lemmy sixx Posted October 9, 2007 Report Posted October 9, 2007 Jasan je,ali nije dovoljno glasan.Po mom ukusu naravno.Ne preterano,ali da je malo glasniji ne bi skodilo. Quote
DragonHeart Posted October 9, 2007 Report Posted October 9, 2007 Cini mi se da bi bilo suvise neobicno za Thrash da je bass glasniji. Produkcija je sasvim solidna, a same pjesme odlicne! Quote
Sisus Posted October 10, 2007 Report Posted October 10, 2007 Ej, vi iz Space Eater-a, nemate pojma... ...koliko ste dobri. hahahahahaha :) Odlican album. Nisam ovo hteo da kazem dok ga ne preslusam dva puta. Total support!!! Quote
Guest Brainsaladsandar Guuuz Posted October 10, 2007 Report Posted October 10, 2007 skidam i ja, ako mi se dopadne, kupujem oriđinal - obećavam Quote
catbucacat8 Posted October 10, 2007 Report Posted October 10, 2007 Just to show that they aren't going to be pigeonholed by anybody, the most wonderful Ihate Records, generally famous for their excellent doom roster, goes and pulls a release straight out of the left field. Now, if I tell you that this is a thrash release, it may have some of the more cynical of you reaching for the “next” button, but bear with me. This isn't some kind of Day-Glo shorts, water cannons and beer bongs kind of outfit, nor a group of tiresomely coiffeured young whippersnappers with too much time for Master of Puppets. Space Eater, (which brings on shades of Hawkwind to me, moniker wise, though I note from the accompanying blurb that the band took it from an...erm...Gamma Ray song), are a fantastic outfit from Serbia. This really brings to mind all the best moments of those rather unsung second division of thrash bands from back in the heyday of the genre in the eighties. Eschewing the rather more traditionally trod paths of their retro inspired peers, you're not going to find ne'er a trace of Metallica or Slayer here, rather the erratic, progressive touches of Heathen and Forbidden, with more than a dash here and there of the guitar heroics of prime Testament. After the now obligatory atmospheric opening track, thrasher-proper “Bombs Away” erupts from the disc, all rumbling, churning rhythm interspersed by the melodic guitar lines. Vocally, this is probably more authentic than any band influenced by the old school of thrash than any I have heard this year. Cleanly sung, the vocals are powerful, high pitched and not aversed to the odd high pitched WaAaAiLlLlL! The track listing is an absolute storm. This is a band that has existed since 2003 (or 2002, depending on where you look on their bio), and they have obviously honed their skills since then. There isn't a single wasted note here, not a filler track to be heard among all ten on the shiny silvery disc. The composition and musicianship on display here would shame many more high profile acts, and hearing the frankly stunning “Overkill” (not a Motorhead cover) should be high on the priority list for any metal head who dares call themselves a thrasher. With tracks sounding like they could easily have been culled from classic albums such as “The Legacy” and “The Ultraviolence”, this is one experience that you can't afford to miss. The production is powerful and has a wonderful clarity, and to my ears is mixed to absolute perfection. The song writing and composition is beyond reproach, and the musicianship truly first class. I was beginning to wonder if any truly excellent bands would be borne from this newest wave of thrash. It seems as if the first of the new Kings has risen to the throne. All hail Space Eater. Bow you dogs! Bow! E ovo se zove recenzija!!! (skinuto sa www.metalteamuk.net, kasne malo Englezi, al' oprastamo im) Quote
Karlo SE Posted October 10, 2007 Report Posted October 10, 2007 Jebem ti, koja recenzija... sta reci, hvala mu, ponosan sam do neba. Quote
Шарки Posted October 10, 2007 Report Posted October 10, 2007 Ми смо још поноснији на вас, другари. @ Fарлота Усудио сам се и ја да даунлоадујем албум, и сад идем да се штекнем у струју и да слушам ("у струју", значи сјебани mp3 плејер, морам да га слушам прикаченог на USB). Quote
Шарки Posted October 10, 2007 Report Posted October 10, 2007 Брате, није ми добро како албум одваљује... Quote
Guest Brainsaladsandar Guuuz Posted October 11, 2007 Report Posted October 11, 2007 old school lives!!!! vratilo me u doba kad sam slušao heathen, whiplash, vio-lence, forbidden, despair... čestitam Quote
catbucacat8 Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 Ladno nas ima na nekom sajtu www.mp3sale.ru , album 1.5usd a pesma 0.15. Sta su ti Ruje!!! Quote
solicitor Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 Odlican album, kao sto sam i pretpostavljao. O SE oduvek imam najbolje misljenje i tu se necu ponavljati. Stoji da je malo zbuk umeksan na nosacu zvuka u odnosu na live nastup, sto je naravno logicno, ali niej se nista izgubilo na koncepciji. Zamerka mi je da je nedovoljno iskoriscen potencijal 2 gitare iako ima odlicnih solaza i par lepih terci, mislim da je bilo prostora da se jos malo razdvoji zvuk 2 gitare. Bass je po meni odlicno uklopljen, Karlo je mag na svom instrumentu Bole na visini zadatka, bubnjevi su mozda mogli biti malo pojacani, ali sve u svemu, nema vecih zamerki Pohvale za raznovrsne pesme, promene ritmova i odlicnu atmosferu. Moj favorit je za sad Operaphobia .... ima najvise elemenata koje ja volim da cujem. Sudeci po Kerrazy-ju za Space Eater ce cuti thrasheri shirom sveta, a nasi thrasheri ce pazariti potpisane primerke na nekoj od nardnih svirki Respect za trud koji se isplatio. SUPPORT !!!! Vidimo se na svirci nadam se .. ispao sam iz tokova zbog posla Quote
Karlo SE Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 Mis'im sta reci, kad ovakve (i onakve sa kerrazy-ja) reci hvale dodju od nekrunisanog kralja beogradskog thrash-a moze nam samo biti mnogo milo em drago, hvala Soli! Ne brini za tokove, i mi smo malo ispali, Bosko nam je u vojsci od septembra pa cekamo da se malo stabilizuju njegove obaveze tamo pa da moze cesce na vikend da izlazi da se konacno organizujemo da malo sviramo, nismo od 10. avgusta... ali bice. Jos jednom, hvala svima! Quote
solicitor Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 Suicidal life - Join The Army Ai ... jel redovna ili pederska vojska? Ako je redovna palo je shishanje Da vidimo Boleta oshishanog lava kako slamuje bez kose Ja znam kako mu je ... E da .. i da mu vojnicki dani brzo prodju .... mmislim da ce posle ove vojske pesme malo vise vuci na narodnjake Quote
GROM Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 (edited) Evo linkovi za direktno skidanje... http://rapidshare.com/files/61155735/S___E...tal.ru.rar.html http://depositfiles.com/en/files/1995887 Kvalitet, VBR@230kbit Edited October 12, 2007 by GROM Quote
Karlo SE Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 Suicidal life - Join The Army Ai ... jel redovna ili pederska vojska? Ako je redovna palo je shishanje Da vidimo Boleta oshishanog lava kako slamuje bez kose Ja znam kako mu je ... E da .. i da mu vojnicki dani brzo prodju .... mmislim da ce posle ove vojske pesme malo vise vuci na narodnjake Ma u regularnoj, jebo ga bas! Osisan... Quote
Sisus Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 (edited) Hej, Rizzen, trebao si u potpis staviti i mejl, ima i onih koji ne znaju ko su clanovi benda, a kamoli koji im je mejl. Edited October 12, 2007 by SperMen Quote
Karlo SE Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 Pa kapiram da se izvali iz bilo kog posta, bilo kog clana, da je on drug clan. A i toliko su puta ponavljani mailovi, i sve zivo, kapiram da ce se ljudi snaci. Quote
kuruz Posted October 13, 2007 Report Posted October 13, 2007 Ja сам заинтересован за ориЂинал, ко би био најбржи у томе да се нађемо негде у БГу? Quote
kuruz Posted October 14, 2007 Report Posted October 14, 2007 Преслушао сам оно што сам скинуо с нета, додуше само једном, али за неки први утисак је довољно. Музика је феноменална, стварно ми се свака песма свиђа с те стране, али ми се вокал никако не допада. Чини ми се да је то превише танко за овакву свирку и да било много прикладније неком power бенду. Quote
Guest ZzombieE Posted October 14, 2007 Report Posted October 14, 2007 Го преслушав албумот и ептен многу ми се свиѓа и планирам кога ќе доаѓам у Београд (на некој концерт и сл.) да си го купам. Само ме интересира позадината на текстот за "Bombs Away", конкретно овие стихови... This particular nation you can't slay We shall stay here with our pride This holy land's your final stop Света земја? Српски национализам?! Или? Нешто што најмногу ми смета во металот (или треш сеедно) е национализам по било која основа! That's not metal! П.С. Јас го поставив албумот на Kerrazy, како и што може да се примети од никот/аватарот. П.П.С. Извинете што пишувам на македонски. Keep thrashin'! Quote
Sisus Posted October 14, 2007 Report Posted October 14, 2007 Nije to prijatelju nacionalizam, vec njihov stav prema bombardovanju Srbije. Quote
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