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  Prince of Darkness said:
Stefan nije tu od početka.

Скоро да јесте, био је у постави одмах после снимања првог албума.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Prince of Darkness said:
Ravenlord? To beše neka bonus pesma... Nisam je čuo.

to je pesma sa Glory to the Brave singla.....valjda "cover" od benda Stormwich !! Inace, meni vrlo gotivna... :da:

  RaVeN said:
to je pesma sa Glory to the Brave singla.....valjda "cover" od benda Stormwich !! Inace, meni vrlo gotivna... :da:

Ехм, StormwiTch! Не играј се олако са култовима.


On June 27, two new HAMMERFALL releases will see the light of day: a DVD continuing chronicling the band's career, and a covers CD — a collection of all the covers recorded by HAMMERFALL to date plus three new, unreleased ones. Incidentally, this will be guitarist Stefan Elmgren's last release with HAMMERFALL.


* "Rebels With A Cause - Unruly, Unrestrained, Uninhibited" DVD:


The DVD will be a continuation of the previous two ("The First Crusade" and "The Templar/Renegade Crusades") and will contain newly recorded interviews with the band interspersed with footage from their own cameras. The time span is six years, from the beginning of 2002 until the end of 2007, and it's edited together as a documentary of sorts, i.e. one continuous film, but of course with chapters. Also included will be all six promo videos made during the time in question plus some behind the scenes, four professionally filmed live songs from Filderstadt 2005, five TV clips they have purchased the rights to from SVT (the Swedish national television network) and some more homemade stuff as bonus. The complete running time is estimated to be almost three hours.


* "Masterpieces" covers CD:


01. Child of the Damned (WARLORD)

02. Ravenlord (STORMWITCH)

03. Eternal Dark (PICTURE)

04. Back to Back (PRETTY MAIDS)

05. I Want Out (HELLOWEEN)

06. Man on the Silver Mountain (RAINBOW)

07. Head Over Heels (ACCEPT)

08. Run With the Devil (HEAVY LOAD)

09. We're Gonna Make It (TWISTED SISTER)

10. Breaking the Law (JUDAS PRIEST)

11. Angel of Mercy (CHASTAIN)


13. Detroit Rock City (KISS)

14. Crazy Nights (LOUDNESS)

15. När Vindarna Viskar Mitt Namn (ROGER PONTARE)

16. Flight of the Warrior (RIOT)

17. Youth Gone Wild (SKID ROW)

18. Aphasia (EUROPE)



Ja nisam neshto mnogo slushao Europe, al' koja bre ovo pesma? Anyway, Skid Row nadam se da su dobro odradili. Ono je vrhunska pesma, i prestajem da slusham HFall ako su ga ugovnjivili, i tu pre svega mislim na Cansa :) (zamalo da napishem Khan, haha)

  Prince of Darkness said:
Ja za pola ovih obrada nisam ni znao da su napravili, a za Angel of Mercy sam mogao da se zakunem da je njihova pesma.



E kol'ko sam se ja prike razocharao kad sam saznao da "Back To Back" nije njihova pesma :no:


Realno, njima na 3 albuma te obrade medj najboljim pesmama..

Posted (edited)

I tako skrenuli pažnju klincima na bendove čije su pesme obradili.

Mada sam ja recimo prvo cuo "Chastain" pa tek onda "Hammerfall" verziju "Angel of Mercy".

Edited by Divlji Tigar

Pontus Norgren from The Poodles will be replacing Stefan Elmgren, who left Hammerfall in early April to focus on his new career as a pilot. "Pontus is a fantastic guitar player with musical roots in Accept and neo-classical metal," commented Hammerfall drummer Anders Johansson. "I have known him for many years. I know how he works as a musician and as a person."


"I like Hammerfall. I think they have amazing stage shows and I like their songs, so when I heard they were looking for a guitar player I thought I'd give it a try." says Pontus. "Playing in The Poodles has been a wonderful experience in many ways, but I have always liked a little heavier music and have felt at times that this wasn't the right kind of forum for the music I'd most like to play. It's simply time to move on."


"Replacing Stefan is not easy; he has a very characteristic way of playing and is a great guitarist." Explains singer Joacim Cans, "But Pontus will add a different style than Stefan since they are two quite different persons. I'm looking forward to see how we will mesh as a band during the coming months!"

  • 3 weeks later...

Proslo je puno vremen od koncerta Hammerfall-a u Bg-u, ali evo tek sada sam okacio snimke na youtube. Pa pogledajte cisto kao podsecanje na sjajan koncert:

Legacy Of Kings



Let The Hammer Fall



Raise The Hammer



Rebel Inside


Riders of the storm





ajoj, koncert HF u bg, jedan od koncerata za kojima necu prezaliti sto nisam otisao... :udri:

secam se da sam odvojio 2000 din bas za kartu HF, i par dana kasnije saznam da dolaze Maideni :rockdevil: a naravno zna se sta je prioritet. Tako da su te pare usmerene na kartu za maiden. A tad nisam mogao da priustim oba koncerta na zalost...

i tako dodje taj februar i koncert Hf :sad:, mada i nisam bio mnogo sjeban jer me drmala predmejdenska euforija pa je HF ostao u senci...

al sledeci put se ide obavezno...

  Jelles said:
ajoj, koncert HF u bg, jedan od koncerata za kojima necu prezaliti sto nisam otisao... :udri:

secam se da sam odvojio 2000 din bas za kartu HF, i par dana kasnije saznam da dolaze Maideni :rockdevil: a naravno zna se sta je prioritet. Tako da su te pare usmerene na kartu za maiden. A tad nisam mogao da priustim oba koncerta na zalost...

i tako dodje taj februar i koncert Hf :sad:, mada i nisam bio mnogo sjeban jer me drmala predmejdenska euforija pa je HF ostao u senci...

al sledeci put se ide obavezno...

Identican slucaj druze ali potpuno identican. :pivopije:

  • 1 month later...

Meni ce omiljene Hammerfall stvari uvek ostati prve 3 pesme sa Glory To The Brave albuma.

Uf kada samo chujem The Dragon Lies Bleeding,tako se vratim u to doba pochetka slushanja Hammerfalla. :opusteno:

  • 3 weeks later...


01. Child Of The Damned (WARLORD cover)

02. Ravenlord (STORMWITCH cover)

03. Eternal Dark (PICTURE cover)

04. Back To Back (PRETTY MAIDS cover)

05. I Want Out (HELLOWEEN cover)

06. Man On The Silver Mountain (RAINBOW cover)

07. Head Over Heels (ACCEPT cover)

08. Run With The Devil (HEAVY LOAD cover)

09. We’re Gonna Make It (TWISTED SISTER cover)

10. Breaking The Law (JUDAS PRIEST cover)

11. Angel Of Mercy (CHASTAIN cover)

12. Rising Force (YNGWIE MALMSTEEN cover)

13. Detroit Rock City (KISS cover)

14. Crazy Nights (LOUDNESS cover)

15. Nor Vindarna Viskar Mitt Namn (Roger Pontare cover)

16. Flight Of The Warrior (RIOT cover)

17. Youth Gone Wild (SKID ROW cover)

18. Aphasia (EUROPE cover)




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