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  • 2 weeks later...

Ја у животу то нисам видео овде, ортаци само једном давно, давно. А док не понабављам те албуме на винлу, нећу ни да их слушам. Знам само да су довољно добри да би се набавили.

  • 7 months later...

Знам само да су довољно добри да би се набавили.




Sto se tiche prvog albuma..Metal Inquisition je zarazna metal himchina a Sex With Satan je speedaljka samo tako icon_rockdevil.gif Al ostatak albuma je prosek heavy..


Drugi album me zivo zanima da chujem zbog uchestvovanja DeFeisa i Pursina a i da chujem prvu verziju Fire God-a..al otom-potom



And if you're not a metal head you might as well be dead


priceless icon_rockdevil.gif

  • 2 months later...

Prvi i drugi album ne mogu da se porede po kvalitetu. Prvi je ishe zabavan speed, dok je drugi album dokaz da je dvojac DeFeis/Pursino jedan od najkreativnjih parova u metalu i da su tokom 80tih imali smisla da naprave izuzetne thrash albume(pored Stay Ugly mislim i na Exorcist). Najbolja pesma..naravno "The Fire God" s tim shto u VS verziji zvuchi daleko svezije a i Piledriver ne moze da se poredi kao pevach sa jednim DeFeisom.

  • 1 year later...

Guitarist Kinky Pork Cream of the Canadian metal legends PILEDRIVER has issued the following update:


Well, the work on the [new PILEDRIVER] CD is continuing as we approach the end of tracking. We are preparing three more tunes to record and then that should be it... until it falls into the capable hands of Mr. Neil Kernon [NEVERMORE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEICIDE] who will be doing the mix for us. We are excited to hear the results of his knob-turning mastery.



U kurac..kako li ce samo ovo da zvuchi...?


Па, свирлаи су прошлог априла на Keep It True фестивалу, само се сад зову The Exalted Piledriver, ваљда због правних стварчица и заврзлама.


Мени је испрва сметала мало она сировина продукција, али сам брзо увидео да одлично иде са сировина музиком. Само, искрено ми је тешко да појмим Де Феиса у оваквим пројектима. Некако га никад не замишљам овако, али свака му част.


DeFeis i Pursino su uradili drugi album Piledriveru, a posle iskoristili neke pesmice i za Kucu Atreusa.


A BTW sto koj kurac nije Piledriver mogao da zadrzi ime? Se sa ovima iz VS poprchkali(sto mi malo nelogichno) ili shta?

A BTW sto koj kurac nije Piledriver mogao da zadrzi ime? Se sa ovima iz VS poprchkali(sto mi malo nelogichno) ili shta?

Немам појма у чему је тачно фора, знам само да сад наступају под тим проширеним именом.

  • 1 year later...

Taman nadjo' novi album: http://rapidshare.com/files/232250440/The_...iaportal.ru.rar


..kad ono medjutim:


Lead vocalist Gord "The Exalted Piledriver" Kirchin of the Canadian cult metal band THE EXALTED PILEDRIVER (a.k.a. PILEDRIVER) has announced that the he has put all of the group's activities on hold while he deals with "numerous insurmountable obstacles and negativities that prevent me from moving forward at this time," adding that "it's only wise that I pull the plug until this metal machine works properly again and no-one else gets hurt". He explains: "Major health problems have been hampering live performances for over a year, and that's one of the numerous reasons for this season of 'downtime' for me right now. I need to have a few things fixed or adjusted, and I'll be back in the health saddle in a few months."


Kirchin's PILEDRIVER bandmates — guitarist Mark "Kinky Pork Cream" Kopernicky and bassist Rob "Lobo El Fsnort" Tollefson — kindly forced the hiatus move by tendering their resignations to the frontman on May 9, 2009 via e-mail, stating that they were doing so "because we love you". Kopernicky is presently working on an album with former bandmates NASTY BLACK and a solo album, and Tollefson is fond of drinking. It is not known at this time that they will be returning to the band lineup after the hiatus.


Another huge negativity preventing forward movement at this time for PILEDRIVER is the global economic downturn that has rendered this summer's "UnSuck The Continent Tour Of Europe" "a depressing financial bloodbath," and thus it is sadly cancelled. "We had huge unbookable holes in the schedule that essentially made the tour financially impossible for us at this time, and it is with great sadness that we must announce its cancellation," Kirchin states. "This really hurts us deeply on many fronts, and besides all the other cool gigs, my appearance at Headbanger's Open Air was something that I had lived my metal life to do, and now it's gone... this is killin' me!"

  • 4 weeks later...

Dobar je novi album, nije k'o DeFeisov, ali dobar. Preporuka za sve koji zele malo 'zabavnog' headbanging speed metala i nisu optereceni time koja je godina i sta je sada kul. Jedino lose meni vezano za album je sto mi je prilikom poslednjeg preslusavanja istog javljeno o pogibiji dragog nam kolege po

ukusu (i jednog od retkih koji bi dao jos neki reply na ovu temu), te kada sam hteo pustiti album opet pre neki dan, nije mi se dalo :/

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