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Ovaj novi Sodom vremenom nikako da mi udari neki jaci utisak...niti da dosadi, niti da me odusevi. OK izdanje, ali definitivno najslabije jos od "'Til Death...". Opet nesto "siri" songwriting, kao na proslom, ima zanimljivih deonica tu i tamo, npr. melodicni breakovi na "Toxic Veins" i "Storm", takodjer opet mi "spora" pesma albuma u favoritima ("Enemy Inside" - "God Bless You"). Pomenuta "Storm Raging Up", uprkos strasno dosadnom refrenu, cu ipak ubaciti bolje, jer ima podosta ukusnih riffova i delova, verovatno najbolja sa tre strane na albumu. Prve dve su isto solidan one-two punch za otvaranje, Kanarican punky ludilo, k'o neki '90s Sodom, ostatak...mostly forgettable.


Blind Guardian i Sodom kao da su izdali iste albume ove godine, samo razliciti zanrovi :]

  • Upvote 1
  • 4 weeks later...

Odlicni su, novi album kida!

Najbolje pesme : Knarrenheinz i God Bless You!

Obe su mnogo mocne, ali mi je God bolji! :)

Inace skoro sam poceo sa Sodom-om, ali su mnogo dobri, vec posle ovih "malo" vremena! :D

  • Upvote 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Former SODOM guitarist Dirk Strahlimeier, who played with the band from 1995 through 1996, has passed away.


Commented SODOM bassist/vocalist Thomas "Angelripper" Such: "As I learned from a reliable source, our ex-guitarist Dirk 'Strahli' Strahlmeier died this month in a hospital in Düsseldorf, Germany. Currently we don't know the exact circumstances of his death. Strahli played on the album 'Masquerade In Blood' which was released in 1995 on SPV. After that we had lost contact with him. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends."

  On 1/21/2011 at 4:27 PM, Mr.Murray said:

Odlicni su, novi album kida!

Najbolje pesme : Knarrenheinz i God Bless You!

Obe su mnogo mocne, ali mi je God bolji! :)

Inace skoro sam poceo sa Sodom-om, ali su mnogo dobri, vec posle ovih "malo" vremena! :D

imas ti jos leba da pojedes... xD bez persecution manie nema napolje!!!

  • Upvote 1
  • Downvote 1
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Zar nije Sodom svirao u Srbiji ili je to bila otkazana svirka?Sto godina imam celu diskografiju Sodoma a slabo sam ih slusao,naravno da znam za Agent Orange kao najbolji album Persecution Mania isto,to im je prvi album jel da?Najbolja je ona poslednja stvar sa tog albuma,slusao sam Till.. na ostale albume sam slabo obracao paznju..Jbg ima toliko dobre metal muzike da ne mozes sve da stignes da preslusas ni da oces..

Edited by Pagan Saviour
  • Downvote 4
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

``A few minutes ago I received an upsetting phone call from Tom and Makka as Bernemann has been rushed to hospital. We do not know what exactly has happened as I write this e-mail, he is currently under medical observation in the emergency section to discover exactly what the problem is.

We feel very sorry, but unfortunately and obviously because of the situation as it stands at the moment the band cannot travel to Katowice on Saturday.

I know it is not the best time and it is short notice, but the situation as it is with Bernemann leaves the band no choice.

I hope for your understanding and I regret that this situation has come about, the band were looking forward to playing at your festival. ``


Dobri albumi Sodoma su i Better Off Dead, Tappin The Vein, Get What You Deserve(TAJ OBOZAVAM!), glupo mi je sto ih ljudi svode samo na Agenta Pomorandzu i Persecution Mania, jer stvarno imaju jos brda kvalitetnih pesama van ta dva albuma :meshuggah:

  • Upvote 2
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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