-first and last and always,verovatno zato sto mi je i njihova omiljena pesma bas sa njega-Nine While Nine.

Ipak moram priznati da je The Gift verovatno najlosije od svega sto je Eldritch uradio,iako je i on prilicno dobar.

A sta kazete na Alice?Ona mi je druga po redu omiljena biggrin.gif

Inace mi je veoma zao sto vecina ljudi koja ih ne slusa zna uglavnom Temple of love-super stvar ali oni ipak imaju mnogo dobrih pesama.

Some kind of stranger????Suvise tuzno i za moj ukus.....Ne preporucujem u stanju izbedacenosti 8O ......Govorim iz iskustva :?


Some kind of stranger????Suvise tuzno i za moj ukus.....Ne preporucujem u stanju izbedacenosti 8O ......Govorim iz iskustva :?


A zasto, ako smem da pitam (i ako ne smem opet cu pitati)?

Za moj ukus nista nije dovoljno tuzno.

Ja cu tu pesmu uvek preporuciti. Ako ste izbedaceni bacice vas u jos dublju depresiju tako da cete cak zaboraviti da ste zbog neceg bili tuzni, a ako niste izbedaceni, izbedacicete se.


Red je da ti odgovorim,mada je malo duga prica......

Onda da skratim:suvise vremena sam provela u duboko depresivnom stanju,i shvatila da jednostavno nema svrhe....Some kind of stranger je fantasticna pesma,kao i sve ostale od Sistersa.Nemoj pogresno da me shvatis,ja takve pesme izbegavam jedino kad sam veoma tuzna.Inace ne.

Nadam se da sam sad bila jasnija,posto prosli put i nisam bas dobro objasnila svoje misljenje.Sorry. :wink:


First And Last And Always je odlican album u celini, tako da odatle ne bih nista izdvajala, ali recimo sa Girls bih izdvojila obradu Gimme Shelter i Something Fast sa Vision Thing


Imam samo njihov best of, ali sam zato odusevljen sa njim.


Naravno da si odusevljen kada su im skoro sve pesme dobre, a da ne pricam o Best of-u biggrin.gifa: :wink: 8)

  • 3 weeks later...

Po meni najbolji album je BODY AND SOUL.

Inace,jako me nervira zato sto se svi loze na pesme poput TEMPLE OF LOVE,MORE ILI SLICNO...Ima hiljadu boljih pesama od tih..Pozdrav svima biggrin.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

  • 1 month later...

Imam neku kompilaciju(Nephilim zna na koju mislim :oops: biggrin.gif )od kojih mi se najvishe svidjaju...



Imam neku kompilaciju(Nephilim zna na koju mislim :oops: biggrin.gif )od kojih mi se najvishe svidjaju...


E da znam... biggrin.gif

Meni se na toj kompilaciji svidja Under The Gun.


Upravo je slusham...ali potrebno mi je da je odslusham vishe od 15 puta da bih neshto mogla da kazem...a ove dve su mi se toliko svidele,da na ostale nisam obracjala paznju...


Ja se vise ni ne sjecam sta ima na tom disku, ali ako je tu i When You Don't See Me onda je i to odlicna stvar. Ne zvuci kao gothic pjesam sto u sustini i nije, ali ima fantastican text.

  • 3 weeks later...

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