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Jebi ga oni kao da su rodjeni na petak 13. koji se pao u ponedeljak...

Једино вече горе од петка 13. је понедељак 16.

Ehh kad bi ja dosao na vlast,imali bi pivo djabe! :pivopije: Nebi biloo korupcije i sve bi se investiralo na koncertre,mlade bendove i u extremne sportove!!! :) :) :)


Kada bih ja dosao na vlast ne bi imao vremena da mislim na koncerte,metal,bendove...toliko bih krao i muljao da bi me za sve to boleo kurac. :mhihi::cool:


Founding member and guitarist Oscar Dronjak of the Swedish melodic metallers HAMMERFALL has issued the following update:


"The waiting and speculation is over. Magnus [Rosén, bass] has been replaced. The new guy should be no stranger to any HAMMERFALL fan: re-enter Fredrik Larsson, original member of the band and fugutive for the past decade. Fredrik brings structure to the rhythm section and I think you will definitely hear and feel the difference when we play live. Drummer Anders Johansson remarked, "He plays with a pick, for one, and has a great groove and timing, all of which will make HAMMERFALL sound better than we ever have before." Guitarist Stefan Elgrem chimed in: "We are all very psyched about this and can't wait to get on the road again." Lead singer Joacim Cans added, "Fredrik recorded 'Glory To The Brave' with us, so he's definitely a part of the family. It's great to have him back!"


Larsson had the following to say about rejoining the band: "I am very happy and excited to be back! I have known the guys for more than ten years and we have kept in touch all the time, so it is not as if I come in a complete stranger. We played a few songs together last weekend, and it felt like 1997 was just a couple of weeks ago."



sad me iznervirashe sa ovim komentarima..u fazonu, sa Magnusom smo zvucali loshe..


Ne znam da li ste bili na koncertu, svejedno, neki covek je pricao gore u VIP-u s bendom i uporno pokusavao da ih nagovori da sviraju Dragon Lies Bleeding!

Odgovor je bio:"Ne sviramo stvari koje nismo vezbali!"

Dragon je jedna od mojih omiljenih pesama, a ujedno i prva koju sam cuo.

Nadam se samo da ce sada kada se Larsson vratio posvetiti malo vise paznje GTTB pesmama...

  • 2 weeks later...

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