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Prokomentarisite, dajte neku sugestiju...





Dark thoughts in your mind,

shadows swallowing life,

possessed by thy power,

alone among mankind

My second resurrection,

all these paths leads to pain,

there is no voice from divine,

again sick affection

Death's final embrace,

I can smell that breath,

Slowly closing eyes

on the sad, tortured face.

Bizarre neverending dreams

dwelled in damned soul

bitter taste of life is place

of all my tears.

Passion for the weak

burns inside this prison

Four walls, cries lost in the dark

Still I'm One who seek.

From the deepest of human brain

northern calls are risen

dark melody floats trough soul void

remember their forgotten names.




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Mogla bi da se peva. Sto se mene tice, tekstu zamisljenom da se izvodi uz muzicku numeru vise od toga nije potrebno.

Sunshine, sunshine reggae...



Jedino sto je gluplje od pesme je autor.

imash ti neki problem?

...chini mi se da ih imash vishe od jednog....

da vidimo neku tvoju pesmu?!

...ochigledno ti je pisanje pesama ochajno pa ismejavash druge...

Sunshine, sunshine reggae...



Jedino sto je gluplje od pesme je autor.

a ko si ti da ocenjujes kakav je autor? pesma je bas super , nije glupa , a ti sto ako ocenjujes druge wallbash.gif !!!!!!!


@lake bodom imam neke ideje za muziku, ali polako... imam sad ispitni rok pa nema sanse nista da radim povodom toga. drago mi je da ti se svidja


@black rose hvala za podrsku, pored ovakvih debila podrska uvek doboro dodje icon_smile.gif

@ vojvoda napisi ti nesto, pa onda pokusaj da budes dovoljno hrabar da to okacis. rekao sam da se prokomentarise pesma, a sto se tice autora mozes samo da mu se sagnes i icon_da.gif


@lake bodom imam neke ideje za muziku, ali polako... imam sad ispitni rok pa nema sanse nista da radim povodom toga. drago mi je da ti se svidja


@black rose hvala za podrsku, pored ovakvih debila podrska uvek doboro dodje icon_smile.gif

@ vojvoda napisi ti nesto, pa onda pokusaj da budes dovoljno hrabar da to okacis. rekao sam da se prokomentarise pesma, a sto se tice autora mozes samo da mu se sagnes i icon_da.gif

uvek tu da te branim od "debila" biggrin.gif


ajde neka neko proba da vredja dok sam ja tu violent.gificon_smile.gif

Posted (edited)

Hvala svima koji su dali svoje komentare, a posto vidim da imam vec dobar broj pristalica(da ne kazem fanova ), odlucio sam da ostavim ovde jos neke pesmice(koje cine celinu), pa ako vam se i to svidi nastavicemo dalje...

Hvala anabel lee i jos jednom hvala black rose za podrsku!





From Diary(part I-intro)

Vision of a new beginnig shines so brightly

in our heart.

We will seek for the truth

from new start.

With tears we are leaving the last colony of Earth

Maybe one day our story becomes saga of humanity...


Quiet steps to unknown(part II)


Slowly we go on road to deepest

secrets of human,

divided to saints and sinners

to faith ones and unbelievers.

So many signs, so many stars

and just one way to find the truth..

Moving cross the universe

trying' to find the similar,

eternal searching for deliverance

one day will be past.

Execution of inspiration,

total knowledge desecration,

and all those symptoms of

human damnation...

never forgotten mother earth,

beautiful blue oceans,

untouched nature,

all your frames remain

in non-human memory...

There are 1000 years since he died,

the last who saw your face,

we, your sons and daughters,

are lost in time and a place!



Cosmic elegy(part III)


...And we are running trough the dark

in the places where our Sun

is just a shining spark...


In my hands wooden cross

and words that calls Him.

But the cosmic elegy is strong,

what if this trip is wrong?

We know that dark oceans of stars

dont forgive

If there is a god we would

get his message received.

Maybe we should die with

the rest of a kind

Maybe we have cheated

rules of the One.


Silence surround remains of humanity,

great shadow is rising and

leading us stray to insanity

Death, stars and angels

united in One,

fear is to weak to say how we feel!

Mystic wall guars gates of perception,

no chance to enter the other side...

Cross is losing meaning

cause we are blinded by force

much stronger than our God.


What's the constitution of ilusion

we call life?

Are we threat to Creator of Time?



...And we are running trough the dark

in the places where our Sun

is just a shining spark...




[/i] biggrin.gif

Edited by SacrilegiouS


...And we are running trough the dark

in the places where our Sun

is just a shining spark...



ja sam tvoj najveci fan! biggrin.gif

meni prvoj da dash autogram biggrin.gif

ozbiljno...pesma ti je... wub.gif

odlican kraj...obozavam ga...a i celu pesmu happy.gif


hvala black rose za podrsku!


uvek icon_cool.gif




ja sam tvoj najveci fan! biggrin.gif

meni prvoj da dash autogram biggrin.gif

ozbiljno...pesma ti je... wub.gif

odlican kraj...obozavam ga...a i celu pesmu happy.gif




uvek icon_cool.gif

Hvala, hvala biggrin.gif

Dogovoricemo se za autogram, mesto i vreme ce biti naknadno objavljeni, a mogu da ti obezbedim da dodjes na red preko reda icon_wink.gif posto si ipak ti moj najveci fan biggrin.gif

Hvala, hvala biggrin.gif

Dogovoricemo se za autogram, mesto i vreme ce biti naknadno objavljeni, a mogu da ti obezbedim da dodjes na red preko reda icon_wink.gif posto si ipak ti moj najveci fan biggrin.gif

jupiiiii happy.gif

chast mi je biti tvoj najvechi fan, nosicu tu titulu sa ponosom icon_wink.gif


uvek neki debil mora da kvari lepe stvari!!! Ako ti se ne svidja fuck off.....




Peko , nisi me obavestio da imas ovako super textove.....moraces da mi pokazes i ostale kad dodjem kod tebe....inace treba da te silujem u star craftu!!!!!!

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