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  On 5/15/2010 at 10:46 PM, Grobodan said:

The very first vocals to be heard on 'Reptilian' remind me a lot of what Attila did on 'Reclaim'. Is this coincidal or was it something that was done intentionally?

That was very deliberate. Not that we wanted Thebon to sing like Attila, but I always liked Attila's vocals because of the great atmosphere they bring. Actually Thebon has always been quite capable of doing this kind of vocals, but he didn't want to do it that much on 'Armada' and 'Kolossus' because he didn't want to come across like an Attila impersonator. Now that he has shown what he is capable of and now that people know that he has a very distinct identity, it's not a problem to explore these kinds of vocals even more.


Znaći, ipak ne gostuje Atila.

Pa, valjda je svakome, ko je prosle godine uzivo gledao Come Damnation i Reclaim, bilo jasno da je Thebon otpevao te vokale. Inace, posle koncerta sam pricao sa njim o tome i lik nema nista bolje misljenje o Atilinom pevanju od mene, sto znaci da je upotreba ovih vokala na Reptilian-u iskljucivo posledica Obsidian-ovog autoritarizma. :haha:

  On 5/16/2010 at 3:58 PM, Куруз said:

Talvijevo mišljenje zanemarite, on drka na AEALO. :no:

Neću da dajem ocenu za album, ali Kuruzov koment zaslužuje 10+ Ko god može da drka na AEALO, konjma za repove! :haha: Znaš Grobo kolko te volem :wub: , ali AEALO...


"Reptilian", the new album from Norwegian extreme metal veterans KEEP OF KALESSIN, entered the official chart in the band's home country at position No. 2.

  • 4 weeks later...

Коначно сам нашао времена да људски преслушам нови албум у пристојном рипу.

Одличан је, ал' једна је Армада. Додуше, бољи је од Колосуса.

Posted (edited)

Meni je lično ovaj nekako najbolji, mislim najviše odgovara mom ukusu.

Samo korice su mogle malo, malo bolje. Nije problem u slici, već više u ideji ''quest zrikavog zmaja''.

Edited by Despot!
  • 2 months later...

Pesme sa Reptila mogu da podelim na par nivoa:


- Ubice, kakve su mi falile na proslom, jedna riffomania thrasherskih razmera, druga epic stvar koja za promenu ne zvuci mucno, vec mocno. Prototipi onoga sto mi se svidja kod ovog benda:


"Dragon Iconography" i "The Divine Land";


- Solidne pesme, koje pre svega zvuce tvrdje i mracnije negoli abominacije sa proslog:


Awakening, Judgement (je l' jos nekog onaj glavni riff podseca na novi(ji) Exodus? :]), Leaving The Mortal Flesh, Reptillian Majesty;


- I na kraju, laksativi u muzickom obliku:


Dark As Moonless Night, The Dragontower;



All in all, sasvim dobar album, slozicu se sa Anticevim i Rambovim sugradjaninom, bolji od proslog, ne od Armade. Nekih 7-7.5.


I da, onaj bubnjar mora da svira blastove i kad kenja, zna da ubije u pojam...


Ja bi ih ovako podelio:

Favoriti, od kojih ne mogu da se odlucim koja je najbolja, sve sjajne pesme:

Dragon Iconography

The Awakening

Dark As Moonless Night


Solidne pesme:


The Dragontower

Leaving The Mortal Flesh



The Divine Land

Reptilian Majesty

  • 4 months later...

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