Grob Bez Dna Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 (edited) ako me vid ne vara, samo je djigi suHa kosa, a?i da, predeo iza! Edited August 6, 2008 by Amon-Ra Quote
RNA Posted August 6, 2008 Author Report Posted August 6, 2008 Немања се скоро никад не купа, ни сад није био изузетак. А вода, кристално листа, али 'ладна као гуја, а на најдубљем делу једно 3 метра дубине. Дивота за купати се кад ти после 2 минута утрне кожа, па ништа не осећаш. Quote
PuPaK Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 U jebote jarac ubbiiiii meeeeeeeeee,snimite SAY YOUURR PRAAAYYYYEEERRRSSSS,argh,koliiiikkkoooo dooooobbbbrrraaa pesmaa! :rockdevil: : Rizzen said: Ovo je kupaliste na 5 minuta voznje od mesta festivala. Thrash metal orkestar Bosko i sinovi! Quote
PuPaK Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 Pule do kraja ove nedelje izbacuje SE fan page stranicu intjernet!! Quote
RNA Posted August 6, 2008 Author Report Posted August 6, 2008 Ко ти је тај Пуле? Да није то Пупак од милоште можда? Quote
nerevarine Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Rizzen said: Ovo je pocetak koncerta na kupalistu Bozjak, Ljubuski, gde nam je, uzgred, bilo u tri lepe do jaja. Sjajno mesto, super ljudi, lepa bina, fina oprema, odlicna organizacija(hvala Drago i ostali!), dobri cevapi, kupanje u LEDENOJ vodi i odlicna svirka... Ovo je kupaliste na 5 minuta voznje od mesta festivala. koji zeldi ovaj djiga Quote
Marko, Mon_a[MOR]e Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 slika je wallpaper potencijal Quote
PuPaK Posted August 8, 2008 Report Posted August 8, 2008 RNA said: Ко ти је тај Пуле? Да није то Пупак од милоште можда? Idi be Boosko,zbuni me cirilica! nerevarine said: koji zeldi ovaj djiga :) Quote
RNA Posted August 9, 2008 Author Report Posted August 9, 2008 FLAMES ACROSS AMERICA Temperature is rising, incineration starts Sound of all explosions is shaking every heart Time is right to panic as enemies have struck Excessive pride has brought to this and now you’re out of luck Heat reduces concrete, steel and glass to ash As all rest unprepared for the final clash Terror falls upon you, no time left to react All vanishes before your eyes in… Flames across America Outcome is severe Rabid fires ablaze the skies No one sheds a tear Terror breeds new terror, safety’s just a dream Extreme deeds are answered with deeds just as extreme Fear – a brand new feeling, detriment and pain No sanctuary to be found in hours of disdain Conclusion of a story, ending is complete No one’s left, not a soul, none to roam the streets Apocalyptic sunset, nights that bring no rest Rats will rule the ruins, cinders of the past Fate has now decided to give the final test Solution for all problems is… The answer to oppressive times Hatred’s full release Flames across America Giant’s on its knees Land of grief in disbelief Vaporize before your eyes All the flames are to remain In barren wastelands created by human hands Years of hate now culminate Not seen before, now can’t ignore Deadly force just takes its course Time slips away, it’s pouring the final grains of sand From fire hear the callings Curses of the millions burned Lethal result of your blindness Once that all the tables turned Screams of agony will haunt you And your foes are laughing hard Sacrifice for selfish interests As you play your final card Turning everyone against you Awesome tactic, dare I say Soon there’ll be no allies left And the entire world will look away Quote
Angelystor Posted August 10, 2008 Report Posted August 10, 2008 Fin tekstic, ochekivao sam s obzirom da na ime da ce bude "prostiji i besniji" : ) Onako..zamishljah kako idu neki delovi, al' ne verujem da mnogo poubadah..kad ce neka premijer ove pesme? Fiiiire across the laaaand... Quote
RNA Posted August 10, 2008 Author Report Posted August 10, 2008 Вребамо неку посебну прилику за премијеру. Quote
RNA Posted August 10, 2008 Author Report Posted August 10, 2008 Сигурно нећемо чекати до тада. Било би лепо кад бисмо могли да ухватимо 11. септембар. Quote
Grob Bez Dna Posted August 10, 2008 Report Posted August 10, 2008 to bi bilo jos bolje. procitah text...odlican je Quote
catbucacat8 Posted August 10, 2008 Report Posted August 10, 2008 Eto nam ga datum kada cemo je staviti na sajt Quote
PuPaK Posted August 11, 2008 Report Posted August 11, 2008 RNA said: FLAMES ACROSS AMERICA Temperature is rising, incineration starts Sound of all explosions is shaking every heart Time is right to panic as enemies have struck Excessive pride has brought to this and now you’re out of luck Heat reduces concrete, steel and glass to ash As all rest unprepared for the final clash Terror falls upon you, no time left to react All vanishes before your eyes in… Flames across America Outcome is severe Rabid fires ablaze the skies No one sheds a tear Terror breeds new terror, safety’s just a dream Extreme deeds are answered with deeds just as extreme Fear – a brand new feeling, detriment and pain No sanctuary to be found in hours of disdain Conclusion of a story, ending is complete No one’s left, not a soul, none to roam the streets Apocalyptic sunset, nights that bring no rest Rats will rule the ruins, cinders of the past Fate has now decided to give the final test Solution for all problems is… The answer to oppressive times Hatred’s full release Flames across America Giant’s on its knees Land of grief in disbelief Vaporize before your eyes All the flames are to remain In barren wastelands created by human hands Years of hate now culminate Not seen before, now can’t ignore Deadly force just takes its course Time slips away, it’s pouring the final grains of sand From fire hear the callings Curses of the millions burned Lethal result of your blindness Once that all the tables turned Screams of agony will haunt you And your foes are laughing hard Sacrifice for selfish interests As you play your final card Turning everyone against you Awesome tactic, dare I say Soon there’ll be no allies left And the entire world will look away Jebo jarca sa svakim textoommmm sve vise i viseeee ,arghhhhhhhhh,dooo jaaaajjjjcaaaa jeee ! Quote
Guest Razbijač-NAAĆI Posted August 11, 2008 Report Posted August 11, 2008 RNA said: FLAMES ACROSS AMERICA Temperature is rising, incineration starts Sound of all explosions is shaking every heart Time is right to panic as enemies have struck Excessive pride has brought to this and now you’re out of luck Heat reduces concrete, steel and glass to ash As all rest unprepared for the final clash Terror falls upon you, no time left to react All vanishes before your eyes in… Flames across America Outcome is severe Rabid fires ablaze the skies No one sheds a tear Terror breeds new terror, safety’s just a dream Extreme deeds are answered with deeds just as extreme Fear – a brand new feeling, detriment and pain No sanctuary to be found in hours of disdain Conclusion of a story, ending is complete No one’s left, not a soul, none to roam the streets Apocalyptic sunset, nights that bring no rest Rats will rule the ruins, cinders of the past Fate has now decided to give the final test Solution for all problems is… The answer to oppressive times Hatred’s full release Flames across America Giant’s on its knees Land of grief in disbelief Vaporize before your eyes All the flames are to remain In barren wastelands created by human hands Years of hate now culminate Not seen before, now can’t ignore Deadly force just takes its course Time slips away, it’s pouring the final grains of sand From fire hear the callings Curses of the millions burned Lethal result of your blindness Once that all the tables turned Screams of agony will haunt you And your foes are laughing hard Sacrifice for selfish interests As you play your final card Turning everyone against you Awesome tactic, dare I say Soon there’ll be no allies left And the entire world will look away Zbog ovoga ćete u Gulag. Pošto ste militaristićki opredeljeni,lepo bi bilo da se sad pokupite i da odete da pomognete ruskoj braći u borbi protiv njiovih šiptara.dela su bitna.sovim u krajnjem slućaju amer samo prkno može obrisnuti. Quote
PuPaK Posted August 11, 2008 Report Posted August 11, 2008 Razbijač-SAMO BIH DA JEBEM said: Zbog ovoga ćete u Gulag. Pošto ste militaristićki opredeljeni,lepo bi bilo da se sad pokupite i da odete da pomognete ruskoj braći u borbi protiv njiovih šiptara.dela su bitna.sovim u krajnjem slućaju amer samo prkno može obrisnuti. E ae teraj se u kurac,ne prdi ovde......I koje si ti mudo da kenjas njima nesto, si bio ti da pomognes braci rusima,a?!!? Quote
Divlji Tigar Posted August 11, 2008 Report Posted August 11, 2008 Razbijač-SAMO BIH DA JEBEM said: Zbog ovoga ćete u Gulag. Pošto ste militaristićki opredeljeni,lepo bi bilo da se sad pokupite i da odete da pomognete ruskoj braći u borbi protiv njiovih šiptara.dela su bitna.sovim u krajnjem slućaju amer samo prkno može obrisnuti. Daj bre čoveče. Kakvi Rusi? Da nema aAbanaca Rusi bi bili najgori narod u Evropi. zvinajvam se na offtopicu. Quote
Guest Razbijač-NAAĆI Posted August 11, 2008 Report Posted August 11, 2008 PuPaK said: E ae teraj se u kurac,ne prdi ovde......I koje si ti mudo da kenjas njima nesto, si bio ti da pomognes braci rusima,a?!!? što ti je fan,leb ti jebem. nadam se da niko iz ove postave neće napustiti spejs iter,jer vidim ovaj pupak bi pobijo preostale što je jedan otišo,a ondak bi rokno i sebe. pa da proglase opštu mobilizaciju,prvi bik išo.ovako i da hoću,sjebali bi me na granici.a ti ćuti,16 leta,kita ispod šubare se krije.hej haj mali,brkovi ti plavi,ćušni prst u dupe pa ih zagaravi.sreća tvoja da imaš 16,pa se samo na pesmama ložiš na rat i karanje po rovovima. želim sve najbolje momama iz spejs itera,i ako bogdo da da jednog dana imaju slavu ko slavica ćukteraš.e,to je kad brena sleti helikopterom usred stadijona u bugarskoj,e,to je spekatkl. moraju tekstovi da vam budu bre malo lepljiviji,ovako nećete stići dalje od svirki po menzama,mesnim zajednicama i domovima staraca.tekst za ovu pesmu mora biti jebaćkiji.ja bik muziku pesme poćo sa amerićkom himnom,koja bi se prekinula uz prasak bombe,iz koje se izradja pet-šest slajdova na gitari,posle kojih se nadovezuje kec divljanje na bubnjevima od desetak sekudni,a onda ulazi glavni jebaćki rif, i ovaj što peva uleće sa vriskom,i poćinjete sa dzilitanjem i gicanjem.thrash! nemojte misliti da nećete proći nenagradjeto sa takim aranž koncertima žene ima da vam po bini bacaju gaće,i bubrežnjače,i tange i ćiste,a i one sa belim pranjem.bruseve da nepominjem... Quote
Grob Bez Dna Posted August 11, 2008 Report Posted August 11, 2008 ajd nek neko baci text say your prayers...ako nema na prethodnim stranama Quote
PuPaK Posted August 11, 2008 Report Posted August 11, 2008 Razbijač-SAMO BIH DA JEBEM said: što ti je fan,leb ti jebem. nadam se da niko iz ove postave neće napustiti spejs iter,jer vidim ovaj pupak bi pobijo preostale što je jedan otišo,a ondak bi rokno i sebe. pa da proglase opštu mobilizaciju,prvi bik išo.ovako i da hoću,sjebali bi me na granici.a ti ćuti,16 leta,kita ispod šubare se krije.hej haj mali,brkovi ti plavi,ćušni prst u dupe pa ih zagaravi.sreća tvoja da imaš 16,pa se samo na pesmama ložiš na rat i karanje po rovovima. želim sve najbolje momama iz spejs itera,i ako bogdo da da jednog dana imaju slavu ko slavica ćukteraš.e,to je kad brena sleti helikopterom usred stadijona u bugarskoj,e,to je spekatkl. moraju tekstovi da vam budu bre malo lepljiviji,ovako nećete stići dalje od svirki po menzama,mesnim zajednicama i domovima staraca.tekst za ovu pesmu mora biti jebaćkiji.ja bik muziku pesme poćo sa amerićkom himnom,koja bi se prekinula uz prasak bombe,iz koje se izradja pet-šest slajdova na gitari,posle kojih se nadovezuje kec divljanje na bubnjevima od desetak sekudni,a onda ulazi glavni jebaćki rif, i ovaj što peva uleće sa vriskom,i poćinjete sa dzilitanjem i gicanjem.thrash! nemojte misliti da nećete proći nenagradjeto sa takim aranž koncertima žene ima da vam po bini bacaju gaće,i bubrežnjače,i tange i ćiste,a i one sa belim pranjem.bruseve da nepominjem... Dobro bre Petre Vranjesicu sto ne jebesh neku sisatu nego sto drkash ljude po forumu,jesam fan volem Se ali ne bi gi pobio i nemo da prdish be! Pa sta onda seresh bem te u glavu skapalog ,da je mobilizacija i oni bi isli,ovako bi ih sjebali odma na granici! Bacale su njima neke picke bruseve kad su svirali ovde ima i snimak a to za popularnos,jednoga dana ima da ih mole i Slavica i Brena da im blajve......a sad to sto si naveo za aranzman ,poslusaj njihovu pesmu CRASH KILL DESTROY! Quote
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