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Prica se o Kolosu.

evo sta ja mislim

Two years ago Keep Of Kalessin ripped everyone’s head off with “Armada” ; before it they were quite a familiar and respected band in the metal world but “Armada” sharpened and perfected every single aspect of their epic brand of Black Metal. Logically, immense success and slab of great reviews followed, thus making the “Kolossus” one of the most anticipated releases of the year 2008. Was “Armada” just a fluke, can they repeat it, will they sink or swim...? Nuclear Blast signed the band, sent them on tour with their starwaltz Dimmu Borgir and Behemoth (Black Metal boy bands, as our editor Marko jokingly said :) ) and prepared great advertising campaign for the album. And after all the waiting, rabidly watching studio reports on youtube.com, anticipating... “Kolossus” is finally in front of us. The album opens with acoustic intro “Origin” (the same way as “Armada”, if you remember...) and immediately sets us in the right mood. After the first listening of “Kolossus” one thing is certain – Keep Of Kalessin still kept the basic substances and goals of their work – epic and somewhat long songs. The main difference between the “Armada” and “Kolossus” is that the latter is a bit more melodic, and the songs now are more based on building the atmosphere (not that “Armada” wasn’t atmospheric, no way!). That fact gains “Kolossus” more variety than “Armada” had. Maybe this will catch you off guard a little bit, after all we were all crushed by “Armada”’s titanic warlike attack. But you will simply need couple of listens just to get used to this slightly different face of Keep Of Kalessin and everythink will be crystal clear – this band confirmed again that they are capable of biggest achievements. “Kolossus” is flooded with ideas of highest caliber and it engages you through its compositional maturity and authentic spiritual substantiality, simply not allowing intellectual passivity but rather it swallows you into its world full of unexplainable and unexpected sights. Every song here is a mini epic in itself, they are not based on basic “verse-chorus” structures but instead Keep Of Kalessin are rather taking quite a cinematic approach in making of their epos. Melodies are intertwined with brutality and epicness resulting in one piece which have its message and conclusions. All songs are indeed very long (except for the last song on the album entitled “Ascendant” which has a little bit usual approach, but nevertheless it is great, and that song is chosen for the first video) but exceptional compositional work and playing skills of band save them from sinking. Lions share of music complexity lies on drummer Vyl, who is reaching the highest realms of metal drummers closer and closer with each and every album. I particularly enjoy his blastbeats, he doesn’t seem to be simply grindng away the drums ; when he intervows them with Obsidian’s melodies they seem very conquering and marching. Some people complain about Obsidian’s riff work and they call it repetitive, but as I see it – the man found his unique riffing way, nothing wrong about it. Thebon’s vokals are going from deep growls to highest screams and everything in between, I have seen that people are comparing him to Ihsahn’s and Lemmy’s bastard child and I can tell that it is pretty funny but accurate description. Wizziac’s bass work is rarely heard, unfortunately, but if you really pay attention (with help of some good headphones maybe...) you will notice that his lines are not simply following the guitar, he is also adding extra spice on music. The production work on “Kolossus” is a little bit weird – the guitars and drums are a little bit thin, and that is the only thing that I can see as a minus. Everything else is done perfectly, Keep Of Kalessin is still on the rise, they gave us yet another colossal creation and the end of their superior creations is not yet in sight. This is recomendable to each and every metal fan IMHO, but mostly to those who adore bands like Emperor, Dimmu Borgir and Satyricon. With a little luck I think that Keep Of Kalessin can reach the same status as those gods in the future. Killer work!

Hail cultnom saborcu:)


Ova Lestrigonus je neka opasna... :)

lol, sad sam i potpis skontala :)



Nego, do koncerta sam imala samo Armada album koji sam preslusala par puta, dovoljno da mogu da kazem da mi se svidja i da zapamtim jednu pesmu xD (Crown of the kings, je l' te)

Onda su me odusevili na koncertu, pa sam skinula Kolossus i Through times of war, a uskoro cu i ostalo...

Sad se drogiram Ascendent-om xD Najbolja njihova pesma koju sam cula do sad. x)


O tome da li je bolja Armada ili Kolossus ne mogu nista reci, tesko je odluciti se, oba albuma su prilicno dobra.

Posted (edited)

Evojosh malo nehsto da kazem o albumu. Evo prezadovoljan sam onim Limited boxom sto sam dobio, poslushah disk na 5.1 sistemu i dodatno me motivisala ta neka epic borbena atmosfera ponovo da poslusah album. Album je super izuzev Warmongera koji je daleko od super. josh uvek stojim pri onoj mojoj konstataciji da je ovo odlichan metal album koji bash i nepodseca vishe tolko na Black metal mozda ga najbolje opisuje extreme epic metal pre nego neki melodic black u koji ga svrstavaju. Origin + New Empires Birth je dobitak samo tako onako uvodi nikad jache u album i u celokupnu prichu. Isto me je odushevio onaj klasicharski deo na Rising sign. Hajlajt albuma je definitivno escape the Union/Mark of Power/Kolossus povezani chine tu razradu i veoam mocnu zavrshnicu albuma sa po meni najachaom pesmom sa albuma Kolossus(pesma). Ascendant je tu neka muzika dok se spushta ending credits na albumu , onako nije losha ali nije ni neshto posebna i ima dosta catchy refren. I josh da kazem da je Against the Gods sasvim solidna pesma koja bi bila odlichan da nisu preterali sa duzinom iste.


Nachi album me vozi itekako, iako je proshlo evo skoro godinu dana od kada sama nbavio album. Zahtevan za slusanje samo tako, neverujem da ce album da se dopadne siroj BM publici i verujem da oni koji slusaju BM i progresivni metal trebaju itekako da bace pogled na ovaj album, jer verujem da ce takvoj publici vishe da se dopadne.


E sada sto se tiche bonus DVD-a itekako vredi, i da se ovakvi bonus materijal idobijaju uz CD-e kada kupish nebi mi bilo zao da dam pare za isti. Bonus DVD je podeljen u tri kategorije Bonus material , Into the Keep i Making of kolossus . Ta jbonus materijal ima u sebi trajler koji je po meni bezvredan , tako jest 50 sekundi pokazivanje muzike iz albuma i sredisnja strana bukleta koja se zumira i Come Damnation uzivo iz Pariza koji zvuchi okej lepo se sve cuje ali daleko je ta pesma sa one sa Recalim EP.


Into the Keep je dosta interesantan, govori o bendu i njihovom pustolovinama od izdavanje Armade pa do ulaska u studijo da prave Kolossus. Uglavnom su to zajebantske priche, onda priche o odnosima prema drugom muzikom, fnaovima koncertima, daily life jokes i slichno. Ali tih 14 minuta su mi bili bash interesnatni (osim onih minut dva kada se hvala kako ih grupiji salecu). Uglavnom primeti se da je srce i mozak benda Obsidian C , i da on za razliku od ostatka benda koji zvuche krajnje glupo(pogotovo vokalista koji izgleda izbezumljeno i treba mu par minuta da smisli rechenicu tipa I.....love...concerts...good) . Isto svaka chast Obsidijanu sto je na jednoj turneji svirao gitaru i sa Keepom i sa Satyriconom. I sigurno su naljutili Satyra kada su rekli da je nikad veci smarach. Nachi sve je kul i vidi se da momci vole mnogo da putuju sa drugim bendovima, mislim od kada su izdali Armadu samo to rade i nishta drugo. Eh, da sada se setih i one nikad lude svirke sa nekim bnedom kada su pravili koncert da oba benda u isto vreme sviraju, i kako dobro zvuchi onaj the Wealth of Darkness. I na tom koncertu gitaristi i bubnjari su se tkamichili da obore rekord XD. Ono i one zajebantski delovi nisu loshi, ko oni ludi fanovi(pogotovo onaj kvazimodo i debel ifrancuz) i kada su sluchajno popishali policajca. Nachi zanimljivo za odgledati all the way.


Sledeci je Making koji je dosta dobar i dosta toga moze da vam odgovori o pravljenju samog albuma. Najvecu rech imaju bubnjar i gitarista i ko sto sam predpostavio gitarista pishe sve na albumu. Meni je sve ovo bilo jako interesantno gledati proces stvaranja kolosusa, poshto i sam planiram da imam bend pa sve sve to jarko interesuje. Vidi se da su svi veoma talentovani i vredni muzichari, i sam je dokaz sto su do pre toga 3 meseca samo smisljali koji ce vokali i vrstu muzike da sviraju na novom albumu i kako prvo cele te arazmane sa svim mogucim instrumentima odsviraju pa ono sto im se svidi iskoriste. Meni je isto interesantno to sto je rekao da velika inspiracija za ceo taj tekst i atmosferu na Armadi je zasluzna igra The Chronicles of Riddick , mada ja stvanro nevidim po chemu. A za ovaj novi album mu je velika inspiraciaj igra Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion(e ovo se vec vidi), i chak se neckao da napravi ceo novi cover i buklet jel mnogo lichi na cover od Obliviona. Sve u scemu i ovo je veoma vredno videti, ako vma se dopao album, i ovde su mnogo mnogo ozbiljniji nego na onom into the keep.


I to je to , buklet je ubergay, dok je ona ogrlica fina. Mislim lepo je izdizajnirana i od dobrog materijala, ko voli ovake stvari sigurno mu je to cool, samo je onaj kanap sto drzi ogrilcu veoma losh i mnoog dugachak(skoro pa mi ogrlica dodje do pupka :D ) . xD


P.S. Ona metal kutija sto se dobije uz Kolossus je zakon, mozesh da drzish tompuse u njoj. :D

Edited by Lunar

Meni je ta kutija gej. Zamenih je za standard digi i ne sekunde mi nije zao. Imam album, buklet i DVD, za sta da da jos 300 koliko je bila razlika? Metalnu kutiju? Ogrlicu :) ? Cinjenicu da je limitirano? Za sve to me boli patka...


Inace, sa ostalim se slazem - jos jednom cu reci da je album vrh. I meni se btw cine svi super normalni sem pevaca koji je zesci mongoloid. Ali dok peva ko ga jebe... samo neka cuti :)

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