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To mu dodje kao neka vrsta podsvesne poruke: Ne (Southpark) kapiram sta (je) vidite u toj (sranje) seriji...

  • 2 weeks later...

nisam gledao south park od 807. epizode. ni na jednom meni dostupnom programu ga ne prikazuju a sa 45 kbps mi ne pada napamet da ga skidam sad.gif


moze li iko od vas da mi nareze 8. i 9. sezonu i posalje u trebinje, RS??? bio bih vjecno zahvalan !!!



BTW. meni je najbolja 7. sezona a najjaci lik MR. HANKEY icon_smile.gif)


Imao sam sve sezone, sve epizode ikada, sve specijale, trailere, gostovanja, cak i epizodu simpsonovih koje mrzim gde se pojavio South-Park. I pao mi je sistem. Sada sam tuzan. Ali ionako sve znam napamet, jer sam sve epizode gledao po najmanje tri'es puta. icon_mrtav.gif


Kakvi Simpsonovi kakvi Sautparkovi kakvi bakrači ... Futurama is the one and only, a ona je jedina ugašena samo zbog simpsonovih koji su stvarno neviđeno loši u poslednje vreme ... Saut parku održavanje kvaliteta ide bolje, al opet mi je Futurama vrh (zdrvio sam sve epizode od kojih većinu pogledah dosta puta) ...


"Space, it seems to go on and on forever ... but then you get to the end and the gorilla starts throwing barrels at you" - And that's how you play the game!


You stink, looser !


poz icon_mrgreen.gif


Futurama je zakon, ali ne kao South Park. Inace za sve fanove Futurame: procitajte Autostoperski vodic kroz galaksiju(ako naravno vec i niste). Knjiga je bila uzor autorima kada su radili Futuramu.

btw. onaj pohlepni robot je KRALJ!!!

epizodu simpsonovih koje mrzim gde se pojavio South-Park.

no.gif to je nesto najjadnije sto sam ikada video...

jadni oni mislim da nikada nisu odgledali ili skapirali neku epizodu SP pa prave ovako lose prozivke....


a Futurama mi je najvece sranje od svih, jebes mi sve ako sam se jednom nasmejao u 20 epizoda icon_spava.gif


ne biste vi znali komplet sta je humor pa sve na glavu da vam padne...


Od svih serija koje ste spomenuli sve su do jaja smesne... Nego morate obavezno na jednu stranu nesto sto volite do imbecilnosti, a na drugu nesto sto mrzite...



Ponasate se ko navijaci... bljak.


jebiga meni ne mogu sve da budu jednako smesne, svima sam dao priliku ali neke jednostavno nisu dobre kao neke druge i to je surova istina...


btw jel gledao neko seriju "That's My Bush!" neki sitkom koji su radili Trey Parker i Matt Stone. navodno ima samo jedan serijal jer su ga ubrzo ukinuli.

prica se vrti oko George W. Busha i njegove porodice icon_smile.gif

Posted (edited)
nikad SOUTH PARK...samo THE SIMPSONS  :da:

simpsons did itttttttttt :DDDD




OSTOJA : ja sam gledao jednu epizodu busha > mislim da su seriju ukinuli jer je dosadna :da::spava:





ps. nabavio sam sve epizode SPa :meshuggah:

Edited by lunja
btw jel gledao neko seriju "That's My Bush!" neki sitkom koji su radili Trey Parker i Matt Stone. navodno ima samo jedan serijal jer su ga ubrzo ukinuli.

prica se vrti oko George W. Busha i njegove porodice icon_smile.gif

prikazivala se/prikazuje se na OBNu. cuo sam da nije nista posebno.

Posted (edited)

Soul singer Isaac Hayes quits "South Park"

Monday March 13 7:14 PM ET


Veteran soul singer Isaac Hayes, voice of the libidinous character "Chef" on the satiric cable TV cartoon "South Park," said on Monday he was quitting the show, citing its "inappropriate ridicule" of religion.


"There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry toward religious beliefs ... begins," Hayes said in a statement.


Hayes, 63, a devoted follower of the Church of Scientology, did not mention a "South Park" episode that aired last fall poking fun at Scientology and some of its celebrity adherents, including actor Tom Cruise.


Rather, Hayes said the show's parody of religion is part of what he saw as a "growing insensitivity toward personal spiritual beliefs" in the media generally, including the recent controversy over cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad.


The singer, who became the first black composer to win an Oscar for best song with his theme to the film "Shaft," said he formally asked to be released from his contract with "South Park," on the Comedy Central cable channel.


A spokesman for the Viacom Inc.-owned network said producers of the show and its creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, had agreed not to "enforce" Hayes' contract.


"Obviously, Matt and Trey are disappointed that he's not going to be part of the show, but they're not going to make him do something he doesn't want to do," the spokesman, Tony Fox, told Reuters.


However, he said Stone and Parker "feel that it's a bit disingenuous (for Hayes) to cite religious intolerance as a reason for him pulling out of the show" because the series has lampooned religion since its start, taking shots at Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Mormons, among others.


The series grew out of two short films by Parker and Stone, "Jesus vs. Frosty" and "The Spirit of Christmas," the latter featuring a martial-arts duel between Jesus and Santa Claus over the true meaning of Christmas.


"Their premise is as long as you can make fun of everybody, then everybody is a potential target," Fox said. "The minute you start pulling punches, then the show's reason for being sort of gets compromised."


The crudely animated cartoon, heading into its 10th season next week as one of Comedy Central's biggest hits, centers on the antics of four foul-mouthed fourth graders in the town of South Park, Colorado.


Hayes joined the show in 1997, supplying the baritone voice of Jerome "Chef" McElroy, the rotund school cafeteria cook whom the boys often seek out for advice.


In an episode last fall, one of the gang, Stan, scores so high on a Scientology test that church followers think he is the next L. Ron Hubbard, the late science-fiction writer who founded the religion. Hayes did not take part in that episode.


In an interview with Reuters late last year, Hayes talked about a foundation he formed to bring Scientology-based study techniques to disadvantaged inner-city schools, in partnership with fellow devotee Lisa Marie Presley.


"But it's not religious," he said then. "It's just something that people need."






Edited by ajsha69

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