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South Park (1997- )

Profesor Chaos

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obratiti paznju na ocenu koju je film dobio i mesto koje zauzima na odredjenoj listi :) :)


Какав квлт :)

Ово морам набавити .


Иначе , епизода је , негде 6 или 7 од 10 . Има својих момената .


А ФГ и Саут парк су ми ту негде . Можда је ипак СП мало болји .

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I komentar dole na IMDBu.


"My girlfriend dragged me out to watch this movie on the weekend and guess what? We felt like we were pedos. We were the oldest couples (25) at the Jonas Brothers movie and the rest of the audience were probably under the age of 15, females and a few parents. We had a very hard time trying to follow through the movie because these girls were just screaming their organs out every time the Jonas Brothers appeared on screen. During the entire movie, I had this terrible urge to suffocate those infant birds with my popcorn bag until their eyeballs bursted. That "holding back the raaaage" feeling was almost comparable to "trying to hold in your bloody explosive diarrhea after eating an extra hot and juicy Cajun pepper-flavored bean burrito.


OK, enough with the rage. Like I said earlier, it was very difficult to pay attention to the movie so to be fair, I'll rate this movie on based on what I observed of the audience. I felt the audience really enjoyed themselves during the movie because of their non-stop orgasmic screams every time the Jonas Brothers appeared on the scene. Other than that, the audience had no "emotional attachment" to the actual story. I felt they were there for the "eye candy" like my girlfriend was.


So to be fair, I'll pretend 0 star rating exists and give them some credit for their work; a 1 star rating. Other than that, me and my girlfriend had a great time together and to get back my revenge, I will be renting the Miley Cyrus movie and we will watch it until her eyes bleed. " .

Edited by Lunar

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Pa stvar je da je taj lik dao iskustvo iz prve ruke. Samim tim moze da se dokaze da kolko god cinichno i izkarikirano SP isproziva neshto to je uvek do jedne odredjene doze itekako tachno. :da:

Edited by Lunar

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Какав квлт :)

Ово морам набавити .


Иначе , епизода је , негде 6 или 7 од 10 . Има својих момената .


А ФГ и Саут парк су ми ту негде . Можда је ипак СП мало болји .


a jos je film debitovao na drugom mestu u usa :) :)

glasovi u procentima :)


Votes Percentage Rating

4,231 40.5% 10

57 0.5% 9

30 0.3% 8

27 0.3% 7

32 0.3% 6

23 0.2% 5

25 0.2% 4

30 0.3% 3

77 0.7% 2

5,914 56.6% 1


inace, slazem se sa tom ocenom za epizodu, 6 ili 7 od 10 :da:

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Episode 1302 Announcement

From the Comedy Central Press Release:






NEW YORK, March 16, 2009 – One young citizen takes it upon himself to maintain order during a time of despair in South Park. An all-new episode of "South Park" titled, "The Coon,” premiers on Wednesday, March 18 at 10:00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL.


“The Coon” rises from the trash and takes his place as a lone vigilante who wipes out crime in the town of South Park. A rival superhero appears on the scene in the form of “Mysterion” and challenges the Coon’s place as a “symbol” for the town.

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Pa parodija je na Betmena, Watchmene i Spider man-a...


opet su pocele parodije na filmove, sad ce verovatno kao i u 12. sezoni da se izgube negde u njima... prosle nedelje sam se bar nasmejao nekoliko puta, sad nista... cak ni na Rorchach monologe

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