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Bjecki Djecki


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Gay assotiation and Woman lookalikes...


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Bob!! Bob had bitch tits!

...Six months ago, his testicles were removed. Then hormone therapy.

He developed bitch tits because his testosterone was too high and his body upped the estrogen.

That was where I fit -- between these sweating tits that hang enormous, the way you think God is big...

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Usto sto ova Riba>? valjda ide na moj faks na postdiplomski, ma pregadna je uzivo! A tek ove sajbe na glavi! ma fuj! Ona je silikon ugradjivala od sise, usne do guzice! Pa vi razmislite gdje bi je prvo busili! icon_biggrin.gif

jeste da je malo silikonska ali ja se ne bi zalio da je moja glava medju tim sisama!



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@Ajsha - ali moramo se sloziti da je kvltna "My God. I haven't been fucked like that since grade school"  icon_da.gif

Bez daljnjeg!! icon_da.gif (I nachin na koji je Brad u tom trenutku pogleda! biggrin.gif)


Sinoc sam meshala jagermeister, apsinth, liker od chokolade, RUM!!!, brazilsku rakiju, neki pregadni koktel sa ukusom borovnice i zidarsko crno pivo...


Ja pegle!! user posted image


Ja mamurluka!! user posted image

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