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HAMMERFALL To Release New Album In October


HAMMERFALL guitarist Oscar Dronjak has posted the following message on the group's official web site:


"The Winter Olympics 2006 are over, and it ended on a high note for us: Sweden beat Finland 3-2 in the ice-hockey final, in a very exciting and nerve-racking game. Actually, the Finns were the most impressive team in this tournament, winning every match decisively until the final round and easily beating the second best playing team this year, Russia, in the semi-finals. But the Swedes played a beautiful game on the ice, cutting the Finns short on almost every occasion. I know our neighbors in the east (or west, for that matter…) won't agree with me, but it was a most fitting end to the XXth games, with Sweden winning their seventh (!) gold medal. Congratulations to everyone who made this the by far most succcessful Winter Olympics for our nation. And thanks for the great memories! I have only one question: what am I supposed to fill my days with now? :-)


"Well, maybe writing a little music would be a good start. Actually, we have more or less completed half the songs for the album, scheduled to be released in the end of October this year. I have a very good feeling about this, the music so far is very varied and, I think, of high quality. My gut tells me we will be building on the foundation of 'Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken' and expanding the horizons of what is HAMMERFALL even further. You all will find out eventually. I will post more news on this as we go, with some song titles and such in the coming months.


"The new issue of Sweden Rock magazine features an extensive eight-page tour diary I wrote on the STRATOVARIUS/HAMMERFALL tour last fall, and Anders [Johansson, drums] have written something as well which will be published in various Metal Hammers around Europe. Look them up if you want an insight in life on the road, I think you’ll find the reading both amusing and interesting."


Novi album 'vec' krajem godine..pa dobro...marljivi su..



Nego..ovaj One Grimzn Najt DVD je mogao bit bolji..pre svega lista pesama..ima tu dosta hitova..al fale mi neki lichni favoriti tipa Dragon, Metal Age, Back To Back...


Novi album 'vec' krajem godine..pa dobro...marljivi su..

do yaya........opet turneja icon_rockdevil.gif ........odusevili su me live........obavezno cu da idem opet



Actually, we have more or less completed half the songs for the album, scheduled to be released in the end of October this year. I have a very good feeling about this, the music so far is very varied and, I think, of high quality. My gut tells me we will be building on the foundation of 'Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken' and expanding the horizons of what is HAMMERFALL even further.



Ista nego sta....joooj...jes da nece skoro ali jedva cekam...samo cete morati zvucno izolovanu sobu za mene da bi mogli na miru da spavate....:trep:

@ shock...svi znamo da ti trebas da se odmoris da ne bi poginuo naokolo.... icon_smile.gif

Posted (edited)

samo cete morati zvucno izolovanu sobu za mene da bi mogli na miru da spavate....:trep:

njah......ostalima nije smetalo.......ja cu da bezim od tebe u drugi kraj hostela icon_smile.gif


@ shock...svi znamo da ti trebas da se odmoris da ne bi poginuo naokolo....

to je uvek u igri icon_mrgreen.gif



Edited by shock!
Actually, we have more or less completed half the songs for the album, scheduled to be released in the end of October this year. I have a very good feeling about this, the music so far is very varied and, I think, of high quality. My gut tells me we will be building on the foundation of 'Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken' and expanding the horizons of what is HAMMERFALL even further.

Ne...ne verujem da ce da sviraju bodome biggrin.gifmrred.gifmhihi.gif


Nabavio sam ga i ja. Nije nesto. Mogli su oni i bolje. Ne svidja mi se sto su sve pesme ubrzane. I sranje je sto je snimano in-doors. Ne znam, nije to toliko loshe ali kad ga uporedim sa Running Wild-om recimo, ovi su prdez.

Posted (edited)

One Crimson Night je odlican dvd, jedan od boljih koje sam ja imao prilike da gledam. Ne znam zasto je sranje sto je snimano indoors icon_confused.gif

Zar svi koncerti moraju da se snimaju na otvorenom icon_confused.gif Ti idi u park pa gledaj tamo i bice ti outdoors musik20.gif

Set lista je mozda mogla biti i bolja ali mislim da nijedan bend na nastupu ne odsvira samo hitove. Atmosfera u toku koncerta je odlicna, isto kao i aranzman na bini.


Jednostavno se ne moze udovoljiti svima, stalno nekome nesto fali no.gif

Zato i nema publike na koncertima kod nas ph34r.gif

Edited by windrider

pa,naravno.kad bi udovoljavali svima morali bi da sviraju sve pesme sa svih albuma.A i onda bi nasli zamerke!!!

Jednostavno ljudima ne mozes udovoljiti.sta god da uradis,nalazice mane.niko ne kapira da nijedan bend nije savrsen,niti ljudi koji sviraju,niti svi textovi...uvek ima neka mana,samo sto neki imaju puno,neki malo.A sada zbog nekoliko mana da zamrzis neku grupu,ili zbog jednog albuma stvarno nije ok. koliko puta samo cujem "obozavao/la sam ih al kad sam cuo/la tu pesmu/album zamrzeo/la sam ih" to stvarno nije ok,pogotovo za bendove koji imaju vise od 2 albuma.

Jedan jeste i jedan je bio icon_wink.gif

it could be only one: iron fuckin' maiden!!!!!



Ps.jel zna neko kako ce da se zove novi album?

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