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Dobri. Old school kidanje, licno vise volim taj period nego ovu epic fazu.


Poslusaj prvi! Iznenadices se! :)
Nek poslusa Agnen-a journey to the dark, iznenadice se jos vise. Hail to the King Diamond :pivopije:


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Cidam sad neki intervju sa Obsidianom...


What things will KoK be doing this year and into 2009 that you'd like to let people know about?


We’re off on a 4 week european tour and just make it home for christmas. Then we’re going to tour a lot in Europe and hopefully also US the first halph of next year. We’re also planning to record a live DVD and in October we’re releasing a new album and judging from the songs we’ve already written it will be the best album we’ve done so far!


Lud covek, odakle mu energije...


Hm, u zadnje vreme se bas trujem Armadom i Kolossusom. Fino. Sad ce Gojko da odlepi, ali meni ovo zaista nema mnogo veze sa black metalom. Mislim, ima nekih prepoznatljivih delova, ali nije to toliko black.


Epic extreme metal.

Ja sam malo sluskao prva 2 albuma ovih dana, OK je to ali po meni zacetak onoga sto ce Obsidian uraditi na Armadi i Kolosu. Reclaim je neki prelaz, mada vise naginje sjajnoj strani.

Jeste znali da je Obsidian bio optuzen za silovanje 2004. kad je bio u Satyriconu? :)

Jeste znali da je Obsidian bio optuzen za silovanje 2004. kad je bio u Satyriconu? :)


Yep, on i basista. Silovali ribu u tour busu. I rekli da je sama to trazila. :)

Cidam sad neki intervju sa Obsidianom...


What things will KoK be doing this year and into 2009 that you'd like to let people know about?


We’re off on a 4 week european tour and just make it home for christmas. Then we’re going to tour a lot in Europe and hopefully also US the first halph of next year. We’re also planning to record a live DVD and in October we’re releasing a new album and judging from the songs we’ve already written it will be the best album we’ve done so far!


Lud covek, odakle mu energije...

Koliko ja znam,oni su nedelju dana posle zavrsetka Kolossus-a poceli sa snimanjem sledeceg albuma.

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